土地石漠化,land rocky desertification
1)land rocky desertification土地石漠化
1.Atlas analyses of karst land rocky desertification and ecological rehabilitation model;喀斯特土地石漠化的图谱分析与生态重建
2.The given eco geoenvironmental setting has evident control action on land rocky desertification, rocky deserted land mostly distributes in the river-valley regions where karst very developed and tectogenesis was violent in Guizhou province.特定的生态地质环境背景对土地石漠化具有明显的控制作用。

1.The Causes and Control Measures of the Rocky Desertification in Guangxi Karst Areas;广西石山区土地石漠化的成因及防治对策
2.Study on the Spatial-temporal Pattern Evolution of Rocky Desertification in Northwest Guangxi Province Based on GIS Technology桂西北土地石漠化时空格局演化GIS分析
3.Investigation and Research of Remote Sensing to the Desertification in Lujiang Catchment, Yunnan Province;云南泸江流域土地石漠化遥感调查与研究
4.Rocky Desertification of the Land in Guizhou Province and Analysis on Economics of the Three Problems Concerning Agriculture;贵州土地石漠化与“三农”问题的经济学分析
5.Study on the Mechanism of the Formation and Development of the Land Rocky-desertification in Guizhou Province;贵州省土地石漠化形成与发展机理研究
6.Spatio-temporal Evolution Process and Its Evaluation Method of Karst Rocky Desertification in Guizhou Province贵州土地石漠化类型时空演变过程及其评价
7.The Nature Settings and Their Diversity in Different Regions in the Progressing of Rocky Desertification in Guizhou Karst Area;贵州岩溶地区土地石漠化形成的自然背景及其空间地域分异
8.Analysis of spatial relation between rocky desertification and karst landforms in northwest Guangxi Province based on GIS and RS technology基于GIS/RS的桂西北土地石漠化与喀斯特地形空间相关性分析
9.The Correlation Analysis of Desertification of Karst Rock and Land Use Patterns;喀斯特石漠化与土地利用相关性研究
10.An exploratory analysis of both landscape pattern and land use model in peak cluster-depressions rocky desertification areas峰丛洼地石漠化景观演化与土地利用模式
11.Land Use, Rock Desertification and Engineering Design in Karst Area岩溶地区土地利用、石漠化与治理工程设计
12.Soil Biogeochemical Characteristics in the Process of Karst Rocky Desertification;喀斯特石漠化过程中的土壤生物地球化学特征
13.Soil s Quality and Sustainable Development for Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Forest Land in Rocky Karst Region;石漠化喀斯特椒林地土壤质量及其可持续发展
14.Ecological Reconstruction of Karst Rocky Desertification and Its Significance in Huajian Gorge;花江峡谷石漠化土地生态重建及其启示
15.Influence of Different Vegetation on Soil Organic Matter Content in Karst Rocky Desertification Region in Guangxi Province不同植被对广西石漠化地区土壤有机质的影响
16.Influence of Pinus massoniana on Soil Organic Matter Content of the Karst Rocky Desertification Area,North-west of Guangxi Province马尾松对喀斯特石漠化地区土壤有机质的影响
17.Application of Mini-plot Experiment in Monitoring of Soil and Water Erosion in Rocky Desertification Area微型小区在石漠化地区水土流失监测中的应用
18.Land Use Variation and Economic and Ecological Effects of Land Consolidation Area of Karst Rocky Desertification in Southeast of Yunnan;滇东南石漠化土地整理区土地利用变化及其生态经济效应

land rocky-desertification土地石漠化
1.The phenomenon of land rocky-desertification is severe in Guizhou Province.贵州省境内土地石漠化现象严重。
2.Based on the method of the multivariate linear regression analysis and started with the possible natural and social-economic factors, the main factors of the formation and development of the land rocky-desertification in Guizhou Province were found.采用了多元线性回归分析法,从可能导致石漠化的自然条件因素和人文、社会经济因素入手,分析了贵州省土地石漠化形成与发展过程中的主导因素,并求出石漠化与因子之间的回归方程。
3)rocky desertification土地石漠化
1.Analysis of spatial relation between rocky desertification and karst landforms in northwest Guangxi Province based on GIS and RS technology基于GIS/RS的桂西北土地石漠化与喀斯特地形空间相关性分析
2.It is helpful for understanding the process and rule of rocky desertification development to study the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of rocky desertification.论文应用1990年、2000年和2006年TM遥感图像获得桂西北三个时段共16年的石漠化强度空间数据,在GIS软件中对土地石漠化类型数据进行编码和重组分析,得出桂西北土地石漠化在不同时间内的空间分布特征。
4)desertification land石漠化土地
1.Based on the analysis of the reasons for land desertification in eastern surface hills of Erhai Lake,the paper discusses the type,distribution and area of the desertification land.对大理市洱海东部面山区域土地石漠化的原因进行分析,论述了石漠化土地的类型、分布及其面积。
2.2 hm~2,including desertification land 36,679.2hm2,其中石漠化土地36 679。
5)concept of rocky desertification土地石漠化概念
1.This article corrected the concept of rocky desertification,considered that rocky desertification is the process of land degradation with similar to rocky desertification landscape which f.针对前人研究中将石漠化发生的地域限定在亚热带,将发生的时间限定在人类历史时期,将发生的原因均归结为人为不合理的经济活动,而忽视了石漠化可能发生的其它地域、其它时期和其它成因等问题,对土地石漠化概念作了修正。
6)classification of rocky desertification land石漠化土地分级
