娱乐文化,entertainment culture
1)entertainment culture娱乐文化
1.Through exploring the means of sports leisure and entertainment activities in Song dynasty,this article demonstrates the diverse sports leisure activities of Song Dynasty,which exist in various forms like "Washe" activities,"Guild" associations,water entertainments and folk activities and create a unique sports leisure and entertainment culture.通过对宋代体育休闲娱乐活动形式的挖掘,发现宋代体育休闲活动内容精彩纷呈,并以"瓦舍"活动、"会社"组织、水上娱乐、民俗活动等多种形式存在,创造了独具特色的体育休闲娱乐文化
2.Through studying the development of entertainment culture,we can see three new changes exit in Chinese entertainment culture,which are from sin to impeccability,from intellectual to populace,and from politicalization to commerce.娱乐文化已成为当下社会一个不可轻视,也不可忽视的文化现象。
3., entertainment culture.娱乐起源于社会实践,在与其他社会因素的交互作用中不断发展完善,形成一种文化现象,即娱乐文化

1.Thinking on Today s Entertainment Culture: Entertainment is Myths or Shell;娱乐 神话 空壳——对当今娱乐文化的思考
2.As a kind of Newly-Developing Recreational Culture,Discussion on Development of Recreational Sports in Chian论我国的新兴娱乐文化———娱乐体育的发展
3.Analysis of Post-Modernity of Web2.0 Blog Entertainment Culture;论Web2.0博客娱乐文化的后现代性
4.The Relation between the Activities of the Folk-Custom Tourism Festival and Contemporary Entertainment Culture;论民俗旅游节庆活动与当代娱乐文化的关系
5.Overseas Media Show Concern over the 13 Cultural Recreation Projects in Beijng文化娱乐最前沿(上篇)——海外媒体关注的北京13个文化娱乐项目
6.Overseas Media Show Concern over the 13 Cultural Recreation Projects in Beijing文化娱乐最前沿(下篇)——海外媒体关注的北京13个文化娱乐项目
7.Hankou's Cultural Recreation Business in Process of Modernization (1861-1949)近代化进程中的汉口文化娱乐业(1861—1949)
8.Research on the Dissemination of Chinese Traditional Oulture in Amusing Model;中国传统文化的传播娱乐化模式研究
9.Consumer spending on sports, fitness, culture and entertainment increased considerably.体育健身和文化娱乐消费明显增多。
10.The Entertainments News Reporting under the Influences of the Cosumption Culture;《消费文化影响下的娱乐新闻报道》
11.A review on the relationship between consumer culture and biographical research;图像、媒介与娱乐——消费文化与传记研究
12.Daily lifestyle: The art of entertainment and its way of culture;日常生活方式:娱乐艺术及其文化道路
13.Entertaining Events in Media: A New Form of Cultural Consumption;传媒娱乐事件:文化消费的一种新形态
14.A Brief Discussion of the Cultural Entertainment Market in Song Dynasty;略论宋代文化娱乐市场与南戏的发展
15.Kuso culture: displays recreational roles in online dissemination;“恶搞”文化:凸显网络传播的娱乐功能
16.The Unity of Commodity, Technology and Entertainment in Popular Culture;大众文化中的商品、技术、娱乐三位一体
17.A Cultural Criticism on The Image Communication of Recreational Stars on TV;对电视娱乐明星形象传播的文化批判
18.Chinese Television Entertaining Programs in the Context of Mass Culture大众文化语境下的中国电视娱乐节目

amusement culture娱乐文化
3)cultural entertainment文化娱乐
1.With the poor condition problem of spare time life and cultural entertainment for peasant workers,the design research a kind of mobile space of cultural entertainment to create a good living,entertainment,study and hygienic condition.设计针对现有农民工业余生活及文化娱乐状况差的问题,探索一种可移动的文化娱乐空间,从而为他们创造良好的生活、娱乐、学习及卫生条件。
4)culture and recreation industry文化娱乐业
1.Current situation and opportunity of culture and recreation industry of China;我国文化娱乐业的现状及出路
5)Culture and recreation文化和娱乐
6)amuse ment and cultural system娱乐文化系统
