农村污水,rural sewage
1)rural sewage农村污水
1.Elementary analysis on the ecological treatment processes of rural sewage;农村污水生态处理工艺分析
2.In order to meet the technical requirements of smaller occupancy area,higher efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal,easier maintenance and lower operation and construction cost in the treatment of rural sewage in the Taihu Lake valley,a full-scale experiment on use of the combined process of anaerobic/waterfall aeration contact oxidation/constructed wetland was carried out.为了使太湖地区农村污水处理达到占地面积小、除磷脱氮效率高、管理简单、运行和建设费用低的目标,采用厌氧/跌水充氧接触氧化/人工湿地组合工艺进行了工程规模的试验研究。
3.In order to meet the technical requirements of smaller occupancy area,higher efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal,easier maintenance and lower operation and construction cost in the treatment of rural sewage in Lake Taihu valley,a full-scale experiment on the use of the combined process of anaerobic/waterfall aeration contact oxidation/ constructed wetland was carried out.为了满足太湖地区农村污水处理占地面积小、除磷脱氮效率高、管理简单、运行和建设费用低的要求,研发了厌氧-跌水充氧接触氧化-人工湿地的组合工艺,并进行了工程试验研究。

1.Study of application of biological aerated filter for rural sewage treatment曝气生物滤池处理农村污水的中试研究
2.Experimental Research on Rural Domestic Wastewater by ABR;ABR处理农村生活污水的试验研究
3.Study on Domestic Wastewater Treatment form the Village with Anaerobic + Artificial Wetland厌氧+人工湿地处理农村生活污水研究
4.Research on the current station of rural water pollution in Sichuan and the corresponding countermeasures四川省农村水体污染现状及治理对策
5.Application of MBBR Process in Rural Water Pollution ControlMBBR工艺在农村水污染治理中的应用
6.Protection of drinking water sources and water pollution control in rural areas农村饮用水水源地安全保障与水污染防治
7.The Present Conditions of Pollution form Agricultural Plane Sources in the Country side of Lishui and Counter-measures to Prevent and Cure the Pollution;丽水市农村农业面源污染现状及其防治对策
8.Study on the Treatment of Rural Domestic Wastewater by Hydrolysis Pond/Trickling Filter/Constructed Wetland;水解池—滴滤池—人工湿地处理农村生活污水研究
9.Research on Rural Domestic Sewage Disposal of Biologic Disposal High Efficiency Blender潜水搅拌器在处理农村生活污水中的应用
10.Performance of Constructed Wetland for Rural Sewage Treatment;人工湿地对农村生活污水的处理效果研究
11.Present Situation Analysis and Control Countermeasures of Water Pollution in Rudong Rural Area;如东县农村地区水污染现状分析与控制对策
12.Study on the Process Combined with Bio-Ecological Technology for Rural Sewage Treatment;生物生态组合技术处理农村生活污水研究
13.Research on Treatment for Rural Domestic Sewage by Immobilized Cells on the Zeolit;沸石固定化细胞处理农村生活污水的研究
14.Study on the Constructed Rapid Infiltration System Applied in the Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment人工快速渗滤系统处理农村生活污水应用研究
15.Progress of Semi-centralized Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment and Resource农村生活污水的半集中式处理与资源化
16.Study on the Demonstration Project of Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of domestic sewage in Rural Area农村家园污水人工湿地处理示范工程研究
17.Introduction to Technical Guide of Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment in Shanghai《上海市农村生活污水处理技术指南》介绍
18.Research on aquatic floating plant cooperating with septic tank for rural domestic wastewater treatment漂浮植物塘协同处理农村分散生活污水研究

