市场运营,market operation
1)market operation市场运营
1.Some instructions are given on how to implement market operation program in power plant.本文分别对发电厂、检修公司的运营办法进行了具体、详细的研究,此方案对发电企业内部实施市场运营具有指导意义。
2.It was held that its market operation at the later stages should focus on the further establishment of the internet sales sytem,the promotion of the Olympic products and the reasonable allocation of resources.分析认为,北京奥运会吉祥物的后期市场运营应建立健全销售网络,多途径开展产品促销并进行合理的资源配置。
3.Through literature review,questionnaire,this paper analyses the current status of the market operation of Shanghai s 28 youngster sport clubs,the results are: The 28 sport clubs respectively are based upon schools,sports schools,museums and communities;The clubs are managed both the government and society;The P.通过文献法、调查法、数理统计法等研究方法对上海市28所优秀青少年体育俱乐部市场运营现状进行了调查分析,结果表明:上海市28所青少年体育俱乐部分别依托于学校、体校、体育场馆和社区;俱乐部管理模式目前主要采取行政和社会管理兼有的模式;体育指导员以男性为主,具有较高的学历和职称;俱乐部的管理上,能积极争取有关部门的支持与配合,但在日常管理上难于保证俱乐部的进一步发展;俱乐部在运营中,依托单位基本能满足俱乐部的场地使用。

1.Maekt operation of Beijing Olympic Mascot "Friendlies";浅析北京奥运吉祥物“福娃”的市场运营
2.Research on Several Key Problems of Electricity Demand Side Market Operation;电力需求侧市场运营的若干问题研究
3.Reliability and Economy Research on Electricity Market Operation;电力市场运营的可靠性和经济性研究
4.Researches of the Analysis System for Power Supply Companies Simulating Market;供电企业模拟市场运营分析系统研究
5.Research on Component-Based Electricity Market Operation Platform;基于构件的电力市场运营平台的研究
6.Analysis on the Marketing Strategies of Chinese Telecom Running Corporations;中国电信运营企业市场营销策略分析
7.The Discussion of Marketing Operation Pattern for Guangzhou Asian Games;广州亚运会赛事市场营运模式的探讨
8.Research on Operational Mechanism of Urban Infrastructure Marketization;城市基础设施的市场化运营机制研究
9.The Research of Marketing & Sales for Coscon in South-China Area;中远集运华南地区市场营销策略研究
10.Studies on the Information System for Power Supply Enterprise Operation in Market;供电企业市场化运营信息系统的研究
11.Study on Electric Quantity Disposition Issues of Hydropower Marketing Operation;水电市场化运营的电量配置问题研究
12.Research on Chinese Television Public Service Ads on the Market-oriented Operation;我国电视公益广告的市场化运营研究
13.A Research on Marketing Tactics of 2008 Olympic Games;2008年北京奥运会市场营销策略初探
14.Chinese Pension Fund s Operation in the Capital Market;我国养老保险基金在资本市场的运营
15.Research on the operation and management of hydroelectric plant under the mode of power market;电力市场模式下水电厂运营管理研究
16.The Study of Marketing Combination Strategy in Changchun Railway Passenger Transport Enterprise;长春铁路客运市场营销组合策略研究
17.Discussion on the Construction of International Shipping Corporation Marketing System;论国际航运企业市场营销体系的构建
18.Instructing Physical Examination Work with Marketing Strategies;运用市场营销策略指导医院体检工作

operation market运营市场
1.At the end of the 20th century, the structure of China telecom operation market has changed greatly, many reforms made China telecom industry more and more vigorous, such as the division of P&T and restructuring of former China Telecom.世纪之交 ,中国电信运营市场格局发生了巨大的变化 ,邮电分营、电信分解等改革措施为中国电信业注入了新的发展动力。
3)market-oriented operation市场化运营
1.Research on Chinese Television Public Service Ads on the Market-oriented Operation;我国电视公益广告的市场化运营研究
2.Being one of pioneers undergoing WWTP market-oriented operation,Longgang district of Shenzhen City has accumulated many valuable experiences regarding market-oriented project mode and its administration after many years of try and study.深圳市龙岗区作为国内污水处理厂市场化运营的先行者之一,在项目模式和监管方面都积累了一些经验。
4)market operation市场化运营
1.Study on the Market Operation Strategy of Wind Power Based on Public Goods Supply;基于公共物品供应的风力发电市场化运营战略研究
2.Current our country is carrying out the way of market operation widely in advancement to the construction of public affairs and projects.当前我国正在广泛采用市场化运营的方式推进对城市公用事业项目的建设。
5)Transportation marketing运输市场营销
6)market system running市场体制运营

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。