生态功能网络,ecological function network
1)ecological function network生态功能网络
1.In order to highlight the importance of ecological function network of each county or city on the whole Taiwan island and to guide establishing county or city development strategies,.本研究选择台湾岛为研究区,以县、市为研究单元进行全岛生态功能网络构建,通过能值分析、生态系统服务功能价值评估及景观格局分析等方法,整合全岛生态效益、生态格局等数量、空间指标,目的在于明确各个县、市在全岛尺度的景观功能网络中的功能定位,以作为制定各县市发展策略的参考。
2.Improving the connection of ecological function network is meaningful to the promotion of the urban ecosystem function and value,and the restriction of urban pattern\'s spread.长期高速的社会、经济建设使城市系统中自然景观与人工城市景观的比例严重失调,导致城市绿地斑块的碎化及生态功能的削弱,改善与提高生态功能网络的连接对提升城市生态系统的功能及价值、限制城市格局蔓延具有重要意义。

2.Studies of the default mode network based on resting-state fMRI静息态默认功能网络磁共振成像研究
3.A Self-organization Mapping Neural Network Algorithm and Its Application to Identify Ecosystem Service Zones基于自组织特征映射神经网络算法的生态服务功能分区(英文)
4.Studies on Composition and Indicators of Monitoring and Evaluating for Forest Ecosystem Service Network in Guizhou Provincial Karst Mountainous Areas of China贵州喀斯特山地森林生态系统服务功能监测与评价网络布局研究
5.Study on Network Analysis for Urban Ecological Security Pattern in Changzhou City基于功能网络评价的城市生态安全格局研究——以常州市为例
6.On Modality,Characteristics And Function Of Chinese Net-cafe Business As A Cyber Culture Carrier网吧作为网络文化载体的形态、特征和功能
7.Exploring the Structure and Functions of Network Biology Curriculum;“生物化学”网络课程的结构与功能探讨
8.fMRI Reveal Large-scale Visual Network in Minimally Conscious State Patients;微意识状态视觉神经网络的功能磁共振研究
9.Energy Management Service for Ecological Network Simulation Plat form生态网络仿真平台的能量管理服务
10.A Tentative Inquiry into Internet Eco crisis and Internet Eco ethics“网络生态危机”与网络生态伦理初探
11.Note: If the system is left in a suspended state for an extended period of time, network state may not be refreshed, and the ability to wake from the network may cease to function.注意:如果系统长时处在挂起状态,网络状态就可能无法刷新,从网络中唤醒的功能会停止。
12.3.The difference between the family functioning of the addicted and not-addicted middle school students;3.网络成瘾中学生的家庭功能与非网络成瘾中学生的家庭功能的差异;
13.Family Functioning and Internet Addiction of Middle School Students;中学生家庭功能与网络成瘾的关系研究
14.The Transform of Constitution Assessment Function to College Students under Internet;网络环境下大学生体质测试功能的转变
15.On Construct of Middle School Students' English Vocabulary Network from Functions and Notions Perspectives基于功能和意念的中学生英语词汇网络构建
16.For Representative in Charge of Web-based Class to Play His Role:Conditions and Problems大学生“网络班委”功能发挥的条件与问题研究
17.The Study on Dynamic Data Flow Management and Survivability in Ion;智能光网络数据流动态管理及生存性研究
18.Model Identification of Eco-industrial Network and Comparison of Risk Management Ability;产业生态网络模式识别及风险管理能力比较

NDF Network Dynamic Function网络动态功能
3)Network function网络功能
4)functional webs功能网络
5)ecological network生态网络
1.Developing green space ecological networks in Jinan City;济南城市绿地生态网络构建
2.Evolutionary model of trust game based on ecological network in P2P networks;基于生态网络的P2P环境信任博弈进化模型
3.Based on a land use map created from a satellite image from 2005,a map of agreenbelt system from 2005 and a map of a planned greenbelt system, a number of ecological networks of Chongming Island were designed using network analysis methods.以崇明2005年卫星影像图、土地利用现状图为基础资料,结合崇明绿地系统规划,在地理信息系统支持下,选择崇明本岛面积大于10hm2的绿地作为节点,依照网络分析法,构建了不同的生态网络方案,通过α指数、β指数、γ指数以及成本比等网络结构指数进行不同网络方案的比较,从中选出最优的规划方案。
1.n the present paper,the stochastic behaviours of matter and energy flow in econetworks are described by transition probability matrix on the basis of Markov process.本文以Markov过程理论为基础,利用转移矩阵对生态网络中物质、能量流动和随机行为进行了描述;将输入的物质、能量在生态网络中宏观分布随时间的变化定义为物质、能量流动的时间链,并给出了一般生态网络中物质、能量流动时间链的分析方法。
2.The results show that the model and results reflect more directly and precisely the distribution,exile and dissipation of energy flow in econetwork.以微分方程理论为基础,假设能量按一级和二级动力学过程流动,建立了生态网络中的能量流动分室模型并进行了分析。
3.The analysis of econetworks is the theory and methods used to explore the flow be-haviour of material and exergy in econetworks.生态网络分析是研究生态网络的理论和方法,ASSEN(theAnalysisandsimulationSystemfoEconetworks)是生态网络分析和模拟的软件系统,本文在简述生态网络分析基本方法的基础上,介绍了ASSEN的结构和功能,并利用ASSEN对一个简单水流生态网络进行了分析和模拟。
