汞形态,mercury speciation
1)mercury speciation汞形态
1.Formation and distribution mechanism of flue gas mercury speciation of large scale coal-fired boilers were investigated using Ontario Hydro method.采用安大略标准燃煤烟气汞采样分析方法,对大型燃煤锅炉出口烟气中汞形态的形成及分布机理进行了研究。

1.Experimental Research on the Influence of Desulfurization in Coal-fired Furnace on Mercury Transformation;燃煤炉内脱硫对汞形态转化影响的试验研究
2.The Form and Distribution Study on Mercury in Guizhou WuJiangdu Reservoir贵州乌江渡水库汞形态分布的初步研究
3.Influence of the SCR(Selective Catalytic Reduction)-based NO_x Removal System on Mercury Morphology in Coal-fired Flue GasSCR氮氧化物脱除系统对燃煤烟气汞形态的影响
4.Studies on the Law of Distribution of Mercury in Horizontal Direction in Sediment of Second Songhua River第二松花江底质中汞形态的水平分布规律的研究
5.Experimental and Mechanism Study on Mercury Transformation and Mercury Removal in Simulated Combustion Flue Gases;模拟燃烧烟气中汞形态转化及脱除技术的实验及机理研究
6.Effects of Fly Ash on Mercury Speciation Conversion in the Flue Gas and Mercury Measurement Technologies Research;飞灰对烟气中汞形态转化的影响及测量技术研究
7.The Analysis on Thermal Releasing Existing Formation of Mercury in Soil of Chengdu City;成都市城市土壤汞热释赋存形态研究
8.Mercury Emission and Its Speciation from a 100MW Coal-fired Power Plant100MW燃煤电站汞排放及其形态分布
9.Application of Speciation Analysis for Mercury and Antimony by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry Speciation Analyzer原子荧光形态分析仪在汞、锑形态分析中的应用
10.Dynamic Variation of Mercury Species in Soil in Wet-Dry Rotation Environment;干湿交替环境土壤汞赋存形态及其动态变化
11.The Distribution Characteristic of Mercury Speciation Around ESP in a Coal Fired Power Plant燃煤电站静电除尘器前后汞的形态分布特性
12.The Speciation Distribution Study of Arsenic and Mercury in the Water Body of Yellow River in Inner Mongolia Section;黄河内蒙古段水体中砷汞的形态分布研究
13.Speciations and Distributions of Arsenic and Mercury in Erigeron Breviscapus by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry原子荧光光谱法分析灯盏花中汞和砷的形态
14.Mercury Emission and Its Speciation from Flue Gas of a 860 MW Pulverized Coal-fired Boiler860MW煤粉锅炉汞排放及其形态分布的研究
15.Mercury speciation system for coal-fired flue gas based on solid phase sorbents基于固体吸附剂的燃煤烟气形态汞测试装置
16.Distribution and Speciation of Mercury in the Sediments of Li River Watershed漓江水系底泥汞的分布特征及形态研究
17.Progress on Sampling and Determination of Different Mercury Species in Atmosphere大气中不同形态汞的采集与分析方法进展
18.Thermal stability and occurrence of forms of mercury in Jincheng coal晋城煤中汞的热稳定性与赋存形态的研究

Mercury species汞形态
3)species of mercury形态汞
1.The differentspecies of mercury and water quality parameters, such as reactive mercury, dissolved mercury,particulate mercury, were tested.均匀布点采集百花湖表层水样44个,对水样不同形态汞含量进行了分析,并现场测定水质参数。
4)Hg speciation汞的形态
5)mercury speciation汞形态分布
6)mercury species不同形态汞
1.Temporal and spatial distribution of different mercury species in precipitation of Wujiang River Basin;乌江流域大气降雨中不同形态汞的时空分布

苯工酸汞 ,醋酸苯汞药物名称:醋酸苯汞英文名:Phenylmercuric Acetate别名: 苯醋酸汞;苯工酸汞 ,醋酸苯汞外文名:Phenylmercuric Acetate 适应症: 有杀灭精子的作用,其毒性很小,常配成软膏、栓剂或片剂,作为外用避孕药。 用量用法: 阴道给药:于房事前将软膏注入阴道中,每次约5g,栓剂或片剂在房事3~5分钟放入阴道深处,每次1粒或1片,约5~10分钟发挥药效。 注意事项: 1.对汞过敏者忌用。 2.本品片剂不可口服。不宜长期使用,以免汞离子吸收中毒。 3.本品的0.001%-0.002%溶液用于创面、脓皮症的冲洗,或用于咽、喉、鼻和生殖器的粘膜上。 规格: 1.避孕膏:每100g含0.09g。 2.避孕栓:每个1.5mg。 3.外用避孕片:每片3mg。类别:避孕药