1.Methods To investigate the local irritation of the multifunctional dressing by skin,subcutaneous and eye application,determine its sensitization by patch test and observe its systemic acute toxicity by abdominal injection.方法采用皮肤刺激、皮内刺激、眼刺激法考察其刺激作用;利用皮肤斑贴试验观察其致敏作用;采用腹腔注射法观察其全身急性毒性作用。
2.Methods To determine the cytotoxicity of isobutyl-chitosan by the inhibition of cell growth; To investigate it s sensitization through patch test; To investigate it s irritation on skin, eyes and intradermis by tests of patch and intradermic injection; To investigate it s systemic acute tox-icity by peritoneal injection.方法:采用细胞生长抑制法测定其细胞毒性;利用接触斑贴试验测定其致敏作用;根据皮肤刺激试验、眼刺激试验、皮内刺激试验考察其刺激作用;采用腹腔注射试验观察其全身急性毒性作用。
3.Methods The degradability of the hemostatic sponge was examined by implantation in vivo and enzymolysis in vitro respectively;its cytotoxicity on L929 mouse fibroblasts was monitored using the MTT assay;its systemic acute toxicity was observed by abdominal injection;The local irritation of the sponge was investigated by skin,subcutaneous and eye application.方法通过体内埋植法和体外酶降解法考查其降解作用;采用MTT法评价其对鼠成纤维细胞L929的细胞毒性;采用腹腔注射法观察其全身急性毒性;采用皮肤刺激、皮内刺激、眼刺激法考察其刺激作用

1.Smoking stimulates the system as much as an ice cold shower.抽烟的刺激作用就像用冷水洗操一样。
2.(physiology) the effect of a stimulus (on nerves or organs etc.).生理上对神经、器官等的刺激作用
3.It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch.这是伏特加酒,它有强烈的刺激作用
4.Stimulatory Effects of CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides on PBMC from People Infected with Hepatitis B Virus;CpG ODN对HBV感染者PBMC的刺激作用
5.Modulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Immunostimulatory Effects of Glucocorticoids and Their Molecular Mechanisms内质网应激介导糖皮质激素免疫刺激作用及其分子机制
6.serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate.起到激怒、刺激的作用或易于激怒或刺激。
7.Of or producing the effect of such an agent.对抗刺激剂的对抗刺激剂的,有对抗刺激剂作用的
8.event,activity,etc that encourages greater or further activity起刺激、激励作用的事情、活动等
9.the stimulus acted sympathetically.刺激物通过交感神经起作用。
10.rousing to activity or heightened action as by spurring or goading.通过刺激鼓动行动或提高作用。
11.A Preliminary Investigation of Hypoxia on Arousal in Hibernating Hedgehogs缺氧对冬眠刺猬激醒作用的初步观察
12.It may mildly stimulate the immune response.它可能有刺激免疫反应的作用;
13.2 Ethacridine lactate injection has an effect of stimulating uterus to contract .依沙吖啶注射液有刺激子宫收缩作用。
14.The Effect of Osteopontin in the Bone Absorption Induced by Smoking;骨桥蛋白在吸烟刺激骨吸收中的作用
15.The Priming Effect of Tactile Stimuli on Tactile Attention;触觉刺激对触觉注意启动作用的研究
16.Role of Vinculin in Cell Response to Mechanical StimuliVinculin在细胞响应力学刺激中的作用
17.The Effect of Stimulus Quantity in the Treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction with Cluster Acupuncture on Scalp-point by Retaining Long Time (CASPRLT);探讨刺激量在头穴丛刺长留针法治疗急性脑梗死中的作用
18.(used of physical stimuli) serving to stimulate or excite.(用于生理刺激)使刺激或引起兴奋的。

3)Electro-stimulate effect电刺激作用
1.Study on irritation of calcium oxalate crystal in raw Pinellia ternata;生半夏中草酸钙针晶的刺激性作用研究
1.The preliminary study on CpG-ODN sequences with immunostimulatory in peripheral blood lymph cells and spleen cells of swine;CpG-ODN对猪外周血淋巴细胞和脾脏免疫细胞免疫刺激作用的初步研究
2.The Preliminary Study on Different CpG-ODN Sequences with Immunostimulatory in Vitro Immue Cells of Swine;不同序列的CpG-ODN对猪体外免疫细胞免疫刺激作用的研究
3.It is showed that the nine CpG-ODNs had different extent of immunostimulatory effects on the swine peripheral bloodlymph cells.用四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)比色法检测外周血淋巴细胞转化效果和脾细胞的增殖能力和代谢能力,通过测得的OD490值,计算出淋巴细胞增殖指数(SI),筛选CpG-ODN的免疫刺激作用

刺激作用刺激作用  引起机体器官、组织或细胞反应的过程称刺激作用。