
1.Application of bio-manipulation technology to restoration of ecosystem of urban static polluted water生物操控技术在城市静态受污染水体生态修复中的应用
2.Study on the Modeling and Control Strategy of Cell-Manipulation Micro-Stage Base on Piezo Actuator压电式生物细胞微操作台建模及控制策略研究
3.Visualization of Multi-functional Biological Experiment Platform可视化生物实验操作平台运动控制系统开发
4.Control Object. You telekinetically animate a small object.操控物体:你以念动力操控一个小型物品。
5.Study on Municipal Sewage Treatment and Control Operation with Full-scale Variable-velocity Anoxic Biofilter;缺氧变速酶促生物滤池处理城市污水生产性试验及操作调控研究
6.A Pilot Study of Operation Control Conditions of Fluidized-pellet-bed Bioreactor in Municipal Wastewater Treatment;生物造粒流化床高效污水处理的操作控制条件实验研究
7.a method of controlling the flight of a missile by devices that respond to inertial forces.由惯性引导飞行物飞行的操控方法。
8.Most of the manipulations occur instead in the etheric or astral planes.大部分操控反之发生在以太或星光层。
9.On Cultivation of the Biology Experimental and Operational Ability of the Senior Middle School Students论高中学生生物实验操作能力的培养
10.Operating aspect, control and move with the direction key, prevent from and is knocked away by the barrier.操作方面,用方向键控制移动,避免被障碍物撞飞。
11.Operates lift-trucks to load, unload, carry or stack bulky materials.操控叉车装货、卸货、运输或堆放大体积的物料。
12.Design and Implementation of the Robot Control System for the Teleoperation Explosive Ordnance Disposal遥操作爆炸物处理机器人控制系统设计与实现
13.Direction and control of production operations, paint, finishing and assembly operations of plas-tic component parts.控制并导向塑料零配件的生产操作,涂漆,零件组装和组装操作。
14.Biomechanical Principle of Gymnastics of Horizontal Bar;体操单杠运动中的生物力学原理探讨
15.steering mechanism操纵[控制,转向,操舵]机构
16.Mister Kerviel was charged with breach of trust and illegal computer activity.科维尔先生被控违犯信任及计算机非法操作。
17.Lin Yutang and the Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Ji-Ideological Manipulation Perspective;林语堂与《浮生六记》英译—意识形态操控视角
18.Cause and Adjustment on Mental Obstacles of College Students in Aerobic Exercise Teaching;健美操教学中大学生心理障碍的成因及调控

1.Effect of food habits of some fishes on the biomanipulation in drinking water source management;水源治理中鱼类的摄食选择性对其生物操纵作用的影响
2.Advances on Biomanipulation in Control of Eutrophic Lakes;生物操纵理论与技术在富营养化湖泊治理中的应用
3.The Application Study of Fish Biomanipulation in Improving Aquatic Environment of Suzhou;鱼类生物操纵在苏州水环境治理中的应用研究
1.Effect of zooplankton on removing algae in bio-manipulation;浮游动物在生物操纵法除藻中的作用研究
4)Biological Manipulation生物操作
5)Biological operation生物学操作
6)biological control生物控制
1.Comprehensive application of biological control techniques for water purification in aquaculture;生物控制法在水产养殖水质净化中的综合应用
2.Preliminary report on agricultural ecological environment and biological control of crop insect pests in Xiuyan region;岫岩农业生态环境与农田害虫的生物控制研究初报
3.A survey on the pathogen biological control over schistosomiasis and experimental infection in Oncomelania hupensis at Muping lake region of Hunan province;湖南目平湖钉螺血吸虫病原生物控制资源调查及感染试验

可控性与非可控性投入可控性与非可控性投入 可控性与非可控性投人可控性投入指学校和教育行政部门可以控制的教育资源投入。学校可以对教学负担、班级规模、课程教学单元的数量、每个教师承担的学科教学任务的平均量等可控性投入进行调节和平衡,以改进教学质量。教育行政部门可以对教师的专业准备程度、教学经验、培训要求、教师工资、设备供应、生活费用、图书馆藏书等投入进行选择,以调节教育的供给与需求。而非可控性投入指学校和教育行政部门不能控制的教育资源投入。如学生的种族、性别、年龄及家长的社会经济背景等无法控制的因素对教育有着不同程度的影响。教育部门不能控制学生家长的教育水平和收入状况,但应当推动教育机会平等的社会经济环境的实现。