花卉植物,ornamental plant
1)ornamental plant花卉植物
1.Feasibility of applying ornamental plants in contaminated soil remediation;花卉植物应用于污染土壤修复的可行性研究
2.Growing responses and hyperaccumulating characteristics of three ornamental plants to Cd-Pb combined pollution;Cd-Pb复合污染条件下3种花卉植物的生长反应及超积累特性研究
3.Responses of seed germination of 8 ornamental plants to petroleum contamination8种花卉植物种子萌发对石油烃污染土壤的响应

2.Wild Flower Resources of Linzhi Area in Tibet西藏色季拉山野生花卉植物资源的研究
3.Wild Flower Plant Resources of Liliaceae in Henan and Their Ornamental Evaluation河南百合科野生花卉植物资源及观赏评价
4.Wild Edible Flower Resources and the Utilization Development in Hongta District红塔区野生食用花卉植物资源及开发利用
5.The host plants were ornamental plants, perennial/biennial root garden plants, woody flower plants, cover plants and pulpy plants, and so on.为害的寄主植物有观赏树木、宿根园林植物、木本花卉植物、地被植物及多浆植物等。
6.A flowering plant with two embryonic seed leaves or cotyledons that usually appear at germination.双子叶植物具有两片胚籽的或通常在萌芽上有双子叶的花卉植物
7.Tom is in the garden but, potting up his favorite indoor plants.汤姆在花园的棚屋里,栽培他喜爱的室内花卉植物
8.Effect of the Different Organic Materials on Flowering Plants Growth and Soil Properties;不同有机物料对花卉植物生育及土壤性状的影响
9.Pollution Symptoms of Sulfur Oxides Mixed Gas on 13 Species Ornamental Plants and Their Resisting Performance13种花卉植物受硫氧化物混合气体污染的伤害症状及其抗性表现
10.Studies on Reproductive Biology Characteristics of Kolkwitzia amabilis,an Endemic to China我国特有珍稀花卉植物蝟实生殖生物学特性研究
11.Genetic Transformation of a Homeobox Gene PttKN1 in Several Ornamental Plants and Analysis of Its Functions;同源异型盒基因PttKN1在几种花卉植物中的遗传转化及其功能研究
12.The cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants.种花花卉和观赏植物的栽培
13.He did not study plants; he loved flowers.他不研究植物,而赞赏花卉。
14.Current Situations and Utilization of Orchid Plants in Nanyang;南阳市兰科植物花卉资源现状及利用
15.public display of animals,plants,flowers,etc(esp as shown in a competition for prizes)动物、植物、花卉等的展览(尤指为获奖而参赛的).
16.Flower Biology Study on Three Species of Iris in Northwest China;中国西北三种鸢尾属植物的花卉生物学研究
17.Technology of Plant Aquatic Re-adaptation and Application in Flower Water Culture植物水生诱变技术及其在水培花卉中的应用
18.Research and Application of Plant Growth Regulators in Flower Industry植物生长调节剂在花卉生产上的应用研究概述

Flower plants花卉植物
1.Application of biotechnology in genetics and breeding of flower plants;生物技术在花卉植物遗传育种上的应用
2.Static experiments of eutrophicated water body treatment of Lingjianxi in Guilin have been carried out by adopting soilless culture of dominant species of Lingjianxi like Alocasia macrorrhiza,Alternanthera philoxeroides and other nine kinds of flower plants including Pyrethrum pulchrum Ledeb,Chlorophytum comosum,Hydrangea macrophylla(Thunb.无土栽培桂林市灵剑溪的优势物种海芋(Alocasia macrorrhiza)、水花生(Alternanthera philoxeroides)及其它9种花卉植物:小黄菊(Pyrethrum pulchrum Ledeb)、吊兰(Chlorophytum comosum)、八仙花(Hydrangeamacrophylla(Thunb。
3)Ornamental plants花卉植物
1.In this study,four ornamental plants:Mirabilis jalapa,Celosia argentea,Salvia splendens and Celosia cristata,were used to evaluate effects of sewage sludge amendment on phytoremediation of Mn mine tailings in pot experiments in terms of plant biomass,seedling height,root length,Pb,Cd,Zn,and Mn accumulation in plan tissues.采用盆栽试验方法,研究了污泥改良锰矿尾渣对紫茉莉(Mirabilis jalapa)、青葙(Celosia argentea)、一串红(Salvia splendens)和鸡冠花(Celosia cristata)4种花卉植物生长及其富集铅、镉、锌和锰的影响。
4)artificial plant and flower人造植物和花卉
5)wild flower and grass plant野生花卉植物
1.In order to protect and exploit rationally wild flower and grass plant resources in Jiufeng mountain scenic spot of Hebei province,the plants of this area were investigated.研究结果表明,该区共有野生花卉植物共33科78属170种。
