施工扬尘,construction fugitive dust
1)construction fugitive dust施工扬尘
1.The results show that there are better linear correlations between dust fall and TSP from construction fugitive dust,and the correlation between dust fall and TSP at construction sites' boundary can be expressed by the function:c_(TSP)=11.通过统计大量实测数据,对北京市建筑工地施工扬尘大气污染指标DF与TSP的相关性进行了研究。
2.The construction fugitive dust influence on the air quality of January, April,August and October in 2002 of Beijing is simulated,which is based on the detailed emission inventory of Beijing city and provinces nearby.为定量研究施工扬尘对北京市大气环境的影响并提出有效控制措施,应用中尺度气象模式ARPS和环境空气质量模式Models-3进行耦合,建立多层嵌套耦合模型系统。
3.We established a four-dimensional fluxes mathematics model and a suit of relevant monitoring project that can calculate construction fugitive dust emission according to actual field monitoring data,this mathematics model is similar to exposure profiling method recommended by U.建立了一种与美国环保局推荐的暴露高度浓度剖面法类似、应用实测数据计算施工扬尘排放量的数学模型——四维通量法模型,以及一套与该模型相匹配的施工扬尘排放量监测方案。

1.Modeling and impact study of fugitive dust emissions from building construction sites建筑施工扬尘排放因子定量模型研究及应用
2.Influence of Traffic Restriction on Road and Construction Fugitive Dust车辆限行对道路和施工扬尘排放的影响
3.Establishment and Application of Four-dimensional Fluxes Emission Factor Model for Construction Fugitive Dust四维通量法施工扬尘排放模型的建立与应用
4.over 1,900 construction worksites have been covered in order to lower dust pollution;1900多个施工工地被“包”了起来,以降低扬尘污染;
5.¤ stricter control on particle pollution will be required on all construction sites to meet the requirement for environmental protection in this respect.所有施工工地必须强化扬尘污染控制,达到环保要求;
6.To control raising dust in the bare farmland, farmers will be required to leave the stubble in the field without traditional plough.全市裸露农田严格采取"留茬免耕"等扬尘控制措施。
8.The punishment for dust pollution caused by construction operations as provided in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by the administrative department of construction under the local people's government at or above the county level.前款规定的对因建设施工造成扬尘污染的处罚,由县级以上地方人民政府建设行政主管部门决定;
9.Excavation of South Anchorage Foundation Pit of Suspension Bridge of Runyang Bridge润扬大桥悬索桥南锚碇基坑开挖施工
10.Investigation on health hazards in workers exposed to weld fume in container producing enterprises in Yangzhou city扬州市集装箱企业电焊烟尘对工人健康危害的调查
11.It make use of sealing device for the hopper to prevent dust emission and material leakage. The dust and cross contamination are efficiently controlled.料桶配置密封装置,锁紧可靠,工作时不扬尘,不泄漏,有效的控制了粉尘和交叉污染。
12.The truck kicked a cloud of dust up.卡车扬起了大团灰尘。
13.The carriage left a trail of dust.马车后扬起了一缕烟尘。
14.The truck left clouds of dust in its wake.车后扬起了一阵尘土。
15.The rain laid the dust.雨压下了飞扬的尘土。
16.Dust swirled on the broad stairway.宽阔的石阶上尘土飞扬。
17.The rain has laid the dust.雨已经使灰尘不扬。
18.The horses' hooves raised a cloud of dust.马蹄扬起了一片尘土.

builder's hoist;builder's winch施工卷扬机
1.The noise and dust pollution are the major problems at the building construction site in city.噪声和扬尘污染是城市建筑施工中的主要环境问题。
2.Atmospheric dust-fall decreases at downtown and exurb,but increases near the suburb,i.随着城市建设规模的扩大,北京建筑扬尘对大气颗粒物的影响越来越显著。
3.The paper analyzes dust source and pollution actuality and brings forward prevention and cure countermeasure to different dust source.分析了乌鲁木齐市扬尘的来源及污染现状,并针对不同扬尘源提出污染防治对策建议。
4)Fugitive dust扬尘
1.The Pollution Situation of fugitive dusts in Liwan,Guangzhou and countermeasures;广州市荔湾区扬尘污染现状与防控对策
2.Characteristics and control indicators of fugitive dust from building construction sites建筑施工扬尘特征与监控指标
3.Modeling and impact study of fugitive dust emissions from building construction sites建筑施工扬尘排放因子定量模型研究及应用
5)dust emission扬尘
1.Through the analysis of the current situation in Beijing, the execution of environmental supervision especially the dust emission control at construction sites by construction supervision institutes was discussed in the view of legislation, standard,technology, and economy.从北京市建设工程的实际情况出发,从法规、标准、技术、经济等层面,对工程监理在施工现场实施环境监督管理,特别是施工扬尘控制监督的举措进行了探讨。
2.This paper review the technics of noble metal smelt cigarette ash during the callback metal of value,In order to settle shotting cigarette ash using dust emission,the technics have acquired all right economic benefit.介绍了贵金属冶炼烟灰在有价金属回收过程中,为解决烟灰在运输、投料过程中产生的扬尘问题进行烟灰制粒的工艺改进实践,取得了良好的经济效益,对相关类烟灰生产具有明显的借鉴意义和实用性。
6)Flying dust扬尘
1.Flying dust has become one of important factors affecting air quality.本文论述了成都市扬尘污染现状并统计了成都市扬尘排放量 ,说明成都市扬尘污染相当严重 ,已成为影响大气质量的主要因素之一。

扬尘1.激起尘土。 2.晋葛洪《神仙传.麻姑》:"麻姑自说云:'接侍以来,已见东海三为桑田,向到蓬莱,水又浅于往者,会时略半也,岂将复还为陵陆乎?'方平笑曰:'圣人皆言海中复扬尘也。'"后用为世事变迁之典。 3.喻征战。