烟雾箱,smog chamber
1)smog chamber烟雾箱
1.Progress in studies of atmospheric simulation smog chamber facility;大气模拟烟雾箱系统的研究进展
2.Detection of methane in smog chamber by cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy;烟雾箱内甲烷气体的腔增强吸收光谱
3.The experiments were conducted with irradiated m-xylene/NOx/air mixtures in the presence of dry CaSO4 and (NH4)2SO4 seed aerosols in a 2 m3 smog chamber.实验系统采用2m3的温控烟雾箱,以干燥的CaSO4和(NH4)2SO4为无机种子气溶胶,研究了间二甲苯/NOx/空气体系光氧化生成SOA的过程。
2)phtochemical smog chamber光化学烟雾箱
3)Aerosol Chamber气溶胶烟雾箱
1.The research of the indoor air pollution from the smoke of two mosquito-repellent incenses;两种类型蚊香烟雾对室内空气污染的研究
2.The Infrared Extinction Ability of Combined Smoke of Red Phosphorus and Copper Powder;赤磷发烟剂、铜粉组合烟雾的红外消光性能
3.Effect of structure of polyether polyurethane coating on smoke;聚醚型聚氨酯涂料结构对烟雾的影响

1.a shroud of fog, smoke, etc一片浓雾、 烟雾
2.Smog is a mixture of smoke and fog.烟雾是烟和雾的混合物。
3.Of or relating to smoke or fumigation.烟雾烟雾或烟熏的或与此有关的
4.Chronic haze has made the Smoky Mountains smokier.长期的烟雾使得大烟山更加烟雾弥漫。
5.An obscuring haze, as of atmospheric dust or smoke.烟雾,尘雾如空气中的尘土或烟雾等模糊的雾气
6.marked by or emitting or filled with smoke.冒烟的或充满烟雾的。
7.Heavy, dark, or dense, as smoke or fog.烟雾浓密的烟或雾浓、重或黑的
8.Smog blankets the city.烟雾笼罩着这个城市。
9.Smog hung over the city.烟雾笼罩在城市上空。
10.inside-tank smoke extinguishing system罐内式烟雾灭火系统
11.outside-tank smoke extinguishing system罐外式烟雾灭火系统
12.Orange smoke signal for shipsGB3107.8-1991船用橙色烟雾信号
13.automatic smoke/ heat detection system烟雾/高热自动感应系统
14.And the wheat fields waving, and the dust clouds rolling,田野随风飘浮,烟雾朦胧,
15.chute rail smoke extinguishing system滑道架式烟雾灭火系统
16.gas propellents for aerosols烟雾剂用气体推进剂
17.combined smoke and powder extinguishing system烟雾干粉联用灭火系统
18.lifebuoy self-activating smoke signal救生圈自发烟雾信号

phtochemical smog chamber光化学烟雾箱
3)Aerosol Chamber气溶胶烟雾箱
1.The research of the indoor air pollution from the smoke of two mosquito-repellent incenses;两种类型蚊香烟雾对室内空气污染的研究
2.The Infrared Extinction Ability of Combined Smoke of Red Phosphorus and Copper Powder;赤磷发烟剂、铜粉组合烟雾的红外消光性能
3.Effect of structure of polyether polyurethane coating on smoke;聚醚型聚氨酯涂料结构对烟雾的影响
1.Mechanism Analysis of Peripheral Smog's Effectto the City of Shijiazhuang's Environment Quality;周边烟雾对石家庄市环境质量的影响机理分析
2.Research on Smog test & Characterizing Technique of Inhibitor;固体推进剂包覆层烟雾测试与表征技术研究
3.Simulation of Smog Based on Particle System;基于粒子系统烟雾的模拟
