1.Through the comparation of the theories, as apportioned the resource in the centre of the chengdu adopting the F actor Theory,then used the PMF Method.分析方法引用了化学质量平衡CMB、因子分析理论、主成分分析、粗集理论等,经过了模型的比选,本文采用了美国环保署受体模型中的因子分析理论,采用了正交矩阵因子分析(positive Matrix Factorization)的方法,并通过美国环保署最新的PMF3。
2)Orthogonal decomposition for matrix矩阵的正交分解
3)Orthogonal array正交矩阵
1.Resilient functions are constructed by applying orthogonal array .相关免疫函数和正交矩阵的研究是等价的 。
2.The relationships between the dual distance of the code and the correlation-immune order are dis cussed in this paper,and a sufficient and necessary condition for the orthogonal array is derived.本文讨论了码的对偶距离和相关免疫阶之间的关系,并且给出了正交矩阵的一个充要条件。

1.A Note on the Decomposition of Compelex Orthogonal Matrix关于复正交矩阵的一个分解式的注记
2.The Contragradient Transformation Model in Vector Group Orthogonalization(Matrix);向量组(矩阵)正交化的合同变换模型
3.A Simple Rectangular Matrix Orthogonalizing Method-Elementary Transformation;一个简便的向量组(矩阵)正交化方法
4.Orthogonal Diagonal Decomposition and Moore-Penrose Inverses of o-Symmetrix Matrixo-对称矩阵的正交对角分解及Moore-Penrose逆
5.Biorthogonal bivariate vector-valued wavelet packets with dilation matrix矩阵伸缩的二元向量值双正交小波包
6.The matrix extension for the construction of biorthogonal trivariate wavelets构建三元双正交小波的矩阵扩充方法
7.It can ensure unitary column orthogonality for the resulting matrix sequence.该方法可确保迭代矩阵列的单位列正交性.
8.Solving the Optimal Portfolio of Singular Covariance Matrix by Orthogonal Linear Transformation正交变换求解奇异协方差矩阵的投资组合问题
9.This article is to investigate biorthogonal matrix-valued wavelet packets in higher dimensions.研究高维矩阵值双正交小波包的构造及性质。
10.Some Researches on Orthogonal Projection Iterative Methods for Solving Some Constrained Matrix Equations;求解约束矩阵方程的正交投影迭代法研究
11.Least-square Solutions of Inverse Problem for Symmetric Orthogonal Matrices;对称正交对称矩阵反问题的最小二乘解
12.Application of Standard Form of Real Symmetric Matrix under the Orthogonal Similarity Transformation;实对称矩阵正交相似变换标准形的应用
13.Matrix Expressions on Orthogonal Bases under Lorentz Transformation;任意正交曲线坐标基矢洛仑兹变换的矩阵表示
14.The Array Theory Of The Experimental Stress Analysis Of The Orthotropic Photoelastics;正交异性光弹性实验应力分析的矩阵理论
15.Some Discussion on Schmidt s orthogonalization by Matrix Method;关于利用矩阵方法简化Schmidt正交化过程的研究
16.Orthonormal Random Beamforming with Multiple Beam Matrices多波束矩阵下的正交随机波束成型方法
17.An Iterative Method for the Symmetric Ortho-symmetric Solutions of a Class of Matrix Equation一类矩阵方程的对称正交对称解的迭代法研究
18.Symmetric Ortho-symmetric Least Square Solutions of One Kind of Matrix Equation一类矩阵方程的对称正交对称最小二乘解

Orthogonal decomposition for matrix矩阵的正交分解
3)Orthogonal array正交矩阵
1.Resilient functions are constructed by applying orthogonal array .相关免疫函数和正交矩阵的研究是等价的 。
2.The relationships between the dual distance of the code and the correlation-immune order are dis cussed in this paper,and a sufficient and necessary condition for the orthogonal array is derived.本文讨论了码的对偶距离和相关免疫阶之间的关系,并且给出了正交矩阵的一个充要条件。
4)orthogonal matrix正交矩阵
1.The method of constructing the sign patterns that allow orthogonal matrix is given. 给出蕴含正交矩阵的符号模式的一种构造方法,并证明了一类给定符号模式蕴含正交矩阵,最后对蕴含正交矩阵的符号模式中零元的个数进行了研究。
5)matrix analysis矩阵分析
1.Multi-sensor radar system identification based on D-S evidence theory of matrix analysis;基于矩阵分析的D-S证据理论的多传感器雷达体制识别
2.Applications of matrix analysis in birth and death model for Ad hoc矩阵分析在Ad hoc网络生灭模型中的应用
3.The generalization of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and its application in matrix analysisCauchy-Schwarz不等式的推广及其在矩阵分析中的应用
6)Analysis matrix分析矩阵
1.Then,it presents a five-step CVD process involves both the rational and sensitive value and the static and relative dynamic characters of customer value,which followed by building a comprehensive analysis matrix of customer value based on CVD.此外,本文还构建了基于CVD顾客价值综合分析矩阵,并设计了顾客价值交付循环模式。

正交矩阵正交矩阵orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵【份血剧间叮.廿改;opT0r0I.幼1.11四M盯-四从a」 具有单位元l的交换环R上的一个矩阵(Inatrix),其转里矩阵(trans衅ed皿呱)与逆矩阵相同正交矩阵的行列式等于士IR上的所有n阶正交矩阵的集合构成一般线性群(gene阁如c盯grouP)GL。(R)的一个子群.对任何实正交矩阵a,存在一个实正交矩阵c,使得eae一’一d认g【土l,一,士l,a,,一’,arj,其中 }!。05 0 sin。}! a=11一J’J 11。 {{一sm毋,cos毋2 11一个非退化复矩阵a相似于一个复正交矩阵,当且仅当其初等因子(eleITrntary di访sors)系具有下列胜质: 1)对又笋士1,初等因子(x一又)爪和(x一厂‘)“重复相同的次数; 2)每个形如(x土l)2,的初等因子都重复偶数次.【补注】由正交矩阵A关于标准基以x)=Ax(x〔R”)定义的映射盯R”~R”,保持标准内积不变,因此定义了一个正交映射(ortllogonaln‘pp吨).更一般地,若V和W是具有内积<,),,,(,)甲的内积空间,则使得<:(x),二(y)),=(另,y>。的线性映射眠V~W称为正交映射. 任何非奇异(复或实)矩阵M允许一个极分解(polar deeomposition)M=SQ“Q:S:,其中S和S;对称,Q和Q:正交.