节杆菌属,Arthrobacter sp
1)Arthrobacter sp节杆菌属
1.Results: A strain named as LZP08X was isolated and identified as Arthrobacter sp.结果:获得一株能高效降解苯酚的菌株,命名为LZP08X,通过形态观察和生理生化特征分析,初步鉴定为节杆菌属(Ar-throbacter sp。
2.Based on the physiological and biochemical tests as well as 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis, the bacterial strains HQN2 and JYC17 were identified as Arthrobacter sp.经生理生化特征分析及16SrDNA序列分析,菌株HQN2和JYC17分别被鉴定为节杆菌属(Arthrobactersp。
3.The 16S rRNA sequence analysis revealed that the four strains had similarities of 99% with Arthrobacter sp.菌株革兰氏染色阳性,16S rDNA序列分析显示4株菌均与节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp。
1.Strains B-5,B-46 and B-47 were identified as Micrococcus sp p,B-4 was identified as Arthrobacter sp.),B-4属于节杆菌属(Arthrobactersp。
2.Their physiological and biochemical properties indicated that M6, M8 and M13 were characterized to be Staphylococcus, Bacillus and Arthrobacter respectively.)和节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp。
3.It was identified as Arthrobacter.从长期受草甘膦污染的土壤中筛选出10株草甘膦降解菌,其中A5菌株对草甘膦的降解率最高,经鉴定该菌株属于节杆菌属(Arthrobacter)。
3)Arthrobacter spp节杆菌属某些种
1.The morphology and physiology of three stains shows that the strain PD51 and PD53 belong to Microbacterium,while the strain PD56 belongs to Arthrobater.通过形态学观察和生理生化指标对这3种微生物进行鉴定,初步确定菌株PD51和PD53属于微杆菌属(Microbacterium),而菌株PD56属于节杆菌属(Arthrobater)。
2.Eleven of them belong to genus Bacillus, four are genus Microbacterium and one Xanthobacter wiegeletal flauus.从曾候乙墓分离到的16株菌,其中有11株为芽孢杆菌属类,4株微杆菌属,1林为黄色杆菌属。
3.The microbial strain was identified as Microbacterium based on morphological observations,as well as physiological and biochemical tests.从炼油厂分离出一株脱硫的菌株YBS2#,摇瓶培养该菌株96 h后通过高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测,对二苯并噻吩(DBT)降解率可达到64%,经对菌株进行形态观察及生理生化特征鉴定将其归类为微杆菌属(M icrobacterium)。
1.Objective:To investigate the distribution of Lactobacillus in the vagina of healthy women and women with bacterial vaginosis.目的:观察健康妇女与细菌性阴道病患者阴道内乳杆菌属内各种乳杆菌在阴道中分布的差异。
2.OBJECTIVE To study the effect of Lactobacillus vaginalis and Candida infection o n vaginitis.方法对5 398例性病门诊妇女阴道分泌物进行乳杆菌属、白色念珠菌、线索细胞、滴虫、白细胞等检查。
3.In view of the wide industrial and medical application of lactobacilli,there has been considerable interest in strain improvement and in genetic transfer systems for Lactobacillus species.由于乳杆菌属革兰阳性菌,细胞壁厚,重组质粒电转化效率低,甚至不能实现转化,影响了它作为基因工程受体菌的应用。

