梭鱼草,Pontederia cordata
1)Pontederia cordata梭鱼草
1.Diurnal Variations in Purifying-tanks When Use Pontederia cordata Treating the Malodorous River Water梭鱼草净化黑臭河水的日变化试验研究

1.Diurnal Variations in Purifying-tanks When Use Pontederia cordata Treating the Malodorous River Water梭鱼草净化黑臭河水的日变化试验研究
2.Comparison of Physiological Traits and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removals of Nymphaea tetragona and Pontederia cordata睡莲与梭鱼草的生理特性及脱氮除磷比较
3.barrack-square,ie ground near a barracks where soldiers are drilled. barracuda/9bArE5kudE;9bArE`kudE/n large fierce Caribbean fish梭子鱼(产于加勒比海的凶猛大鱼).
4.voracious pisciverous pike of waters of northern hemisphere.北半球水域中多种以小鱼为食的梭鱼。
5.A pronged spear for fishing or catching frogs.鱼叉用来捕鱼或抓青蛙的有尖头的梭
6.A marine game fish(Albula vulpes) of warm, shallow waters, having silvery scales.北梭鱼一种长着银鳞的观赏性海鱼(北梭鱼北梭鱼属),多见于温暖的浅水
7.Any of various fishes, such as the walleye, similar or related to the pickerel.小梭鱼科类似狗鱼的鱼,或与狗鱼有亲缘关系的鱼,如突眼鲥
8.monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters: barracuda.热带或次热带水域大型活跃鱼类的单型科;梭鱼。
9.type and sole genus of the family Albulidae.北梭鱼科的一个唯一的模式属。
10.Large and small fishes swam around the plants.大大小小的鱼类在植物间穿梭,
11.A fish, such as the walleye, that is related to the perch and resembles the pike.梭鲈鱼一种与鲈有亲缘关系并貌似长矛的鱼,如大眼鲥鱼
12." Parents fish of black carp,grass carp,silver carp and bighead carp"GB/T5055-1997青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙亲鱼
13.Standards for quality of grass carp-fry and fingerlingGB/T11776-1989草鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准
14.Effects of Dietary Lipid (Energy) to Protein Ratios on Growth and Metabolism of Juvenile Zander (Lucioperca Lucioperca);脂肪(能量)蛋白比对梭鲈幼鱼生长和代谢的影响
15.Composition and Status of Fishes of Nanla River in Xishuangbanna,Yunnan,China云南西双版纳罗梭江的鱼类物种组成及现状
17.Isolation and Identification of Toxin Types of Clostridium perfringens from Freshwater Fishes淡水鱼产气荚膜梭菌的分离及毒素型的鉴定
18.Some freshwater fish such as pike can withstand levels of acidity.一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。

Pontederia cordata L梭鱼草
1.Analysis of structure changes of microbial community in phytoremediation tank at different growth periods of Pontederia cordata L生物净化槽中菌群结构在梭鱼草(Pontederia cordata L)不同生长期的动态变化
2.Physiological Response of Pontederia cordata L.and the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Variation of Polluted Water Under Long-Term Aeration长期曝气下梭鱼草(Pontederia cordata L.)的生理响应及水质氮磷变化
3)Nymphaea tetragona and Pontederia cordata睡莲、梭鱼草
4)Mugil so iuy梭鱼
1.The effects of benzo(a)pyrene and pyrene exposure in a short period of time on hepatic Glutathione peroxidase(GPx) activity in Mugil so iuy were studied at concentration of 0.1~50μg/L的苯并(a)芘和芘的短期暴露造成梭鱼肝脏GPx活性先抑制后诱导的效应。
2.Mugil so iuy was exposed to different concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene, pyrene and their mixture of equal quantity, and its haemoglobin contents were examined.为此 ,我们用苯并 (a)芘 [Benzo(a)Pyrene(B(a)p) ]和芘 (Pyrene)对梭鱼进行了实验观察 。
5)Mugil so-iuy梭鱼
1.Effects of mixture of benzo(a)pyrene and pyrene exposure on hepatic antioxidant enzymes activities in Mugil so-iuy;苯并(a)芘和芘的混合物暴露对梭鱼肝脏抗氧化酶活性的影响
2.Effect of Benzo(a)Pyrene, Pyrene and their Mixture Exposure on the Content of Hepatic Reduced Glutathione in Mugil so-iuy;苯并芘,芘及其混合物暴露对梭鱼肝脏还原型谷胱甘肽质量分数的影响
3.Benzo(a) pyrene and pyrene inducing DNA damage in Mugil so-iuy;苯并(a)芘和芘对梭鱼肝脏DNA损伤的研究
6)Liza haematocheila梭鱼
1.Effects of the mixture of benzo(a)pyrene and pyrene exposure on spleen antioxidant defend system in Liza haematocheila;苯并(a)芘和芘的混合物暴露对梭鱼脾脏抗氧化防御系统的影响
2.The current research and prospect on the nutritional and environmental factors of Mugil cephalus and Liza haematocheila;鲻梭鱼营养与环境因子方面的研究现状及展望
3.Effect of ration size on growth and energy balance for the juvenile mullet, Liza haematocheila (T.5 )℃ ,摄食水平分别为体重的 0 %、1 %、2 %、3 %、4%和饱食的条件下进行梭鱼的摄食 -生长实验。

梭鱼草梭鱼草介绍 梭鱼草 (Pontederia cordata)科属: 雨久花科 梭鱼草属别名: 北美梭鱼草形态特征: 高度1-1.5(M)多年生挺水或湿生草本植物,叶柄绿色,圆筒形,叶片较大,长可达25厘米,宽可达15厘米,深绿色,叶形多变。大部分为倒卵状披针形,叶面光滑,花序顶生,穗状,长约10-20厘米,上有密生小花数百朵,花蓝紫色,上方两花瓣各有两个黄绿色斑点,花葶直立,通常高出叶面,花期5-10月。分布与习性:原产北美喜温、喜阳、喜肥、喜湿、怕风不耐寒,静水及水流缓慢的水域中均可生长,适宜在20厘米以下的浅水中生长,适温15℃至30℃,越冬温度不宜低于5℃,梭鱼草生长迅速,繁殖能力强,条件适宜的前提下,可在短时间内覆盖大片水域。繁殖与栽培:采用分株法和种子繁殖,分株可在春夏两季进行,自植株基部切开即可,种子繁殖一般在春季进行,种子发芽温度需保持在25℃左右。应用:梭鱼草叶色翠绿,花色迷人,花期较长,可用于家庭盆栽、池栽,也可广泛用于园林美化,栽植于河道两侧、池塘四周、人工湿地,与千屈菜、花叶芦竹、水葱、再力花等相间种植,每到花开时节,串串紫花在片片绿叶的映衬下,别有一番情趣。图片: