上覆水体,overlying water
1)overlying water上覆水体
1.Effects of chemical agents on the overlying water during in-situ sediment treatment;底泥原地稳定化过程中药剂对上覆水体的影响
2.By lab-scale experiments,in the iron-added reactor and a contrast reactor,the changes of TP and pH in overlying water,changes of WSP,various phosphorus according to Golterman and TP in the sediments have shown that cheap and easily-gotten iron scraps can be used to reduce the concentration of soluble phosphorus in scenic water from 0.实验考察了加铁反应器与空白对照反应器中上覆水体总磷浓度和pH的变化,并分析了底泥中水溶性磷、G法各种形态提取磷以及全磷含量变化。
3.We examined self- purifying coefficient- BOD and COD reduction coefficient in overlying water at the presence and absence of dredging sediment as well as comparison the dredging effectiveness.分别在已疏浚和未疏浚河道底泥的影响下,考察了上覆水体自净系数———BOD减少速度系数和COD减少速度系数,以比较疏浚对于改善水体自净能力的效果。

1.Distribution of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Sediment Core and Overlying Water of Donghu Lake;东湖沉积物及上覆水体氮磷形态分布特征
2.Effect on Dissolved Nitrogen Content of the Overlying Water in Ponds by Difference Treatments不同处理对养殖池塘上覆水体可溶性氮含量的影响
3.The Relationship Between Inorganic Phosphorus Fractionation of Sediment and Contents of Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus(DRP) of Overlying Water and Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus Control in Simulated Pond模拟池塘底泥无机磷形态与上覆水体可溶性活性磷含量的关系及其控制
4.A big oil spot spread across the water.一块大油斑覆盖在水上。
5.A Study on the Engineering Geology Characteristics and on the Mechanics of Water and Sand Bursting from the Overlying Strata of Mining Coal Seam in Qidong Coalmine;祁东煤矿开采煤层上覆岩土体工程地质特征与突水溃砂机理研究
6.From space the earth looks like a huge water-covered globe, with a few patches of land sticking out above the water.从太空观看, 地球就象一个巨大的被水覆盖着的球体, 上面有几块突出水面的陆地。
7.The water filmed over with ice.水面上被一层薄冰覆盖着。
8.Then, remove the extra water from the warm cloth and put the cloth on the wound.然后挤干多余水分,将布覆盖在伤口上。
9.The window filmed over with moisture.窗子上覆盖着水汽模糊不清
10.New design method of geosynthetic-reinforced embankment over sinkholes落水洞上覆路堤土工加筋设计新方法
11.a division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land.大洋或巨大咸水水体的一个分块,部分被水覆盖。
12.covered or soaked with a liquid such as water.被如水般的液体覆盖或浸湿的。
13.The Aesthetic Subversion of Shui Hu on the Image of Male Body《水浒传》对男性身体形象的美学颠覆
14.A Study on the Engineering Geology Characteristics and on Reasonable Scale of Pillars for Protecting Water about the Overlying Strata of Mining Coal Seam in Wugou Coalmine;五沟煤矿开采煤层上覆岩土体综合地质特征及防水煤岩柱留设问题研究
15.Bioturbation Effect of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus on Nitrogen Dynamic in Surface Water of Paddy Field泥鳅对水田上覆水中氮素动态的生物扰动效应
16.testing methods for polyethylene coatings on metals金属基体上的聚乙烯覆盖法
17.To cover wholly or in part with the dressed or tanned hide of an animal.以皮革覆盖整体或部分地用压平上光或鞣制过的皮覆盖
18.More than sixty-one per cent of the surface of the earth is covered by water.地球表面的百分之六十一以上区域被水覆盖。

overlying water上覆水
1.Effect of submerged plant Hydrilla verticillata on the concentrations of different phosphorus species in overlying water;沉水植物黑藻对上覆水中各形态磷浓度的影响
2.The distribution of nutrients in the interstitial water and overlying water in Daya Bay;大亚湾表层沉积物间隙水与上覆水中营养盐分布特征
3.Removal and transfer process of phosphorus between substrate and overlying water in riparian wetlands磷素在湖滨湿地基质-上覆水界面中的迁移过程
3)top covering rockmass上覆岩体
4)Overlying soil layer上覆土体
5)upper nappe上推覆体
6)Upper water's quality上覆水水质

有机覆层:有机覆层在基体材料表面覆以有机材料的材料保护层。在机械製造中﹐有机覆层的绝大部分是涂装层﹐或称油漆层。此外﹐也有用橡胶或塑料作为覆层的。需要抗酸﹑硷和抗腐蚀性气体和液体的钢铁件﹐常用厚约 3毫米的橡胶(如氯丁橡胶)或塑料(如氯化亚乙烯共聚物)黏在表面﹐可长期保护基体不受腐蚀。这种覆层主要用在大型抗蚀容器或排气系统中。埋在土壤中的金属构件﹐常以聚乙烯带包裹保护。在喷鉬或喷不锈钢的表面上涂覆聚四氟乙烯﹐在150℃温度下摩擦係数很低﹐磨损轻微﹐适於製造低载荷和要求高度清洁的滑动轴承﹐或用在食品﹑精细包装和纺织机械上。各国的Du﹑Dx轴承都是以塑料与金属复合製成的。通过静电喷涂将环氧树脂﹑氯化聚醚﹑聚四氟乙烯以及聚氯乙烯等塑料粉末涂覆在金属表面﹐可获多种抗化学腐蚀性极好的覆层﹐可用於输水﹑污水处理和海洋平台的设备上。有机覆层在辉光放电情况下﹐有机单体可以聚合成无针孔的有机膜﹐用作电容器的介质层。