宽叶香蒲,Typha latifolia
1)Typha latifolia宽叶香蒲
1.Accumulation and distribution of N,P and K in man-made wetland with Typha latifolia;N、P、K在宽叶香蒲人工湿地系统中的分布与积累
2.Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by free water surface constructed wetland planted with Typha latifolia宽叶香蒲表面流人工湿地脱氮除磷效果研究

1.Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by free water surface constructed wetland planted with Typha latifolia宽叶香蒲表面流人工湿地脱氮除磷效果研究
2.Any of several wetland plants of similar aspect, such as the papyrus and the cattail.其他同类植物同类的生长在沼泽地的植物,好纸莎草或宽叶香蒲
3.Effect of iron plaque on utilization of phosphorus by broad-leaf cattail(Typha latifolia L.) in a lead-contaminated soil铅污染土壤中根表铁膜对宽叶香蒲利用磷的影响
4."flag:a plant, such as an iris or a cattail, that has long, sword-shaped leaves.""鸢尾,香蒲:一种有长的剑形叶子的植物,例如鸢尾植物或香蒲."
5.A plant, such as an iris or a cattail, that has long, sword-shaped leaves.鸢尾,香蒲一种有长的剑形叶子的植物,例如鸢尾植物或香蒲
6.Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Anemone Altaica, Hemistepta Lyrata and Euphorbia Latifolia;九节菖蒲、泥胡菜*及宽叶大戟化学成分研究
7.Typha angustifolia Linn has the ability to accumulate cadmium.狭叶香蒲对环境中的镉具有一定的积累能力。
8.Element absorption and distribution in Typha angustifolia under Cu stress.Cu胁迫对狭叶香蒲体内元素吸收分配的影响
9.Cadmium Ion Uptake Characteristics of Kinetics and Physiological React on Typha Angustifolia;狭叶香蒲吸收Cd~(2+)的动力学特征及其对Cd~(2+)胁迫的生理反应
10.Effects of Different Treatments of NaCl Consistence on the Physiological Characteristics of Phragmites australis and Typha latifola不同浓度NaCl处理对芦苇和香蒲叶片某些生理特性的影响
11.The Systematic Relationships of Acorus Together with Araceae and Typhales;菖蒲属与天南星科及香蒲目的系统关系探讨
12."To err is human, to forgive, divine. - Pope"人孰无过?心存宽恕,就是圣洁 --蒲柏
13.To err is human, to forgive divine. --Alexander Pope失误人皆有之,宽恕乃超人之举。——蒲柏
14."To err is human, to forgive divine. -- A. Pope"失误人皆有之,而宽恕乃超人之举。--蒲柏
15.To err is human, to forgive divine.-Pope, Alexander失误人皆有之,宽恕乃是超人之举。--蒲伯
16.To err is human, to forgive, divine.            -- Pope人孰无过?心存宽恕,就是圣洁。               --蒲柏
17.The aromatic, underground stem of the sweet flag, yielding an oil used in perfumery.菖蒲根甜菖蒲的芳香的地下茎,可产生一种用于香水之中的油
18.carcinogenic oil from calamus root used as a perfume.菖蒲根榨出的能致癌的油,用作香水。

Typha latifolia L宽叶香蒲
1.Toxic Influences of Cd2+ on Typha latifolia L. Mitigated by Spermidine;喷施亚精胺缓解宽叶香蒲镉毒害的研究
3)broad-leaf cattail宽叶香蒲
1.Effect of iron plaque on utilization of phosphorus by broad-leaf cattail(Typha latifolia L.) in a lead-contaminated soil铅污染土壤中根表铁膜对宽叶香蒲利用磷的影响
4)Typha angustifolia狭叶香蒲
1.Study on Cadmium Uptake Kinetics of Typha angustifolia under Different Time and Temperatures;不同温度与时间条件下狭叶香蒲吸收Cd~(2+)的动力学特征
2.The kinetics characteristic of Cd~(2+) absorption of Typha angustifolia;狭叶香蒲吸收Cd~(2+)的动力学特征
3.Element absorption and distribution in Typha angustifolia under Cu stress.Cu胁迫对狭叶香蒲体内元素吸收分配的影响
5)harvest plants香蒲枯叶
6)Typha angustifolia L香蒲
1.Effects of Substrate Condition and Cultivated Way on the Growth of Phragmites australis Trin.and Typha angustifolia L.;基底条件和栽培方式对芦苇和香蒲生长发育的影响
2.5mmol/L EDTA had an inhibitory effect on growth of Typha angustifolia L.5mmol/L的EDTA对狭叶香蒲(Typha angustifolia L。
