球果蔊菜,Rorippa globosa
1)Rorippa globosa球果蔊菜
1.Growth Responses of Rorippa globosa and Its Accumulation Characteristics of Cd and As under the Cd-As Combined Pollution;镉超富集植物球果蔊菜对镉-砷复合污染的反应及其吸收积累特征

1.Cadmium tolerance and proline accumulation in Rorippa globosa(Turcz.) Thell球果蔊菜脯氨酸的积累及与Cd耐性的关系
2.Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.结球甘蓝 [卷心菜-洋白菜]
3.Few, not least of all Fenway's bleacher denizens, were surprised by the result with a rookie making his second career start at Fenway.很少人对这位菜鸟在芬威球场的结果有任何惊讶的地方。
4.Brussels sproutph.1. 【植】汤菜球芽甘蓝
5.RESULTS: Potassium chloride glucosamine inhibited all the model inflammation.结果:受试物对角叉菜胶诱发的大鼠足爪肿胀、鼠棉球肉芽肿、鼠佐剂性关节炎均有显著抑制作用。
6."bean:any of various New World twining herbs of the genus Phaseolus in the pea family, having leaves with three leaflets, variously colored flowers, and edible pods and seeds."豆:一种豆科 菜豆属的西半球缠绕草本植物,长有三片嫩叶、花朵各异、豆荚和果实可食用。
7.Any of various New World twining herbs of the genus Phaseolus in the pea family, having leaves with three leaflets, variously colored flowers, and edible pods and seeds.豆一种豆科菜豆属的西半球缠绕草本植物,长有三片嫩叶、花朵各异、豆荚和果实可食用
8.Effects of IOA and R-6G on Mitochondria Inactivation of Cotyledon Protoplast of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage碘乙酰胺和罗丹明对不结球白菜子叶原生质体线粒体失活效果的影响
9.If there are items you are uncertain after looking over the menu,如果看完菜单后你还有不清楚的菜,
10.The seed of the rape plant.油菜籽油菜类植物的果实
11.We had three courses: soup, meat and vegetables, and fruit.我们有三道菜:汤、肉和蔬菜,还有水果。
12.And broccoli and cabbage were singled out as the most protective foods.吃菜花和圆白菜效果最好。
13.soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi.水果或蔬菜的软稠腐烂。
14.Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?蕃茄是水果还是蔬菜?
15.I like fruit and vegetables.我喜欢水果和蔬菜。
16.fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, etc鲜的蔬菜、 水果、 肉等.
17.Baked apples are his favourite dish.烘苹果是他爱吃的菜。
18.We eat vegetables, fruit and meat.我们吃蔬菜,水果和肉。

Rorippa motana(Wall.)Small蔊菜
1.Study on Major Agronomy and Yield Characters of New Rapeseed Lines from Distant Hybridization between B.napus L.and Rorippa motana(Wall.)Small;甘蓝型油菜与蔊菜远缘杂交选育新品系的主要农艺及产量性状研究
2.and Rorippa motana(Wall.研究了甘蓝型油菜与蔊菜远缘杂交选育的9个油菜新品系的主要性状及对硼的敏感性。
1.Studies on leaf Anatomy of Rorippa in Shandong;山东蔊菜属叶片解剖学研究
5)Rorippa amphibia两栖蔊菜
1.A Newly Recorded Species Rorippa amphibia(L.) Besser from China中国蔊菜属新记录—两栖蔊菜
6)Viola collina球堇果菜

蔊菜素    分子式C11H21NO2S。它存在于十字花科植物蔊菜中,由中国科学院上海药物研究所分离得到。蔊菜素的熔点为45~46℃;易溶于乙酸乙酯、氯仿和苯,难溶于石油醚、乙醚和水。蔊菜素可用于治疗迁延期慢性支气管炎。