环境难民,Environmental refugee
1)Environmental refugee环境难民
2)environmental refugee环境难民 ER
3)environmental disaster环境灾难

1.He proposed a series of measures that might ward off the environmental apocalypse.他提出了一系列可能避免环境灾难的措施。
2.The last few years have been the worst period on record for environmental disasters and experts are predicting far worse to come.最近几年是有史以来环境灾难最严重的时期,专家预测更为严重的灾难即将到来。
3.Situation: Terrorist forces have captured Alaskan Pipeline Pump Station at grid WA542679, with the intent of creating an environmental disaster.恐怖份子占领了阿拉斯加管线泵站,想要制造环境灾难.
4.Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster unless we radically change the way we live.很多人认为我们正朝向环境灾难,除非我们从根本上改变生活方式。
5.A Historical Analysis of Ecological Environmental Disaster Caused by Modern High-tech Wars;从历史的视角看现代高科技战争的生态环境灾难
6.(Only in law professors' hypotheticals does the agency candidly announce that it is planning to cause an environmental disaster for no good reason!)(只有在法律教授的假设里,机构才会坦率地宣称,它正在毫无理由地引起一场环境灾难!)
7.“The Tragedy of the Commons" and the Population-Environment Dilemma“公用地灾难”与人口资源环境行为
8.Destruction of haBitats, disastrous environmental and climatic changes can reduce an animal population.生存地的破坏,环境和气候灾难性的变化会造成某种动物的减少。
9.Shipwrecks from the Second World War could cause catastrophic damage to the environment, scientists have warned.科学家们警告,二战时期的沉船可能对环境造成灾难性的破坏。
10.This environmental effect of this new factory could be disastrous.这家新工厂给自然环境带来的影响可能是灾难性的。
11.fire environment火灾环境决定火灾行为的周围条件
12.A system will be established for protecting the environment and for preventing and reducing natural disasters.建立环境保护和防灾减灾保障体系。
13.A nation which cannot adapt its trade or defence requirements to meet world conditions faces economic or military disaster.一个国家如果不能在贸易或国防方面适应国际环境的需要,就会面临经济或军事灾难。
14.In the information technology sector, where conditions unpredictably change at high speeds, a company' s business strategy can have disastrous consequences on the market' s web of relations.在信息科技领域,环境瞬息即变,公司的商业策略可以给市场关系带来灾难性的后果。
15."It led to direct losses of US$X, and produced a lasting and disastrous impact on the ecological environment of Yugoslavia and the whole Europe "造成直接经济损失达X亿美元,并对南联盟和整个欧洲的生态环境产生长期的灾难性的影响。
16.The collision between ship and strobe can always make some disasters, including fracture damage, environment pollution and casualties.船舶与闸门碰撞往往会造成结构破坏、货物泄漏、环境污染、人员伤亡等灾难性的后果。
17.Ship collision can always make some disasters, including structure damage, environment pollution and casualties.船舶碰撞往往会造成结构破损、货物泄漏、环境污染、人员伤亡等灾难性的后果。
18.But what these people fail to see is that international tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment and local history.但是这些人忽视了国际旅游可能会给当地环境和历史造成的灾难性的影响。

environmental refugee环境难民 ER
3)environmental disaster环境灾难
4)environmental democracy环境民主
1.To perfect government's environmental accountability,we shall carry out environmental democracy featured as public participation in environmental legislation,to transform environmental ideas from environmental administration to good environmental governance,and to reform the current environmental legislative system with the shift from administrative-oriented .完善政府环境责任的根本之举是落实环境民主,重点是公众参与环境立法;完善政府环境责任需要环境理念的改变,从管理走向治理,实现环境善治;完善政府环境责任还需要改革现行的环境立法体制,由行政主导变为立法主导。
2.Environmental democracy principle is the basic principle of environmental law, its essence is the fact that the social public have broad rights and obligations.环境民主原则是环境资源法的一项基本原则,其实质是指社会公众在环境管理及其相关事务中享有广泛参与的权利和义务。
5)environmental emigration环境移民
6)Environmental disturbance环境扰民
1.Environmental disturbance on people is the lawful and systematic issue and it is also a economic one at the same time.环境扰民是法律问题、制度问题,同时也是经济问题。
