1.On the short-termed teaching of the English majors——Relationship between culture cultivation and 4Cs英语教育专业“短学期”教学实践探索——文化素养与“4C”能力的关系
2)Short-Term Study in Foreign Country短期留学

1.Every year there are about13,000 short-term overseas students coming to study in Shanghai.每年到沪的短期留学生有13000名左右。
2.Problem in Short-term Chinese Classes for International Students and Countermeasures to It;浅谈留学生汉语短期班存在的问题与解决对策
3.I was in India for a bit.我在印度作短期逗留。
4.In the meantime, more than 5,700 students have returned to countries where they study after coming home to visit relatives, take vacation or do short-term jobs.还有5700多名留学人员先后回国探亲、休假或短期工作,他们都顺利地返回了留学所在国。
5.Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.许多候鸟每年都来这个湖作短期逗留。
6.Yeobright's visit to his mother was to be of short duration.姚伯回来看他母亲,只是短期的勾留。
7.The loan part of such a package will usually be a long-term, low-interest one, to be distinguished from the short-term, no-interest, "emergency" loan that may be available to foreign students.这种贷款通常是期限长、利息低,与外国留学生可能得到的短期免息紧急贷款不同。
8.(theology) warranting only temporal punishment.(神学)只须受短期惩罚的。
9.Where will you stay during your studies?你在留学期间住哪?
10.Our camp is well stocked with everything we need for a short stay.我们营中凡短期居留所需之物都有充分的储备。
11.His brief visit to London was from many points of view helpful.他在伦敦的短期逗留从各方面看来是有益的。
12.During his short stay, Philip set us all by the ears.菲利普在这时短期逗留期间,搬弄是非,搞得大家不得安宁。
13.of long [short] duration长期 [短期] 的
14.But in the past few years, our two countries have enjoyed an explosion in the number of student exchanges.仅在过去短短几年中,两国的留学生人数急剧增加。
15.Longterm and Short-term Analyzing Methods in Economics;经济学方法中的长期分析与短期分析
16.Means and fields of women s studying abroad in the Republic of China;民国时期女子留学的途径及留学专业领域
17.stay (esp for a short time)停留(尤指短时间)
18.The Oversea Students in Europe in the Early and the Middle Periods of the Qing Dynasty清代初期至中期的留欧学生及其教育

Short-Term Study in Foreign Country短期留学
3)short semester system短学期制
4)short-term college短期大学
1.A comparative study of American community colleges and Japanese short-term colleges;美国社区学院与日本短期大学的比较研究
5)short-term learning短期学习
6)practice teaching in short semester短学期实践教学
1.To adapt to the rapid development of computer technology,new problems of graduation project and new employment situation after graduation,this paper combines "3+1" mode of teaching reformation in Shanghai university with our practice teaching to present our attempts and experiences that we make the practice teaching in short semester of the third year of college be the pre.实践教学是高等教育的重要组成部分,是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的重要教学环节,结合上海大学"3+1"模式教学改革实践,为应对计算机技术的高速发展和学生毕业设计阶段遇到的新问题及学生毕业面临的就业新形势,文章介绍了该校计算机专业使"大三"短学期实践教学成为学生毕业设计和学生走向实际工作岗位预演的一些尝试和体会。
