点源,point source
1)point source点源
1.Interconversion between linear source resistivity and point source resistivity with the use of matrix method.;应用矩阵法实现线源与点源电阻率数据间互换
2.In the total discharge of point source wastewater,about 76% of nitrogen an.对厦门市近岸海域近10年的废水和主要污染物质排放量估算的结果表明:万元产值工业废水排放量呈逐年下降的趋势,而各污染物的排放总量却逐年缓慢增长;在点源污水排放总量预测中,约76%的氮、磷来自于生活污水;在非点源污染负荷中,农业非点源中的氮、磷负荷占较大比例,城市非点源污染负荷比例最小。

1.Analysis of Agricultural Non-point Source to the Pollution of Water Resources in Shaanxi Province;陕西水资源污染农业非点源贡献分析
2.Identification of Critical Nonpoint Pollution Source Areas In Songhuaba Watershed松华坝流域非点源污染关键源区识别
3.Calibrate the Aerial Surveying Instrument by the Limited Suface Source and the Single Point以有限面源和单点源代替无限面源标定航测仪
4.Study of the Inorganic Nitrogen Flux into LaiZhou Bay from the Non-Point Pollution Sources in the XiaoQingHe Basin;小清河流域陆源无机氮非点源入海通量的研究
5.Identification of Critical Source Areas (CSAs) for Non-point Source Pollution in Miyun Watershed;基于GIS的流域非点源污染关键源区识别与控制
6.Study on the Nitrogen of Non-point Source Pollution of Shanzi Reservior in Fuzhou;福州第二水源—山仔水库非点源氮污染研究
7.The Research on Non-point Source Phosphorus Pollution Control Based on the Water Supply Source of Xi'an City西安市供水水源非点源磷污染控制研究
8.The agricultural non-point sources pollution in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River based on source-sink ecological process基于“源-汇”生态过程的长江上游农业非点源污染
9.Types,Characteristics,Sources of Non-point Source Pollution and Its Control Technology非点源污染的类型、特征、来源及控制技术
10.The specific discharge is infinite at the vicinity of every point source or sink.在每个点源或点汇附近比流量为无穷大。
11.&Source Breakpoint源代码断点(&S)
12.point-source point-detector mode单点震源单点接收方式
13.From*breith [ speckled ].源自*breith[布满斑点的]。
14.major construction fund of energy resources and transportation能源交通重点建设基金
15.Reflections on the Tourist Development of Ziyuan County,Guangxi;开发广西资源县旅游资源的几点思考
16.Features of Forest Resources in Jingyuan and Protection and Development Measures Concerned泾源县森林资源特点及保护利用对策
17.The point of origin, such as a spring, of a stream or river.源头起源的那一点,如泉水、小溪或河流的源头
18.Determine changes by comparing source and destination webs通过比较源站点和目标站点确定更改

point sources点源
1.Modeling the export of point sources of nutrients from the Yangtze River basin and discussing countermeasures;长江流域点源氮磷营养盐的排放、模型及预测
2.Fur thermore,it shows the importance and some methods in the solution of the boundary value problems of the point sources.并阐明点源,即集中分布的量在求解边值问题时的意义和方法。
3)source point源点
1.This article discusses mainly about the divergence of r/r 3 in the source point and points out a simple expression of the divergece of r/r本文着重讨论矢量r/r3在源点的散度 ,并给出了r/r3的散度的简洁表达式。
5)point sources and sinks点源点汇
6)point source点源(或点热源);点源;点(污染)源;点[放射]源
