1.This paper discusses the operational fundamentals of frequency-conversion governing, analyses its usage in the cremator as well as its operative effect and makes a minute comparison between it and the traditional motor controlling in cremator.文中阐述了变频调速的工作原理,并对其在火化机工况中的使用情况和效果进行了分析,同时还就其与传统的火化机电机控制方法进行了比较。

1.On the Importance of Bringing about Automatic Control over Cremating Machine;论实现火化机全自动化控制的重要性
2.The Application of the Technique of Frequency-conversion Governing to Cremating;浅谈变频调速技术在火化机中的应用
3.mechatronics of edm plants电火花设备机电一体化
4.The plane burst into flames.飞机化成一团烈火。
5.smokers' lighter, mechanical electrical or chemical机械的、电的或化学的抽烟用打火机
6.Any of various portable mechanical devices for spraying and extinguishing a fire with chemicals.灭火器一种用化学药品灭火的便携式机械装置
7.The Research of Quasi-dimensional Model for Spark-ignited Liquefied Petroleum Gas Engine;火花点火式液化石油气发动机准维模型研究
8.Solid rocket motor igniter integration design and numerical simulation固体火箭发动机点火系统一体化设计及仿真
9.centrifuge, nitrating, for gun-cotton manufacture制造火药棉丝用硝化离心机
10.computerized fire alarm transmission system计算机化火警警报传送系统
11.simplified fire safety system for correctional factory教养机构简化防火安全系统
12.For one thing, they simplify the design of a rocket engine.首先,它们可以简化火箭发动机的设计。
13.Clinical Study on Pathogenic Fire in Hemorrhage of Upper Digestive Tract上消化道出血“火热”病机之临床研究
14.The Overall Design and Control of the Rail Automation Quenches Machine Tool;钢轨自动化淬火机床总体设计及控制
15.The Relationship of Inorganic CO_2 Gas Reservoirs and Igneous Rocks;无机二氧化碳气藏与火成岩关系研究
16.Research on Economic Operation Problem of Power Plants;火电厂发电机组负荷优化运行的研究
17.The Study of Economic Load Dispatch in Large Power Plant;大型火电厂机组的负荷优化分配研究
18.The Study of Atomization Character of Coaxial Injector in Rocket Engine;火箭发动机同轴式喷嘴雾化特性研究

chemical fire extinguishment mechanism化学灭火机理
3)Chemical rocket engine化学火箭发动机
4)programming unit程序化机构[火]
5)CO CO-2 extinguisher二氧化碳灭火机
6)carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher四氯化碳灭火机

火化少阳火化少阳 火化少阳   运气术语。三阴三阳分司六气,其中少阳属相火之气。《素问·至真要大论》:“少阳司天,其化以火。”