正式制度,formal institution
1)formal institution正式制度
1.Formal Institutional Arrangement of Property Rights Reform in Russia and Its Implication;俄罗斯产权改革的正式制度分析及借鉴
2.On the perspective of institution,the factors that influence the effective implementation of public policy are discussed from the aspects of formal institution and informal institution.基于制度的视角,从正式制度和非正式制度两方面对影响政策有效执行的因素进行了探讨,并着重从权力配置、监控制度、沟通机制、责任追究制度、意识形态投入等角度探讨解决对策,以推动公共政策的有效执行。
3.This paper researches formal institution with analysis of game theory within organization frame,and thinks that the institution can be divided into four types: punishment institution,constitutional institution(decision institution),information institution and Informal institution(culture or ideology) on the basis of function.在组织框架内,运用博弈论分析方法研究正式制度问题,认为制度按其功能可分为四种类型:惩罚制度、立宪性制度即决策制度、信息制度等三种正式制度,以及非正式制度即文化(意识形态),它们相辅相成,共同维护合作制度,以稳定地获取合作收益。

1.An Analysis of Coincidence Mode of Informal Institution and Formal Institution;非正式制度正式制度的吻合模式分析
2.An Analysis of the Formal Institutional Arrangements and the Informal Institutional Arrangements Affecting the Accounting Fraud;正式制度与非正式制度对会计舞弊的影响研究
3.On Formal System And Informal System In Right Distribution Between Central Government And Local Government;论中央与地方分权中的正式制度与非正式制度
4.Power Rent-seeking: Analysis from Perspective of Formal Institution and Informal Institution;权力寻租的正式制度与非正式制度分析
5.The Difference and Connection of Formal and Informal Institutions论正式制度与非正式制度的差异与链接
6.The Conflict and Integration of Formal and Informal Institutions--An Institutional Analysis on China's Market-Oriented Reform;正式制度与非正式制度的冲突与融合——中国市场化改革的制度分析
7.The Influence of Informal Institution Upon the Methods of Tibetan Economic Institutional Changes;非正式制度对西藏经济制度变迁方式的影响
8.The Influence of Informal Institution upon the Method of Induced Institution Changes;西藏非正式制度对诱致性制度变迁方式的影响
9.Research on the Chinese Civil Servant Formal and Informal Employing System;中国公务员录用正式与非正式制度研究
10.Informal Institutions and Reforming of Economic System in Chinese Countryside;非正式制度与中国农村经济体制改革
11.On the Coordinated Development between "Formal System" and "Informal System" of the Reform of State-owned Enterprises;论国有企业改革中“正式制度”与“非正式制度”的协调发展
12.Research on Informal Constraints and Reforms of Industry and Business Institution in Late Qing Dynasty;非正式制度与晚清工商业制度变革研究
13.Study on Informal Institution during the Course of China s Urban Housing Institution Change;中国城镇住房制度变迁中的非正式制度研究
14."Formal System" and "Informal System" in Harmonious Society Construction;和谐社会建设中的“制度”与“非正式制度”因素探析
15.The Restrains of Informal System in Systematic Alternatives in Governmental Transformation;论政府转型中制度选择的非正式制度约束
16.An Informal Institution Analysis of Current Personnel Reform in China s Higher Education Institutions;高校教师人事制度改革的非正式制度分析
17.The Informal Institutions of Rural Industrialization of Central Region in Hubei Province;鄂中农村工业化中的非正式制度研究
18.Formal Institutions and Firm Financing:Review and Agenda;正式制度与企业融资:前沿理论述评

