环境空气质量,ambient air quality
1)ambient air quality环境空气质量
1.The study and application of forecast model of ambient air quality for littoral medium and small cities;沿海地区中小城市环境空气质量预报模式的研究与应用
2.In view of the testing and evaluation of Guiyang's ambient air quality in the Second Ring Forest-belt of Guiyang,and the reality of Guiyang's ambient air quality,the Second Ring Forest-belt of Guiyang,which is acting on the improvement of eco-environmental and housing condition,has provided scientific references for deeping its further construction.通过对贵阳市第二环城林带环境空气质量监测和评价,结合贵阳市环境空气质量的现状,可以看出,二环林带为改善城市生态环境和人居已经起到良好的作用,并为今后环城林带的进一步建设提供科学参考依据。
3.Comparing Datong Area combined pollution index issued by State Environmental Protection Administration in 2005 with that in 2006,this paper gives an analysis of it and points out that both industry and civil heating has direct impact to the Datong area ambient air quality.对国家环境保护总局发布的大同城市空气综合污染指数进行了分析,分析方法是比较2005年和2006年的空气综合污染指数,指出工业和民用采暖都直接影响大同市的环境空气质量

1.ambient air quality standardGB3095-1996环境空气质量标准
2.ECE Statistical Classification of Ambient Air Quality欧洲经委会环境空气质量统计分类法
3.stratified sampling method for assessment of ambient air quality环境空气质量评定用分层取样法
4.Study on the City Ambient Air Quality and the Assessment Methods;城市环境空气质量及其评价方法研究
5.Research on the Technical Criteria for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring;室内环境空气质量监测技术规范研究
6.The Application of GPRS in Ambient Air Quality Automatic MonitoringGPRS在环境空气质量自动监测中的应用
7.Air Quality Analysis of 2006 to 2007 in Tieling铁岭市2006~2007年环境空气质量状况分析
8.Urban Air Quality in Key Environmental Protection Cities In the 47 key environmental protection cities, 19 of them have attained the Grade II standards for urban air quality.环保重点城市空气质量47个环保重点城市中,19个城市环境空气质量达到空气质量二级标准。
9.The Study of Air Environment Capacity and Time Limit Satisfying Project in Lhasa City;拉萨市大气环境容量及环境空气质量限期达标方案研究
10.Analysis on Relation of Air Quality and Meteorological Condition in Nanjing南京市环境空气质量与气象条件的关系分析
11.Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on environmental atmosphere qualityin Zhengzhou Urbanization郑州市城区环境空气质量的模糊综合评价
12.Environmental atmosphere quality of grey forecasting in the city of Zhengzhou before 2005郑州市城区2005年前环境空气质量的灰色预测
13.Research and Design of Air Quality Monitoring System in Branch Station;环境空气质量现场站监测系统的研究与设计
14.A Relative Study on the Energy Constitution and Air Quality of Xi'an City;西安市能源构成与环境空气质量的相关性研究
15.Research on Data Mining and Visualization of Urban Ambient Air Quality;城市环境空气质量数据挖掘与可视化的研究
16.Evaluation of Atmospheric Environmental Quality and Study of Improving Air Quality in Xi an;西安市环境空气质量评价及其治理对策的研究
17.Monitoring the environmental air quality of National Museum of China;中国国家博物馆环境空气质量监测报告
18.Some Views on Developing the Automatic Ambient Air Monitoring System;对开展环境空气质量自动监测工作的认识

environmental air quality环境空气质量
1.The current situations of environmental air quality in the center of Yuanbaoshan District in Chifeng city and the countermeasures for pollution;赤峰市元宝山区中心城区环境空气质量现状及污染防治对策
2.Application of fuzzy maths in environmental air quality assessment;模糊数学方法在环境空气质量综合评价中的应用
3.Analysis of environmental air quality trends and driving factors of mining cities in central Liaoning辽中地区矿业城市环境空气质量变化及其影响因素分析
3)air quality环境空气质量
1.Impact of consecutive monitoring method of SO_2 on air quality evaluation;SO_2连续监测对城市环境空气质量评价的影响
2.Research and Design of Air Quality Monitoring System in Branch Station;环境空气质量现场站监测系统的研究与设计
3.The paper analyzes the pollution characteristics and air quality situations of every districts of Yuxi City in 2002.分析了2002年玉溪市各县区县城环境空气质量状况和污染特征 提出应采取措施,减轻SO2,对城市大气的污染。
4)air environmental quality环境空气质量
1.Current situation of air environmental quality and change trend analysis in Sanmenxia city;三门峡市环境空气质量现状及变化趋势分析
5)air quality空气环境质量
1.The present situation of air quality in living area and workshops of Dexin Copper Mine and counter measures taken;德兴铜矿生活区和车间空气环境质量现状及采取的对策
2.According to the data of environmental air quality monitoring of Chuxiong during the fifteenth year plan,the paper systematically analyzes and studies the condition and the variation trend of the air quality of Chuxiong,and provides the suggestions to improve the air quality of Chuxiong.根据楚雄市“十五”期间空气环境质量监测结果,对楚雄市空气环境质量状况、变化趋势进行分析、研究,并提出改善空气环境质量的对策、建议。
6)air quality in micro-environment微环境空气质量

环境空气质量标准环境空气质量标准ambient air quality standard  huonJ一ng kongq一zh一1旧ngb旧ozhun环境空气质t标准(ambient air qualitystandard)对大气环境中污染物容许含量所作的规定。是科学管理大气环境的准则,是国家大气环境保护方针政策的具体体现。 中国在1962年由国家建委和卫生部颁布的《工业企业设计卫生标准》中,首次对居民区大气中的12种有害物质规定了最高容许浓度。1982年,原城乡建设环境保护部首次颁布了适用于全国范围的GB3095一82《大气环境质量标准》.1996年对此做了修改,由国家环境保护局和国家技术监督局颁布GB3o95一1996《环境空气质量标准》。标准主要内容包括:环境空气质量功能区划分、标准的分级、污染物项目、取样时间及浓度限值、采样与分析方法及数据统计的有效性规定。标准分为三级:一级标准适用于国家规定的自然保护区、风景名胜区和其它需要特殊保护的地区;二级标准适用于城镇规划中确定的居民区、商业交通居民混合各项污染物的浓度限位农┌──────────┬──────┬───────┬──────────────┐│污染物名称 │浓度单位 │取值时间 │浓度限值 ││ │ │ ├────┬────┬────┤│ │ │ │一级标准│二级标准│三级标准│├──────────┼──────┼───────┼────┼────┼────┤│二氛化硫S(): │mg/m3 │ 年平均 │0 .02 │0 .06 │0 .10 ││ │ │ 日平均 │0 .05 │0 .15 │0 .25 ││ │ │1小时平均 │0 .15 │0 .50 │0 .70 │├──────────┤ ├───────┼────┼────┼────┤│总是浮获粒物TSP │ │年平均 │0 .08 │0 .20 │0 .30 ││ │ │日平均 │0 .12 │0 .30 │0 .50 │├──────────┤ ├───────┼────┼────┼────┤│可吸入硕粒物PM;。 │ │年平均 │O。01 │0 .10 │0 .15 ││ │ │日平均 │0。05 │0 .15 │0 .25 │├──────────┤ ├───────┼────┼────┼────┤│氮饭化物N氏 │ │ 年平均 │0。05 │0。05 │0 .10 ││ │ │ 日平均 │0。10 │0。10 │0 .15 ││ │ │1小时平均 │0.15 │0。