生长响应,growth response
1)growth response生长响应
1.The flowers have good growth response.将此含铬污泥与化肥复配制成复合肥 ,作为微肥施于盆栽花卉上 ,花卉有较好的生长响
2.By sand cultural method,the experiment was conducted to investigate growth response and threshold concentration of Agrostis stolonifera to Cu2+,Zn2+,Cd2+ or Pb2+ stress.采用砂培法,研究了匍茎翦股颖对Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+与Pb2+胁迫的生长响应及阈限浓度,结果表明:种子萌发率随着4种重金属浓度的增加而下降。
3.,Glomus mosseea(GM),Glomus versiforme(GV)and Glomus diaphanum(GD),the growth response of Broussonetia papyrifera seedlings in limestone area was studied.不同接种处理的构树幼苗生长响应不同。

1.Response of Seedling Growth of Four Shrub Species to Water Stress四种灌木幼苗对水分胁迫的生长响应
2.Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Combined with Phosphorus Fertilizer on Seedling Growth of Pinus yunnanensis云南松实生苗生长对N、P配施的响应
3.The Compensatory Growth Effect of Maize under Post-Drought Rewatering旱后复水玉米补偿生长效应的生理学响应
4.The Climate Response of Rare and Endangered Plant Tsuga Longibracteata Growth;珍稀濒危植物长苞铁杉生长的气候响应
5.Effects of Angelica Sinensis s Dynamic Changes on Yield Cultivating Factor;当归生长发育动态对栽培因子的响应
6.Effects of High Phosphorus on Vegetable Growth and Its Potential Environmental Impact;高磷对蔬菜生长的影响及其环境效应
7.The effection of ramets adjusting to Quercus liaotungensis's growth and regeneration辽东栎生长与繁殖对萌蘖调控的响应
8.The size-effects of nano-TiO_2 on the viability of cultured cell纳米TiO_2影响细胞生长活性的尺寸效应
9.Cloning and Characterization of ARF Family Gene SmARF8 in Solanum melongena L.茄子生长素响应因子SmARF8的克隆与分析
10.The effects of N supply on root growth and development氮素供应对植物根系生长发育的影响
11.Effects of N, P, K Nutrient Supply on the Growth and Quality of Lettuce;氮磷钾营养供应对生菜生长和品质的影响
12.The Effects of Different Nitrogen Concentrations on Growth and Physiological Parsmeters of Pepper;不同氮素水平对彩椒生长及生理效应的影响
13.The Effects of Three Kinds of Herbicides on the Growth and Physiology of Poplar Seedling;三种除草剂对杨树幼苗生长及生理效应的影响
14.Effects of Pruning on Growth and Physiological Characteristic of Poplar (Populus×Euramericana cv. 74/76 ) Plantation;欧美107杨对修枝抚育的生长与生理响应研究
15.The Effect of Uniconazole on the Growth and the Phgsiological Activity of Ageratum Conyzoides;烯效唑对胜红蓟生长及生理效应的影响
16.Effects of different concentrations of selenate and selenite on growth and physiology of Chinese cabbageSe(Ⅳ)和Se(Ⅵ)对小白菜生长及生理效应的影响
17.Many chemical substances are now applied to affect the growth of flowering plants.现在应用很多化学物质来影响显花植物的生长。
18.As production time increases, the impact of skin effect becomes disappearing.随生产时间增长,表皮效应的影响逐渐消失。

growth and physiological responses生长和生理响应
3)plant growth response植物生长响应
1.Molecular Cloning of PtIAA1 and PtABP1 and Their Expression in Poplar;先前在模式植物拟南芥中的研究初步表明,生长素结合蛋白(Auxin Binding Protein,ABP)和生长素响应蛋白(Auxin Response Protein,ARP)可通过调控生长素的转运来实现有效控制木材维管系统发育和分化。
5)response of vegetation growth植被生长响应
1.Soil heat and response of vegetation growth in the loess hilly and gully region:a case study of Yangou Catchment黄土丘陵沟壑区农林草地土壤热量状况及植被生长响应——以燕沟流域为例
6)auxin response factor生长素响应因子
1.【Objective】Cloning of auxin response factor, SmARF8, and its expression analysis can provide a basis for molecular mechanism research of fruit development in eggplant.【目的】克隆茄子生长素响应因子新基因,为研究茄子果实形成发育的分子机制提供依据。

诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素药物名称:重组人生长激素英文名:Somatropin别名:诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素外文名:Saizen, Norditropin, Genotropin, Norditropin, DNA-rhGH药理作用:为DNA重组技术生产的人体生长激素,是促进生长的机制之一,能刺激IGF-1和蛋白质合成,促进骨骼和体细胞的生长,利于脂肪分解和蛋白质合成,使肌肉增加,脂肪减少.适应症:用于内源性生长激素分泌不足或先天性性腺发育不全(特纳综合征)所引起的生长发育障碍,青春期前慢性肾功能不全所引起的生长发育障碍,成人生长激素不足的替代疗法(用于心功能不全等).注意点:1.配制药液时不可振荡,以免变性.2.每周剂量分7天皮下注射,注射部位应更换,如有一天漏注,则第二天不必倍量补注。3.糖尿病、妊娠、乳母慎用。4.恶性肿瘤术后,对本品过敏者,各种活动性恶性肿瘤禁用。5.不良反应可能会有甲状腺功能减退,液体潴留、伴周围水肿,曾有少数良性颅内高压病例的报告。用量用法:成人:生长激素不足:0.125iu/(kg.周) 。 先天性子宫发育不全: 1iu/(kg.周),以上剂量均分作7天皮下注射。规格:针剂:4iu, 10iu, 12iu, 16iu.类别:生殖系统药/促进子宫成熟药