1.Any of various rod-shaped, nonmotile aerobic bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus that ferment lactic acid from sugars and are the causative agents in the souring of milk.乳酸杆菌任一种杆状的乳杆菌属的不游动好氧菌,它能使糖发酵产生乳酸,也是牛奶发酸的导因
2.Acid production by Lactococcus lactis subsp, lactis is followed by additional acid production associated with the growth of more acid tolerant organisms such as Lactobacillus.乳酸乳球菌乳亚种菌产酸,随着产酸量的增加伴随着微生物的生长,如乳杆菌属的菌。
3.Growth characteristics and metabolomic sampling strategy of Lactobacillus sp. 30a(ATCC33222)乳杆菌属30a菌株(ATCC33222)的生长特性及代谢组学采样策略
4.At this point Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis continue to function.此时植物乳杆菌和短乳杆菌继续起作用。
5.Study of Bacteriocin Produced by Lactobacillus Pentosus 31-1;戊糖乳杆菌31-1菌株产细菌素研究
6.Development of Microcapsule Containing Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus双歧杆菌和嗜酸乳杆菌二联活菌微胶囊的研制
7.Researching and Producing on Piglet Compound Probiotics with Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium and Bacillus Natto;猪用乳酸杆菌、双歧杆菌、纳豆芽孢杆菌复合活菌制剂的研制
8.Acidophilus milk is produced by using Lactobacitlus acidophilus.嗜酸乳是使用嗜酸乳杆菌而制得的。
9.The studies of the fermented milk ace restrain peptide by lactobacillus helveticus瑞士乳杆菌发酵乳ACE抑制肽的研究
10.Studies on Kinetics of Lactic Acid Fermentation by Lactobacillus Rhamnosus鼠李糖乳杆菌乳酸发酵动力学的研究
11.Studies on β-galactosidase and Proteolytic Activities of Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Lactobacillus Casei嗜酸乳杆菌和干酪乳杆菌β-半乳糖苷酶和蛋白水解活性的研究
12.Study on the Technology of Soybean Milk Fermentation by Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Lactobacillus Casei鼠李糖乳杆菌与干酪乳杆菌发酵大豆乳工艺研究
13.Study of Plantaricin ZJ317 Producted by L.Plantarum ZJ317植物乳杆菌ZJ317产细菌素的初步研究
14.Study on bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus rhamnosus(ATTC 53103)鼠李糖乳杆菌(ATTC53103)产细菌素的研究
15.Study on Viable But Non-culturable Escherichia Coli and Lactobacillus Lactis;大肠杆菌、乳酸杆菌“活的非可培养状态”研究
16.Isolation and Culture of Lactobacillus from Human by Characteristics of Inhibition on Helicobacter Pylori in Vitro;体外抑制幽门螺杆菌的人源乳酸杆菌的选育
17.The Effects of the Lonicera Extract from Water Solution on Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus;金银花水提物对双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌的作用
18.High Cell and Spore Density Culture of L.sporogenes (Bacillus Coagulans TQ33);芽孢乳酸杆菌(凝结芽孢杆菌TQ33)的高密度培养

1.Strains B-5,B-46 and B-47 were identified as Micrococcus sp p,B-4 was identified as Arthrobacter sp.),B-4属于节杆菌属(Arthrobactersp。
2.Their physiological and biochemical properties indicated that M6, M8 and M13 were characterized to be Staphylococcus, Bacillus and Arthrobacter respectively.)和节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp。
3.It was identified as Arthrobacter.从长期受草甘膦污染的土壤中筛选出10株草甘膦降解菌,其中A5菌株对草甘膦的降解率最高,经鉴定该菌株属于节杆菌属(Arthrobacter)。
3)Arthrobacter spp节杆菌属某些种
1.The morphology and physiology of three stains shows that the strain PD51 and PD53 belong to Microbacterium,while the strain PD56 belongs to Arthrobater.通过形态学观察和生理生化指标对这3种微生物进行鉴定,初步确定菌株PD51和PD53属于微杆菌属(Microbacterium),而菌株PD56属于节杆菌属(Arthrobater)。
2.Eleven of them belong to genus Bacillus, four are genus Microbacterium and one Xanthobacter wiegeletal flauus.从曾候乙墓分离到的16株菌,其中有11株为芽孢杆菌属类,4株微杆菌属,1林为黄色杆菌属。
3.The microbial strain was identified as Microbacterium based on morphological observations,as well as physiological and biochemical tests.从炼油厂分离出一株脱硫的菌株YBS2#,摇瓶培养该菌株96 h后通过高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测,对二苯并噻吩(DBT)降解率可达到64%,经对菌株进行形态观察及生理生化特征鉴定将其归类为微杆菌属(M icrobacterium)。
1.Objective:To investigate the distribution of Lactobacillus in the vagina of healthy women and women with bacterial vaginosis.目的:观察健康妇女与细菌性阴道病患者阴道内乳杆菌属内各种乳杆菌在阴道中分布的差异。
2.OBJECTIVE To study the effect of Lactobacillus vaginalis and Candida infection o n vaginitis.方法对5 398例性病门诊妇女阴道分泌物进行乳杆菌属、白色念珠菌、线索细胞、滴虫、白细胞等检查。
3.In view of the wide industrial and medical application of lactobacilli,there has been considerable interest in strain improvement and in genetic transfer systems for Lactobacillus species.由于乳杆菌属革兰阳性菌,细胞壁厚,重组质粒电转化效率低,甚至不能实现转化,影响了它作为基因工程受体菌的应用。

节杆菌属分子式:CAS号:性质:放线菌目中的一属专性好氧、过氧化氢酶阳性、无芽孢的革兰氏阳性杆菌。在培养早期,细胞呈不规则、多形态的杆状,有时出现初级分枝;至稳定期时,细胞呈球状或卵圆状。经转接到新培养基中就发展成杆状。最适生长温度25℃。进行氧化性代谢。能分解纤维素。广泛分布于土壤。G+C mol%值为59~66。模式种为球形节杆菌(A. globiformis)。有些种类可生产氨基酸和核苷酸或进行甾体转化。