综合污染指数,comprehensive pollution index
1)comprehensive pollution index综合污染指数
1.The relationship between comprehensive pollution index assessment and water quality type distingquishing;综合污染指数评价与水质类别判定的关系
2.On this basis, utilize weighted comprehensive pollution index to make appraisal on the present condition of water body pollution, result shows water quality belong t.03%;在此基础上,利用加权综合污染指数对水体水质污染现状进行综合评价,结果显示该库区水质总体上基本无污染,其饮用水取水口(出水断面)水质符合《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)》中Ⅱ类水质标准。

1.Application Of Average Comprehensive Pollution Index In bo Water Pollution Classification平均综合污染指数在地面水污染分级中的应用
2.Main Water Pollutant of General Regional Survey Screened by a Fitting Comprehensive Index拟合综合指数筛选普查区域的主要废水污染物
3.The comprehensive pollution harm index of the water quality can be calculated with the aid of the general weighted contrast for the pollution harm partial indices.提出用对比加权对污染损害分指数进行赋权的新方法,计算水质综合污染损害指数。
4.Development of rapid monitoring methods for organic pollution indicators of water bodies水体中有机污染综合指标的快速监测方法进展
5.Characterization of Water Quality and Development of Ancillary Techniques for Organic Pollutants Analyses;水质有机污染多参数指标与联合检测技术研究
6.composite index of coincident indicators重合经济指标综合指数
7.Study on Pollution Situation at Typical Chrome Residue Contaminated Sites and Corresponding Integrated Remediation Plan典型铬渣污染场地的污染状况与综合整治对策
8.composite index of leading indicators先行经济指标综合指数
9.composite index of lagging indicators滞后经济指标综合指数
10.III. The Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution and the Comprehensive Improvement of the Urban Environment三、工业污染防治和城市环境综合整治
12.The Research of ZhangCun Mine Power Net Harmonic Pollution Integrated Elimination;漳村煤矿电网谐波污染综合治理研究
13.Pollution of Dianchi and its Trend and Treatment;滇池污染现状、趋势及其综合防治对策
14.Survey Report on Integrated Treatment of Water Pollution of Dianchi Watershed in 2000;2000年滇池流域水污染的综合治理
15.Analysis on pollutants discharge of coal-fired plant and the comprehensive treatments火电厂污染物全排放分析及综合治理
16.The Comparison of Light Polluted Water Quality Assessment by Using the Average Pollution Index and the Active Pollution Index在评价微污染水体中均值污染指数评价方法和活性污染指数评价方法的比较
17.The Research on SDI s Measurement Apparatus Based on MCU;智能型SDI污染密度指数测试仪的研究
18.A comparison of the mainland Chinese and international Air Pollution Index system我国与国际空气污染指数系统的比较

integrated pollution index综合污染指数
1.The integrated pollution index of water quality was chosen for investigation of the situation of the water pollution,and the impacts of social and economic development on water quality were studied by the approach of grey correlation coefficient.运用水质综合污染指数表征水污染状况,分析淮河蚌埠段近20年来的水质演变规律,采用灰色关联度法分析了水质变化与社会、经济影响因素间的关系。
3)synthetic pollution index method综合污染指数法
4)Synthetic pollution index污染综合指数
5)comprehensive pollutant index污染物综合指数
1.Objective To detect the lead content of selling foods and the situation of super-standard of lead in Shenzhen City,to investigate the correlation between foods consumption habit and intake of lead and to study to evaluate the healthy degree of inhabitant effected by foods pollutant with the comprehensive pollutant index.目的 检测深圳市售食品的铅含量及铅超标现状 ,调查深圳居民食品消费习惯与摄入铅的联系 ,研究用污染物综合指数 (ComprehensivePollutantIndex ,CPI)评估食品污染物对居民身体健康的影响程度。
6)integration pollutant index (IPI)综合污染指数(IPI)

迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数 迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数是用于测定两地间人口迁移效率的指标。它是净迁移对总迁移之比。计算公式为:EIM一摇寿纂拼又‘。。上式中,}人么夕一材方}为i、]两地净迁移人数;从少+材户为i、]两地总迁移人数;El入了为迁移效率指数。 EIM的取值范围为。至100,如某一地区的值越大,反映迁移的的影响也越大。如果计算i地区与其他一切地区之间的人口迁移效率指数EIM厂,则: }艺材。一芝Mj、}EIM汀艺。+乏M,(j笋i) 迁移偏好指数是从一个地区向另一地区的实际迁移人数与期望迁移人数之比。计算公式为:____M.___材尸2行一:一二子一一不石一二,么M“ 了厂‘.厂‘、八 }二不十二六二1 、厂厂7上式中,M“为从i地迁到j地的实际迁移量;艺材。为总的人口迁移量;尸为总人口;M尸I,j为迁移偏好指数。通过计算迁移偏好指数,可以反映各地区的相对引力。 迁移差别指数是反映具有某种特征的迁移人口与非迁移人口区别的指数。例如,专业技术人员的人数所占比重,各种文化程度人数所占比重等,以便研究人才流失和其他间题。计算公式为:M‘从IMD、一翌不丝xl。。 .义V‘ N上式中,M为迁移人数;M,为具有i特征的迁移人数;N为非迁移人数;N‘为具有i特征的非迁移人数;了八了D、为迁移差别指数。