1.A Prosperous Economy of Wuzhong in the Late Yuan Dynasty and Frequent Assemblies among Scholars;元末吴中的经济繁荣与频繁的文人集会
2.On the Formafion of Man-of-letters-Group in Wuzhong Mid-ming;简论明中叶吴中文人集团的形成
3.The Development of Wuzhong Literature During the Period from the Middle Ming Dynasty to the Late Ming Dynasty;明中晚期吴中文学之衍义

1."Four persons of Wu Zhong" gained the name for all of them were born in Wu.“吴中四士”因籍贯俱为吴地而得名。
2."...Suzhou is famed as a centre of letters; And all you writers, coming here,"吴中盛文史, 群彦今汪洋。
3.An Important Power of Regional Culture--On the bel-esprit style of Man-of-letters in Wuzhong in Mid-Ming Dynasty;明中叶吴中文人的才士风度形成探析
4.Discuss on the Development and Influence of the Existing-m-a-place of the Poems And Paintings in the Central Region of Wu in the Middle Period of the Ming Dynasty;论明中叶吴中诗画同体的发展及影响
5.Yan Zhen-qing’s Huzhou Lianju and “the Wuzhong Poets Group” in the Mid Tang Dynasty;颜真卿湖州联句与中唐“吴中诗派”
6.Take Inner Ring Road exit Wuzhong Road.沿着内环高架路,在吴中路出口下。
7.Deter mination of evodia mine,rutaecarpine and evodin in Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth by HPLCHPLC同时测定吴茱萸中吴茱萸碱、吴茱萸次碱和吴茱萸内酯的含量
8.Study on determination of Evodiamine and Rutaecarpine in Fructus Evodiae from different origin不同产地吴茱萸中吴茱萸碱、吴茱萸次碱含量比较研究
9.Study on extraction technology of the eviodiamine and rutaecarpine from evodia rutaecarpa(juss.).benth with microwave微波提取吴茱萸中吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱的工艺研究
10.The Kingdom of Yue surrendered as it was losing the war with the Kingdom of Wu.越国在和吴国的战争中失败了,向吴国投降。
11.An Examination on the Doubtful Case of Wu Sangui;吴三桂疑案辩析——兼论天地会中的吴三桂因素
12.Microwave extraction of favonoids and evodiamines in evodia fruit微波萃取吴茱萸中吴茱萸总碱和黄酮的研究
13.Assay of evodin,evodiamine and rutaecarpine in Fructus Evodiae by QAMS一测多评法测定吴茱萸中吴茱萸内酯、吴茱萸碱及吴茱萸次碱的含量
14.An Analysis on Wu Guanzhong’s Sense of Painting Art in Combining the East and West浅论吴冠中“中西融合”的绘画艺术观
15.Determination of evodiamine and rutaecarpine of compound Wuzhuyu cataplasm in plasma by SPE-HPLC: Application to its pharmacokineticsSPE-HPLC测定复方吴茱萸巴布膏中吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱血药浓度及药动学研究
16.Determination of Synephrine, Evodiamine and Rutaecarpine in Fructus Evodiae with IP-HPLC离子对色谱法同时测定吴茱萸中的辛弗林、吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱的含量
17.Wu Mi s Conservative Reaction to the New Culture Movement during May 4~(th) Movement--Based on Wu Mi s Diary;论吴宓对五四新文化运动的保守回应——以《吴宓日记》为中心
18.Optimization of Rutacarpine Extraction from Evodiae by Response Surface Methodology吴茱萸中吴茱萸次碱提取工艺及响应面分析法的优化

medicine in Wuzhong District吴中医学
3)Wu Zhonglun吴中伦
1.In 1934, Wu Zhonglun and others went to Yunnan to make a survey of natural resources.1934年,吴中伦(1913~1995)等人赴云南进行自然资源调查。
4)mathematical research and writing books吴中课馆
5)The Cultured Atmosphere in Wu Area吴中风雅
6)the genre of Wu-zhong吴中诗派
1.Shi Shi’s far-reaching effect in model of poem’s inditement of the genre of Wu-zhong and the genre of Han-Meng and the genre Yuan-Bai.其在诗学理论史上的影响深远,但最直接的自然是影响了中唐诗人的诗歌创作:皎然与吴中诗派诸人交往甚密,且有诗往来酬答,其理论主张自然会在他们的创作中留下印记。
