延河,Yanhe River
1)Yanhe River延河
1.Evaluation on Water Quality of Yanhe River by Fuzzy Mathematics;延河水质的模糊数学评价
2.The Characteristics of Storms and Floods in the Yanhe River Basin and the Flood Forecasting Scheme;延河流域雨洪特性及洪水预报
3.Hydrological frequency calculation of flood control of the Yan an city on the Yanhe River;延安市延河防洪水文计算

1.The Surface Water Pollution Investigation and Evalution of Yanhe River and Qingjianhe River延河、清涧河流域地表水污染调查评价
2.Analysis of Sediment Scour and Deposition and Discussion of Water Environmental Benefit on Rubber Dam s Reservoir in Yan an City;延安延河橡胶坝冲淤分析及水环境效益探讨
3.Study on the Countermeasure of Promoting Industrialization of Soil and Water Conservation of Yan He River Basin;延河流域水土保持产业化的对策研究
4.THE CHINKING OF PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION OF VALLEY-CITY′S FRINGE AREA IN HILLY REGEION OF LOESS PLATEAN--Take The South Bank of Yan River in Yan′an for Example;黄土丘陵沟壑区河谷型城市边缘区规划建设的思考——以延安市边缘区东关延河南岸为例
5.Study on the Soil and Water Conservation and Ecologicalrehabilitation Plan Scheme in the Yanhe River Basin;延河流域水土保持生态建设规划方案研究
6.The Study on Karst Groundwater Resources Optimal Allocation for Yanhe Spring Basin;延河泉域岩溶地下水资源优化配置研究
7.The road runs along the river bank.这条公路沿河岸延伸。
8.This road reaches to the river.这条路一直延伸到河边。
9.My land reaches as far as the river.我的地延伸远及河边。
10.The school grounds run down to the river.校园一直延伸到河边。
11.long unbroken(often curved) stretch of road,river,coast,etc or of sloping land延伸的(常指弯的)路、河、岸等;绵延的坡地
12.far up the western branches of the Mississippi.一直延伸到密西西比河西部各支流。
13.The river blockaded the spread of the forest fire.那条河阻止了森林大火的蔓延。
14.New buildings extend as long as the river on the ground地面上的新楼房一直延伸到河边。
15.The mountain path descends to a small river.那条山间小路向下延伸到一条小河。
16.The railway line follows the river for several miles.铁路线沿着河流延伸几英里。
17.The flooding of River Elbe spreads to northern Germany易北河水灾蔓延到德国北部
18.His land goes almost to the river.他的田几乎一直延伸到河边。

Yanhe River watershed延河流域
1.Taking Yanhe River watershed as an example,regionalization of vegetation restoration was studied by using GIS technique.以延河流域为例,研究了基于G IS的植被恢复分区。
3)Yanhe basin延河流域
1.Division of grouped landforms by Fuzzy cluster analysis in Yanhe basin of Shaanxi province;陕西延河流域地貌组合类型的模糊聚类划分
2.Study on the Development Threshold of Water Resources in Yanhe Basin Based on the Eco-environmental Water;基于生态环境需水的延河流域水资源开发度研究
3.A Study of the Eco-environmental Water Demand and the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resource in Loess Plateau--A Case on YanHe Basin;黄土高原生态环境需水及水资源持续利用研究——以延河流域为例
4)the south bank of yan river延河南岸
5)river mouth extension河口延伸
6)Downstream Yanhe River延河下游

延河主办单位:陕西省作家协会协办单位:杨凌思强生物生态工程有限公司编  辑:延河编辑部出  版:延河文学月刊社国际刊号:issn 1001-6104国内刊号:cn61-1037/i邮发代号:52-6国外代号:m-246《延河》是陕西省作家协会主办的一本合诗歌,散文,随笔,小小说于一体的纯文学刊物。“名家走廊”,展示名家新作;“百姓故事”,讲述平凡人的生活;“文化视点”,谈论新的文学观点;“新诗栖居地”,是现代诗的艺苑。蜿蜒的《延河》,流动的文学。