rural water pollution农村水污染
1.On the basis of analyzing the characters and regular patterns of water pollution in Chinese rural areas,some technological processes and countermeasures suitable for the control of rural water pollution are put forw.农村水污染治理及水环境综合整治是社会主义新农村建设的重要内容。
3)rural domestic sewage农村生活污水
1.Primary study of technology for rural domestic sewage treatment in the Lake Taihu area;太湖地区农村生活污水处理技术初探
2.Underground unpowered anaerobic reactor for rural domestic sewage treatment;农村生活污水地埋式无动力厌氧处理技术研究
3.According to the characteristics of rural domestic sewage,the treatment system was designed for treating rural domestic sewage with combined technology of biological contact oxidization and constructed wetland,and effect of different load on efficiency of combined technology was also discussed.根据农村生活污水的特点,采用生物接触氧化与人工湿地相结合的技术,设计了农村生活污水处理工艺,探讨了不同负荷对该工艺处理效果的影响。
4)rural sewage农村生活污水
1.Use of combined process of hydrolysis,pulse trickling filter and constructed wetland for rural sewage treatment;水解/脉冲滴滤池/人工湿地工艺处理农村生活污水
2.Research on rural sewage treatment techniques and application in demonstration projects;农村生活污水处理技术与示范工程研究
3.Nitrogen removal by subsurface horizontal-flow in artificial wetlands for rural sewage treating was studied.作者研究了潜流水平人工湿地处理农村生活污水中氮的去除效果,结果表明湿地进水TN负荷与出水TN负荷去除之间有较好的线性关系,随着水力停留时间的延长TN去除率也升高,停留时间为4d时,芦苇湿地和菖蒲湿地的脱氮效率可以达到60%以上。
5)rural sewage treatment农村污水处理
6)rural domestic wastewater农村生活污水
1.Phosphorus removal from rural domestic wastewater and removal pathways analysis using reed wetlands;芦苇人工湿地对农村生活污水磷素的去除及途径
2.Experimental study on automatic flow compound filter for the treatment of rural domestic wastewater;自流式复合滤床处理农村生活污水实验研究
3.Experiments of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from rural domestic wastewater in the Taihu Lake basin were carried out by the two-stage subsurface flow constructed wetland process.采用二级串联潜流式人工湿地系统对太湖地区农村生活污水进行了脱氮除磷的试验研究。

农村农村village  农村(villa罗)以从事农业生产为主的农业人口居住的地区,是同城市相对应的区域,具有特定的自然景观和社会经济条件,也叫乡村。 农村是生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,在生产力高度发达的未来社会中,城市与农村的本质差别将消失。在不同的国家、不同时期、不同地区,所规定的农村统计口径有所不同。例如美国,1950年以前规定,凡是人口在2 500人以下的、没有组织成自治单位的居住地就算农村;1950年以后规定,不论其是否组织成自治单位,凡人口在2 500人以下或人口在每平方英里1 50。人以下的地区及城市郊区都算作农村。欧洲各国一般以居住地在2 000人以下者为农村。在中国没有直接规定“农村”这一统计指标的口径,仅规定了“市镇总人口”和“乡村总人口”这两个人口统计指标。据《中国统计年鉴》(1987)解释,“市镇总人口”指市、镇辖区内的全部人口;“乡村总人口”指县(不含镇)内全部人口。其中,“市”是指经国家规定成立“市”建制的城市;“镇”是指经省、自治区、直辖市批准的镇。1984年规定,凡县级地方国家机关所在地,或总人口在2万人以下的乡、乡政府驻地非农业人口超过2 000人的,或总人口在2万人以上的乡,乡政府驻地非农业人口占全乡人口10%以上的,均可建镇。 在原始社会初期,人类依靠采集、渔猎为生,逐水草、居巢穴,无所谓村落。到了原始社会的中期,约在新石器时代,人类掌握了农业生产技术,有了耕种土地、照管作物、饲养畜禽等生产活动,人类开始定居下来。同时,为防御外族侵扰和野兽的侵害等,要求一个氏族聚居在一起,从而出现了最早的村落原始村落是以血缘关系形成的氏族部落的聚居之地,实行原始公有制,按自然分工进行生产活动,平均分配。至原始社会末期,交换有了一定的发展,在一些交通方便、位置适中的村落中,出现了集市。在奴隶社会的农村中,由于生产力的发展,手工业、商业相继从农业中独立出来。在一些大的村落中,手工业者集中,商业集中,形成永久性市场。这些地方,逐步演变成一个地区的政治、经济、文化中心。为了保护财产的安全、政权的巩固,则修筑城堡等,逐渐出现了城市。大商人、大奴隶主、官吏聚居在城市,奴隶、个体小农、少数小奴隶主则居住在农村。奴隶社会的农村社会经济关系,本质上是奴隶主剥削、压迫奴隶的关系。在封建社会的农村中,主要居住着农民(雇农、佃农、自耕农)或农奴、中小地主等。土地等生产资料绝大部分为封建地主阶级(或封建农奴主阶级)所有,少部分归农民所有。封建社会农村社会经济关系本质上是封建地主阶级统治、压迫、剥削农民的关系。