槐叶苹,Salvinia natans
1)Salvinia natans槐叶苹
1.Effects of Ni~(2+) on Physiological Characteristics and Submicroscopic Structure of Salvinia natans Leaves;Ni~(2+)对槐叶苹叶片生理特征及亚显微结构的影响
2.Roles of exogenous spermidine in improving Salvinia natans tolerance towards cadmium stress;外源亚精胺对槐叶苹耐镉胁迫的增强效应
3.Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics and Ultrastructure of Salvinia natans Leaves under Cr~(6+) Stress;Cr~(6+)胁迫对槐叶苹叶片光合生理特征及超微结构的影响

1.Cadmium accumulation and phytotoxicity in an aquatic fern,Salvinia natans(Linn.)镉在槐叶苹叶片中的蓄积及其生态毒理学分析
2.Analysis of fatty acids from flower,bud and leaves of Sophora japonica L. by GC-MS槐花、槐米和槐叶脂肪酸成分的GC-MS分析
3.the ferny shadows of locust leaves.刺槐树叶子的蕨状影子。
4.A flattened leafstalk that functions as a leaf, as in an acacia.叶状柄起叶子作用的扁平叶柄,如洋槐的叶柄
5.Nutrition and Growth of Leaves at Different Leaf Ages in Tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia四倍体刺槐不同叶龄叶片的营养及叶形变化
6.Any of several North American deciduous trees of the genus Robinia, especially R.pseudoacacia, having compound leaves, drooping clusters of fragrant white flowers, and durable hard wood.洋槐一种北美落叶树(洋槐属)。尤指洋槐,生有复叶,花呈白色、下垂并有香味,木质耐用坚硬
7.The threshold temperature and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae刺槐叶瘿蚊发育起点温度和有效积温
8.Measuring Effect of Leaf and Bud of Sophora japonica L.on Scavenge of ·OH Radical by Using New Flow-injection Chemiluminescence;用一种新的流动注射化学发光法测定槐叶和槐米清除·OH能力
9.Amelioration Effect of Tea Tree Leaves and Acacia Leaves on the Acidity of Tea Garden Soils茶树叶和刺槐叶对茶园土壤酸度的改良效果
10.bright green aphid; feeds on and causes curling of apple leaves.亮绿色的蚜虫;吃苹果叶并导致苹果叶卷曲。
11.Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, ash, pear, etc.落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、槐木、梨树等等。
12.Determination Content of Rutin by TLC Scanning from Leaf of Sophora japonica L.f. pendula Lound. Arb. Brit.薄层扫描法测定龙爪槐叶中的芦丁含量
13.Ecological Characteristics and Risk Analysis of Obolodiplosis Robiniae (Haldemann) in China;刺槐叶瘿蚊生态学特性及其在中国的风险分析
14.Study on Water Consumption Characteristics of the Populus Simonii and Robinia Pseudoacacie in Guan Ting Reservoir Area;官厅库区小叶杨和刺槐的耗水特性研究
15.Screening and Drought-Tolerance Assessment of Robinia Pseudoacacia of High Crude-Protein Leaves叶片高粗蛋白刺槐的筛选及耐旱性评价
16.Biology, Ecology and Chemical Control of Oblodiplosis Robiniae Haldemann刺槐叶瘿蚊生物学、生态学及化学防治初步研究
17.The Application of New Anti-transpiration Foliar Fertilizer on Rhus Typhina, Robinia Pseudoacacia and Ulmus Pumila新型抗蒸腾叶面肥在火炬树、刺槐、白榆上的应用
18.The Functional Response of Chrysopa sinica Tjeder to Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) Larvae中华草蛉对刺槐叶瘿蚊幼虫的捕食功能反应

Saluinia natans槐叶苹
1.The paper mainly studied the effects of La and Ca on low aquatic plant Saluinia natans growing in the solution containing different concentration of Cd .研究了Cd2+毒害对低等水生植物槐叶苹的生理影响及外源La、Ca的缓解效应。
2.and Saluinia natans systemically by means of physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural aspects.本文模拟不同梯度浓度的重金属Cd~(2+)、Cr~(6+)和pb~(2+)污染,从生理生化反应和细胞超微结构变化等方面,深入研究了三种金属离子对慈姑、菹草和槐叶苹的毒害效应,讨论了不同生境水生植物对重金属胁迫的反应机制,并初步探索了外源La~(3+)和Ca~(2+)对槐叶苹Cd~(2+)毒害的缓解作用及慈姑根尖细胞分裂周期中微管骨架的形态列阵。
3)Sophora japinica槐叶
1.Study on the Changes of Total Flavonoid Contents in Sophora japinica Leaf with Different Growing Time;国槐槐叶不同生长时间总黄酮的含量变化的研究
4)leaves of Sophora japonica槐树叶片
1.Soil samples and plant samples(leaves of Sophora japonica L.结果表明:①交通主干道两侧土壤的电导率和有机碳含量显著高于公园土壤而pH值显著低于公园土壤;②交通主干道两侧土壤中Zn、Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu、Cr和As等7种微量元素的含量显著高于公园土壤,表明交通污染导致了这些元素在土壤中的异常积累;③生长在交通主干道两侧的槐树叶片中Zn、Cd、As、Hg、Pb、Ni、Co、Cr、N等9种元素的含量显著高于生长在公园的槐树叶片,同样表明交通污染导致了这些元素在槐树叶片中的异常积累,但是不同元素在土壤和植物叶片中的积累程度存在着差异。
5)Salvinia natans槐叶萍
1.Study of Purifying Effect of Salvinia natans in Eutrophicate Water;槐叶萍对富营养化水体净化效果的研究
2.Study on Effects of Salvinia natans on Removing Nitrogen and Phosphors from the Eutrophic Water under Lower Temperature;较低温度下槐叶萍对富营养化水体中氮磷的去除效应研究
6)Gigas type of Black Locust宽叶刺槐

【药物名称】槐叶萍 【别名】蜈蚣漂 【科属】槐叶萍科 【植物形态】植物形态:水生漂浮植物,茎横走,被褐色柔毛,无根。叶三片轮生,上面2叶漂浮水面,水平排列于茎的两侧,椭圆形或长圆形,长8~15毫米,宽5~8毫米,两端钝圆或基部为心脏形,全缘,柄长约2毫米或近无柄,叶脉斜出,在主脉两侧有小脉15~20对,每条小脉上面有白色刚毛5~8束,表面深绿色,背面密被棕色茸毛,下面叶悬垂水中,细裂成丝状,被细毛,状如须根。孢子果球形,有纵沟4~8个,丛生于沉水叶的基部。大孢子果较小,内有少数大孢子囊,小孢子果较大,内有多数小孢子囊。 生态分布:产我国南北各地;多生于水田、池沼和缓流的河溪中。 药用部分:全草入药,夏秋采收, 用途:治火烫伤、疮毒。