生态空间占用,ecological footprint
1)ecological footprint生态空间占用
1.Consumer ecological footprint dose not reflect the sustainable development situation of natural resources.本文利用生态空间占用理论与方法,从生产角度对西北地区生态空间开发占用进行估算,并与区域实际生物承载力进行比较,反映西北地区生产可持续发展状况。
2.Ecological footprint is a useful indicator for measuring the pressure imposed by human on natural capital and offering real bio capacity within a given region or country.生态空间占用是衡量人类对自然资源的利用程度以及自然界为人类提供的生命支持服务功能的一种方法。
3.The ecological footprint analysis initiated by William E.基于区域可持续发展研究的需要 ,根据Wackernagel等人的文献和我们对河南省生态空间占用的实际研究 ,本文从基本概念出发主要探讨了生态空间占用法的理论基础 (可持续发展理论和人地关系理论 ) ,相关理论 (承载力理论、投入产出潜力理论 )以及支持生态空间占用法的金字塔模型等其他理论问题 。

1.Study on ecological appropriation of Hunan Province in 2000;湖南省2000年生态空间占用研究
3.Theoretical Problem of Ecological Footprint in Regional Sustainable Development;区域可持续发展中的生态空间占用法理论研究
4.Study on the Relation between Economic Development Level and Ecological Appropriation in Middle-west Area of Inner Mongolia内蒙古中西部经济发展水平与生态空间占用关系研究
5.(not in the continuous tenses)occupy a particular position in space or time;occur(不用于进行时态)占据一定的空间或时间;发生;出现
6.Study on the occupying phenomena of ecological footprint from other regions through farm products flowing in our country--A case study from wheat;我国农产品流动的生态空间跨区占用研究——以小麦为例
7.Interfaces, in this regard, should resemble sovereign posture applications, taking the full-screen real estate.基于这种情况,这时的界面应该采用独占姿态,完全占据屏幕空间。
8.(of time)for leisure;unoccupied(指时间)空闲的,未占用的
9.Disk SpaceManage the amount of disk space taken by messages磁盘空间管理消息占用的磁盘空间数
10.Allocating screen real estate to this effort typically does not contribute to excise in the same way as it does in sovereign applications.为此在屏幕上占用一些空间,并不像独占姿态应用那样一定会导致附加工作。
11.Substitution of Non-Renewable Resources to Ecological Space under Ecological Deficit Conditions;生态赤字下非再生资源对生态空间的替代作用
12.The consumable supplies required to maintain that crew took up enormous cargo space.而用来维持他们生活的补给占用了大量的货舱空间。
13.Humans have occupied the living space of the wild animals, beginning the destruction of the world's natural ecological balance.人们占据了野生动物赖以生存的空间,开始破坏地球的自然生态平衡。
14.That easy chair takes up too much room.那张安乐椅占用太多的空间
15.The dresser is too expensive, on top of that, it takes too much space.这个柜子太贵了,再说,它占用太多空间。
16.The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space.占同一位置在空间上占据相同的有关位置或区域的状态和事实
17.Columns that are NULL will not occupy other space than the bit in this vector.值为空的列不会再占用此位向量以外的空间。
18.Ecological underground space environment in World Expo and renewable energyuse世博地下空间环境生态化与可再生能源利用

Ecological appropriation amount生态空间占用量
3)ecological footprint生态占用
1.Primary study on the ecological footprints of Anhui Province;安徽省生态占用状况的初步研究
2.A useful indicator:ecological footprint;生态占用——衡量可持续发展的生物物理方法
3.Eco-footprint productive efficiency,which is integrated with the economic indicators to signify the relative output of per capita ecological footprint,is defined.通过构建生态占用的产出效率这一与经济指标紧密结合的指数来表征地区单位GDP对资源和能源的需求强度,并对2003年各省生态占用的产出效率进行了计算,阐述了中国生态占用产出效率的空间分异格局,表明:生态占用的产出效率与经济发展水平呈现正相关关系,在地域上存在东、中、西格局;这一指标与人均GDP、地区R&D经费支出、人均能源消费量、第三产业比重密切相关,且影响力依次减弱;基于对生态占用产出效率的认识,我国可持续生态调控中同样面临效率与公平的问题。
1.The authors first compare other two correlative methods with eco-footprint.首先将生态占用测度方法与其他相关研究方法作了比较,其次估算了鄱阳湖区生态占用情况,并将之与全球及全国情况进行了比较,并在最后指出了此方法的缺陷。
2.the article speculate on some problems of Eco-footprint?The writer first compares other two correlative methods with Eco-footprint, secondly, makes clear the application of the method, appraises the Poyang Lake Region s Eco-footprint, and compares it with the world and China s Eco-footprint.本文以一种思辩的态度对生态占用测度方法的几个基本问题进行了分析。
5)Ecological occupancy rate生态占用率
6)dynamic space occupancy动态空间占有率
1.A new parameter named dynamic space occupancy is introduced.提出了一个新的参量———动态空间占有率,它不仅考虑了车辆实际投影区域对道路的实占有,还考虑了车辆对道路的虚占有,即前方不能被其他交通参与者占有的区域。

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