春节,Spring Festival
1)Spring Festival春节
1.Analysis of atmospheric air pollution of Beijing City in Spring Festival period;北京市春节期间大气污染分析
2.Analysis on the Psychology and Nursing of Psychotic in Patients during Spring Festival;春节期间住院精神病患者的心理及护理
3.Ocular injury of children in Spring Festival period;春节期间儿童眼外伤的临床特点

1.The biggest festival in my country is the Spring Festival.我国最大的节日是春节
2.The Spring Festival/Lantern Festival/Dragon Boat Festival/Mid-Autumn Festival春节/元宵节/端午节/中秋节
3.The Chinese people love to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, which are also written on red paper.春节时,中国人喜欢贴春联,春联也是用红纸写的。
4.The four important festivals are the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival,the Drgon-boat Festival and the Mid-au-tumn Festival.有四个重要节日:春节、元宵节、端午节和中秋节。
5.Yes. We have Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival,是的。我们有春节、元宵节、端午节、
6.Study on the Flower Induction and Its Fresh-keeping of Branch-cutting of 'Jin Chun' Peach in Spring Festival Period‘锦春’桃的切枝春节催花及保鲜研究
7.The Chinese New Year is also called the Spring Festival.中国新年也叫春节
8.The Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival,中国的新年,即春节
9.Today is Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival.今天是中国的新年,春节
10.Where is you go to celebrate your spring festival?你到哪里去过春节
11.The shops are very busy before the Spring Festival.春节前商店里十分繁忙。
12.Business suspended during the Spring Festival.春节期间,暂停营业。
13.a traditional food many people have at Spring Festival,这是春节传统佳肴。
14.I'm on duty as from the Spring Day.我刚好在春节那天值日。
15.Transport was rather stretched in the Spring Festival.春节期间运输相当紧张。
16.The Chinese Spring Festival is also called 'Guo Nian'.中国的春节也叫“过年”。
17.usually in February we have Spring Festival.我们通常在二月过春节
18.During the Spring Festival, the market supply of commodities is ample.春节市场供应充足。

the Spring Festival春节
1.A Comparison Between "the Spring Festival" and Christmas;春节与圣诞节中的中西方文化习俗
2.Analysis and Countermeasures for High-voltage Problem ofZhejiang Power Network During the Period of the Spring Festival;浙江电网春节期间高电压问题分析与对策研究
3.Study on the consumption and living features of rural residents at the Spring Festival——Taking Henan province as an example;农村居民春节消费和生活特征研究——以河南省为例
3)Spring Festival effect春节效应
1.So whether the Spring Festival effect exits just like the Christmas effect or January effect is an interesting question.由于我国有传统的春节,类似于国外的圣诞节,是否也存在与圣诞效应或一月效应一样的春节效应或者二月效应的问题,笔者就此对季节效应进行了深入的研究,并发现我国并不存在二月效应。
4)spring and winter冬春季节
1.CIRAS-1 photosynthetic measure system was used to study the photosynthetic characteristics of loquat in spring and winter under field conditions in Suzhou area of Jiangsu province.利用英国产C IRAS-1光合测定系统测定比较了田间自然条件下苏州产区几种类型的枇杷品种冬春季节的光合特性及其变化。
5)Spring Festival evening春节晚会
6)spring festival factor春节因素
1.The characteristics of time series seasonal adjustment method and foreign software,then development Chinese version software based on Chinese charac- teristic,especially the spring festival factor are summarized.通过总结时间序列季节调整方法的特点以及相应软件在国外的发展,针对我国应用的特点,尤其是春节因素的考虑,在解剖X-12-ARIMA方法原理的基础上,在春节因素计算方法、软件应用界面以及用户使用帮助等3个主要方面加以改进,具有数据导入、调整设置文件、运行方式以及结果输出4方面的特色。