formal system正式制度
1.On the Barriers and Resolutions of the "Formal System"Concerning Farming People s Trouble in Increasing their Income;农民增收困难的“正式制度”障碍和对策研究
2.On the Coordinated Development between "Formal System" and "Informal System" of the Reform of State-owned Enterprises;论国有企业改革中“正式制度”与“非正式制度”的协调发展
3.In order to improve the ecological environment and realize the harmonious development between ecological environment and economy,it is essential to strengthen system arrangement from two aspects like formal and informal systems,enhance the coordination and cooperation among the system dominated by government,market system and spontaneous system,and then regulate the be.要改善西部地区的生态环境,实现生态环境与经济的协调发展,应从正式制度和非正式制度两个层面强化制度安排,加强政府主导型制度、市场制度及自发制度的协调与配合,充分发挥制度的激励功能和约束功能,以规范经济主体的行为。
3)formal institutions正式制度
1.It is a fact that the informal institutions such as custom, convention and moral have great effects on the political and economic reform in China.非正式制度在我国经济改革和制度转轨方面都起到了相当重要的作用,但是经济学中关于非正式制度的研究相对于其重要性来说是十分不够的。
2.In the field of economics, western major economists have long enough focused on economic factors while turned a blind eye to the study of informal institutions such as ethics, morality and ideology.在经济学领域,长期以来,西方主流经济学家更多地将注意力集中在经济因素上,而漠视对伦理规范、道德、意识形态等非正式制度的研究。
4)official system正式制度
1.On the weak judgment of system and official system vicissitude;制度的弱式评判与正式制度变迁
2.It mainly displays in three aspects:The honest government system is not adapted to the system environment;The unofficial system is not adapted to the o.它主要表现在三个方面:廉政制度与制度环境不相适应;非正式制度正式制度不相适应;廉政制度与制度实施机制不相适应。
3.In the course of economic growth, it has two institutional arrangements: official system and unofficial system.经济增长中有两种制度安排:正式制度和非正式制度
5)informal system非正式制度
1.Influence of Web2.0 era on informal system of the society;Web2.0时代对于社会非正式制度的影响
2.On the Coordinated Development between "Formal System" and "Informal System" of the Reform of State-owned Enterprises;论国有企业改革中“正式制度”与“非正式制度”的协调发展
3.In order to improve the ecological environment and realize the harmonious development between ecological environment and economy,it is essential to strengthen system arrangement from two aspects like formal and informal systems,enhance the coordination and cooperation among the system dominated by government,market system and spontaneous system,and then regulate the be.要改善西部地区的生态环境,实现生态环境与经济的协调发展,应从正式制度和非正式制度两个层面强化制度安排,加强政府主导型制度、市场制度及自发制度的协调与配合,充分发挥制度的激励功能和约束功能,以规范经济主体的行为。
6)informal institution非正式制度
1.Investigation about the trend of engineering consultation corporation in informal institutions on the basis of evolutionary game theory;工程咨询企业非正式制度环境的进化博弈论分析
2.Ideology,informal institution changes and interpretation for "Shaanxi phenomena";思想观念、非正式制度变迁与“陕西现象”解读
3.Informal Institutions Influence on the Changes of Corporate Governance in Japan & Russia and Their Revelations to China;非正式制度对日俄公司治理演变的影响及对中国的启示

正式群体与非正式群体  根据构成群体的原则和方式的不同而划分的群体种类。正式群体指有一定的规章制度,有既定的目标,有固定的编制和群体规范,成员占据特定的地位并扮演一定的角色的群体。如工厂中的车间、班组,军队中的班、排,学校中的班级、教研室等。非正式群体指以个人好恶兴趣等为基础自发形成,无固定目标,无成员间的地位及角色关系的群体。如趣味相投的朋友、街道或同院的伙伴等等,都属于非正式群体。非正式群体也有一定相互关系的结构和规范,但是往往没有明文规定,群体成员中会自然涌现出首领,群体成员的行为受群体中自然形成的规范所调节。    非正式群体的研究在应用社会心理学中有重要意义。G.E.梅奥是在霍桑实验(见工业社会学)中最早发现非正式群体并研究非正式群体对正式群体的工作发生影响的社会心理学家之一。他认为,在现代大规模生产条件下,正式群体中产生非正式群体是不可避免的,也是正常的。非正式群体中形成的目标在很大程度上决定着群体成员对劳动和管理部门的态度,因而对劳动生产率有重大影响。苏联心理学家的研究也证明,在自由的和创造性的劳动条件下,正式群体内部产生的非正式群体不仅不会涣散劳动集体,而且会使劳动集体更加团结,并有助于整个群体实现目标和完成任务。当然,也存在非正式群体与正式群体发生矛盾,并干扰整个正式群体达到既定目标的情况。这时,管理者就要设法改善与非正式群体的关系,改变非正式群体的倾向和已经形成的规范,使非正式群体与正式群体的活动协调一致起来。