兽药抗生素,veterinary antibiotics
1)veterinary antibiotics兽药抗生素
1.Extensive use of veterinary antibiotics in livestock farming increases risk that these compounds end up in environment when manure is used as fertilizer.兽药抗生素在畜禽养殖生产中被大量使用,由于这些药物的大部分会被排入粪便并随粪便作为肥料而随处散播,增加了环境风险。

1.Sorption Behaviors of Veterinary Antibiotics on Soil and Its Components兽药抗生素在土壤及其组分上吸附行为的研究
2.Evaluation of bacteriostatic effect of four veterinary antibiotics in vitro四种兽用抗生素的体外抑菌效果评价
3.Determination of the Potency of Three Antibiotics by Turbidimetric Method微生物浊度法测定三种兽用抗生素效价
4.an antibiotic and antifungal agent.抗生素和抗真菌药物混合而成的药物。
5.World Notes on Antibiotics国外医药.抗生素分册
6.I'll give you some cough medicine and some antibiotic pill.我给开点咳嗽药和一些抗生素药丸。
7.wonder drug=miracle drug)疗效神奇的药, 灵药(尤指抗生素)
8.Retail chemicals, antibiotics, proprietary Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian.零售化学制剂、抗生素、中成药、中药饮片。
9.The Studies on Antibiotics Against Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria and Antitumor Agents From Microorganisms;微生物来源的抗耐药菌及抗肿瘤抗生素研究
10.Application of Mycology in the Field of Veterinary Medicine and of Myceplasm to Control Avian Influenza;菌物挺进兽药域 菌质制抗禽流感
11.Retail: proprietary Chinese medicines; Chinese medicine Yinpian, chemical or agent; Antibiotics; Biochemical drugs; Health supplies; Food, cosmetics.零售:中成药;中药饮片、学药制剂;抗生素;生化药品;保健用品;食品、妆品。
12.proprietary medicine not containing antibiotics, hormones, alkaloids or microbial products专卖药,不含抗生素、激素、生物碱或微生物制品
13.standards for pharmaceuticals, food hygiene and veterinary medicine;药品标准,食品卫生标准,兽药标准;
14.I'll give you this prescription for an antibiotic.我给您开张抗生素的药方.
15.Antibiotics favor the growth of resistant mutants.抗菌素促成耐药变种的生长。
16.This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics.这种药会抑制抗生素引起的反胃。
17.Study on Advanced Treament Techniques of Antibiotics Wastewater;抗生素制药废水的深度处理技术研究
18.Study and Application of Polarogrophic Catalytic Wave of Antibiotic;抗生素药物的极谱催化波研究与应用

Antibacterial medicines抗菌兽药
3)antiparasite drugs for animals兽用抗寄生虫药物
1.Research progress of new techniques and new preparation of antiparasite drugs for animals;兽用抗寄生虫药物新剂型及其新技术的研究进展
4)antibiotic resistance抗生素耐药
1.However, in recent years substantial researches showed that with the slather using of antibiotics, the rate of antibiotic resistance increased year by year.pylori对甲硝唑、克拉霉素、阿莫西林、呋喃唑酮和左氧氟沙星的耐药情况,同时进行抗生素耐药性与根除率比较,已明确根除率下降与抗生素耐药的相关性。
1.An Investigation of 348 Patients who have been Experienced the Operation of Oblique Inguinal Hernia and have Used Antibiotics Preventively in 10 Hospitals in Chengdu;成都市10所医院348例腹股沟疝外科手术患者预防用抗生素药物的调查分析
6)farm antibiotics农药抗生素

抗生素R-22分子式:CAS号:性质:又名抗生素R-22,是由我国土壤分离的金褐链丝菌Streptomyces aureofuscus n. sp. 产生的一种四烯大环内酯类广谱抗真菌抗生素。无色针状结晶,无固定熔点。溶于吡啶、二甲基甲酰胺、二甲基亚砜,微溶于甲醇,难溶于水,结构未最终确定。其脱氧胆酸钠盐易溶于水。作用似两性霉素B,多用于治疗真菌性角膜溃疡。用本品0.1%的生理盐水液滴眼,半小时一次,每次1~2滴。滴眼时可有轻度疼痛。