沙河水库,Shahe reservoir
1)Shahe reservoir沙河水库
1.Estimation of life loss induced by eastern auxiliary dam breach at Shahe Reservoir in Liyang City;溧阳市沙河水库东副坝溃坝生命损失估算
2.Study on Indexes System of Sustainable Development for Shahe Reservoir and Discussions Its Safety;基于大坝安全的沙河水库可持续发展指标体系研究

1.Study on Indexes System of Sustainable Development for Shahe Reservoir and Discussions Its Safety;基于大坝安全的沙河水库可持续发展指标体系研究
2.Distribution of sediment diameter of bed load at the fluctuating backwater reach of Liujiaxia Reservoir刘家峡水库变动回水区河床质泥沙粒径分布
3.Study on One-Dimensional Numerical Model of the River Reservoir;河流型水库一维水沙数学模型研究及应用
4.2-D Numerical Modelling of Unsteady Flow and Sediment Transport in Chongqing Reach三峡水库重庆河段平面二维水沙数值模拟
5.Xiaolangdi Reservoir on the Yellow River:technologies and equipment for deepwater sediment treatment黄河小浪底水库深水泥沙处理技术与装备构想
6.Study of Sediment Accumulation and Diversion of Water to Control Sediment in Hydropower Stations in Mountain River山区河流引水式电站水库泥沙淤积及电站引水防沙问题研究
7.The Sedimentation and Regulation of the Chong qing Reach of the Three Gorges Reservoir under the Condition of New Seiries of Water and Sediment新水沙条件下三峡水库重庆河段泥沙淤积与航道整治研究
8.Study on the High Efficient Sediment-carrying Water Volume in the Lower Yellow River After the Construction of Xiaolangdi Reservoir;小浪底水库修建后黄河下游河道高效输沙水量研究
9.Effects of water-sediment regulation by Xiaolangdi Reservoir on channel erosion in the Lower Yellow River论小浪底水库近期调水调沙在黄河下游河道冲刷中的作用
10.An Adaptive Control Method of Reservoir Operation in Sediment-laden Rivers and Its Application多沙河流水库自适应控制运用研究与应用
11.Research and Application of Sediment Discharge and Reduction Technology in Toutunhe Reservoir of Xinjiang新疆头屯河水库排沙减淤技术的研究与应用
12.Debris flow disaster and its controlling measures at Heishui Gully in the Baihetan reservoir area on the Jinsha River金沙江白鹤滩库区黑水河泥石流及其防治对策
13.Channel Deposition and Erosion Processes of Inner Mongolian Reach of Yellow River following Upstream Reservoirs' Operation大型水库运行下内蒙古河道泥沙侵蚀淤积过程
14.Toutun River Reservoir Upstream Flushing Funnel and the Emptying of the Initial Flushing头屯河水库坝前冲沙漏斗及泄空冲沙的初步探讨
15.The Study of the Rule of Sediment Movement and Deposit and Operation of Reducing Sediment for Xiaolangdi Reservoir of Yellow River;黄河小浪底水库库区泥沙冲淤规律及减淤运用方式研究
16.Sediment discharging effect through density current of Xiaolangdi Reservoir and the response of the Lower Yellow River黄河小浪底水库异重流排沙效果分析及下游河道的响应
17.Flow & Sediment Regime Alteration Downstream Dam and Its Impact on Riverine Ecosystem;水库下游水沙过程调整及对河流生态系统影响初步研究
18.The Study of the Joint Operation Alternatives and Mathematical Modeling Flow and Sediment for Yongding River Flood-Retention Reservoir;永定河滞洪水库水沙数值模拟及联合调度运用方案研究

