阳澄湖,Yangcheng Lake
1)Yangcheng Lake阳澄湖
1.The water quality analysis of Yangcheng Lake demonstrates higher mineralized degree and hardness of the lake water.根据1994年5月于阳澄湖湖区7个采样点水质分析结果,表明湖水中矿化度较高。
2.Seven cores of recent sediments were obtained in Yangcheng Lake, among which 102cm-core YC1 and 55cm-core YC3 in the western part of the lake kept undisturbed.对阳澄湖两个短柱状样进行了地层年代以及各种环境指标分析。
3.This paper investigated into the problem of aquatic environment in Yangcheng lake.本研究以阳澄湖区域围网河蟹养殖引起的水环境问题进行调查研究,通过实验和建立数学模型确定了昆山阳澄湖河蟹类水产养殖污染的负荷(主要是N,P负荷),提出了合理的养殖容量和养殖面积,探讨了现状运行管理模式下淡水养殖对环境的作用程度,包括水产养殖废物排放对水环境的影响和对生态环境的影响,并提出解决途径。

1.Research on Preserving and Developing the Brand of YangChenghu Crab;苏州阳澄湖大闸蟹原产地品牌维护与发展研究
2.On the Improvement of Chinese Composition Capability of Students with Learning Difficulties in Yangchenghu试论阳澄湖地区语文学困生作文能力的提高
3.Studies on Phytoplankton of Yangchenghu Lake and its Eutrophication Evaluation阳澄湖浮游植物研究及其富营养化评价
4.Study on the Pollution Load Calculation and Polluting Effect of Barier Net Aquiculture in Yangcheng Lake;阳澄湖围网养殖污染负荷计算及其污染效应研究
5.Side-slope Treatment of Secondary Road of Chengjiang to Yangzong澄(江)—阳(宗)二级公路K5+120~280边坡治理
6.The rain also raised the water level of Zhujiang that led to dinginess to the Li Wan Lake.活泼的鱼儿失去了生命,澄清的湖水失去了明净。
7.When John rounded the bend, a clear blue lake met his eye.约翰绕过此弯,一个澄蓝的湖泊便呈现在眼前。
8.Sedimentary Record of Chenghu Lake in Suzhou in Holocene;苏州澄湖全新世环境变化的沉积记录研究
9.Late Pleistocene Sedimentary Records Indicative of the Environmental Changes in the Chenghu Area of the Central Taihu Plain in China苏州澄湖地区晚更新世沉积记录与环境变迁
10.Study on the Sedimentary Records of Late Quaternary Transgression in the Chenghu Lake Region of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China苏州澄湖地区晚第四纪海侵沉积记录研究
11.Grain-size characteristics and their paleoenvironmental significance of SC7 core sediments in Lake Chenghu, Jiangsu Province, China苏州澄湖SC7孔沉积物粒度特征及其古环境意义
12.Environmental Change Re-constructed from the Paleo-channel Sedimentary Records in Lake Cheng Hu, Central Taihu Plain, China苏州澄湖湖底古河道充填沉积记录与环境变化研究
13.The sun sparkled the lake.太阳照得湖面闪闪发光。
14.The sun winked on the lake.阳光照得湖面熠熠闪光。
15.Model : There are XingKai Lake , JingBo Lake , the Five-linked-pond Attraction , the Chain Lake , Face the Sun lake ,ZhaLong Lake and so on.答:有兴凯湖、镜泊湖、五大连池、连环湖、向阳湖、扎龙湖等。
16.I want it to be clear that I still love, with all my heart, the Laker Legacy.我想澄清的是,我仍然热爱-用我的真心-湖人队的一切(历史,遗产)。
17.Analysis and Research about Loading Ability of the Water Environment of Poyang Lake;鄱阳湖湖泊水环境承载力分析与研究
18.Water Level Regulation in Poyang Lake During the Dry Season for Health of the River and Lake调节鄱阳湖枯水位 维护江湖健康

Yangcheng Lake group阳澄湖群
3)Chenghu Lake澄湖
1.The Particle Size Characteristics and Origin of Hard Clay in the Central Area of Chenghu Lake,Jiangsu Province,China;苏州澄湖湖底硬粘土粒度特征及成因初探
2.In 2003 the north part of Chenghu lake was enclosed to pump water out for.2003年,为修建苏沪高速公路需要从澄湖湖底取大量路基土,方式为先筑堰围湖,后汲水取土。
3.This article selects Chaohu Lake basin and Chenghu Lake of Taihu Lake basin in Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River as t.本文选择长江下游的巢湖流域和太湖流域的澄湖作为研究区域,以巢湖流域表层土样、ALE、AC4、AC5、CH以及澄湖的SC6、SC7等柱样为主要研究对象。
4)Lake Chenghu澄湖
1.Grain-size characteristics and their paleoenvironmental significance of SC7 core sediments in Lake Chenghu, Jiangsu Province, China苏州澄湖SC7孔沉积物粒度特征及其古环境意义
2.Age and growth characteristics of Paracanthobrama guichenoti in Lake Chenghu澄湖似刺鳊鮈的年龄和生长特征
1.A through study of the literature reveals that his ancestral home was Huyang county and his birthplace was Guorong county.然考其籍贯,文献记载多有不同,今综合各种文献后明:樊晃,祖籍为南阳湖阳县人,其籍贯当为润州句容人。
6)Poyang Lake area鄱阳湖湖区
1.Spatial identification and representation of the core ecosystem services in Poyang Lake area鄱阳湖湖区核心生态系统服务功能空间辨识