Baishahe Reservoir白沙河水库
1.Reasons of Blue Alga Formation at East Baishahe Reservoir and Treatment Measures;东白沙河水库蓝藻成因及防治对策
3)Dashahe reservoir大沙河水库
1.Aimed at the situation of water utilization in the agricultural land irrigation and the water supply in cities and towns in Dashahe reservoir,after meeting the water utilization demand in agricultural land irrigation, how much water amount can provide for the water supply in cities and towns is to be calculated,and Calculation analysis on water amount equilibrium scrutiny is carried out.针对开平市大沙河水库农田灌溉用水与城镇供水的情况,计算满足农田灌溉用水后城镇可供用水量,并进行水量平衡复核计算分析。
4)Shaheji Reservoir沙河集水库
1.Preliminary Research of Landslide at the Right Side of Shaheji Reservoir s Soil Dam;沙河集水库大坝右岸滑坡体初步研究
2.Stability Analysis of the Landslide at the Right Side of Shaheji Reservoir s Soil Dam;沙河集水库大坝右岸滑坡体稳定性分析
3.The risk-avoiding ability which is designed on the basis of index system of risk avoiding ability is investigated in the downstream of the Shaheji Reservoir in Anhui Province and is analyzed through the principal components analysis method.在建立公众避险能力的评价指标体系的基础上,设计了公众避险能力调查问卷,并对安徽省沙河集水库下游居民进行调查,运用主成分分析法对确定的6个指标进行分析,确定了影响避险能力大小的3个主要指标。
5)reservoir on hyperconcentration river多沙河流水库
6)Shaheji Reservoir Dam沙河集水库大坝

翠湖位于县城西北30公里,距金石镇3公里处,因其山清水秀,风光绮旎,被誉为巴蜀小“西湖”。翠湖是人民渠工程尾干渠末端一个大型囤蓄水库,库容2210万立方米,水面达105公顷,她以蓄水灌溉、服务农业为主,兼营林果种植、水产养殖、水利发电和观光旅游等项目。如果把我县南面的鲁班水库比作粗犷伟举的男子汉的话,团结水库则是秀丽婀娜的美女。堤坝上的楼台亭阁,古朴而又典雅,有如水库的眼睛,脉脉含情,笑迎四方来客,湖中绿波盈盈,清澈剔透,蓝天白去全浸于基中,太阳溶化了,风的柔指醮着金辉,在碧波上涂抹,天也为之倾倒!远眺湖中小岛,叠翠累彩,似湖水骤然掀起,突然又被一种魔力定格在那里。那岛上的亭台,在以竹的掩映之中,似现非现,犹抱琵琶。山、林、亭、湖,使人感到平静舒缓、赏心悦目。遐想中,不由自主地想伸开双臂,拥抱这洁静和幽美……到了水库就要到湖中去游览。游艇,船头,湖水鼓涌碧波,似雄壮的交响曲鸣奏;船尾,拖着翻腾白练。哗哗水场 ,又似乎雄健的进行曲回响。风,是绿色而透明的,徐徐扑进心怀,轻音乐般地令人舒坦。如果三几人踩着小船,随意地在湖中飘荡,那又是另一番境界。逼入这无瑕的明净之中,一咱风尘被洗涤干净了;烦脑消失了,你会感到一种说不出的惬意。前方的水鸟飞起来了,软软的翅膀在绿波与蓝天之间划出柔和的曲线。惊喜中,你再望远处水面,点点鸭影,在水面浮动。目光再向上,环抱湖水的山,青葱可爱,绿叶中有一片片红,使人神往。在绿色的王国里,点染这样的红色。妙不可言!是谁的妙笑呢?迎着风,深深的吸口气,便会疗到柑桔的香味。满山红遍。虽然水库的经营管理者并没有着有意宣传,但是,慕名前来的参观游览的人却很多很多。省市会议有的也来这里召开。目前,游客是越来越多,没有去的,想去;去了的,还想去。这里迷人的风光,还有热情好客的主人。招待所建在水库边,与其他建筑融为一体。会议室、休息室布置得体。住宿处整洁舒适。在这里小住几天,或泛舟湖上,或散步湖边:早晨,乡间的晓雾,夜里清芬的湖风,会使你忘掉工作的辛劳,忘掉人际的烦扰。湖光山色令人陶醉