福清湾,Fuqing Bay
1)Fuqing Bay福清湾
1.Cost-benefit Analysis of Sea Reclamation Planning Projects in Fuqing Bay;福清湾围填海规划方案的费用效益分析
2.Abundance and distribution of zooplankton in Fuqing Bay and its neighboring waters;福清湾及附近海域浮游动物的数量和分布
3.Depositional environment and sedimentary characteristics in northern Fuqing Bay and its eastward coastal area;福清湾北部及其以东近岸海域沉积环境和沉积特征

1.Model Study on the Tidal Regime and Pollutant Transport in the Fuqing Bay福清湾潮流场及污染物输运特性的模型研究
2.The Knowledges of Fujian and Taiwan Coastal Defence Geography in the Early Qing Dynasty;清代前期关于福建台湾海防地理形势的认识
3.The Research of Fuzhou General and Manchu Military System in the Middle and Later Qing Danasty福州将军与清朝中后期台湾满洲军事体制研究
4.General Liu Yongfu and others of the garrison command stood with Taiwan compatriots and put up a fierce fight against the Japanese landing forces.协理台湾军务的清军将领刘永福等和台湾同胞一起,与占领台湾的日军拚死搏斗。
5.Quintessence of Fujian Province in the Late Qing Dynasty and Establishment of Taiwan Province --Take LinWeiyuan for Example to Research the Process of the Interaction Between the Government and the Society;晚清福建地方精英与台湾建省——以林维源为研究对象看国家与社会的互动过程
6.Causeway Bay Kaifong Welfare Advancement Association铜锣湾街坊福利事务促进会
7.Shaukiwan Kaifong Welfare Advancement Associatio香港筲箕湾街坊福利事务促进会
8."Chinese Children's Fund, Inc. [Taiwan]"(财团法人)中华儿童福利基金会〔台湾〕
9.Spring Garden Lane Sheltered Housing [Social Welfare Department]湾仔春园街老人居屋〔社会福利署〕
10.Three Taiwan ferries arrive in Fujian with direct crossings.三个台湾渔船跨越海峡直接抵达福建。
11.Taiwanese businessmen can be found all over Fujian and Shanghai.台湾商人的足迹遍布福建、上海各地;
12.Doctor Thomas Fuller wrote: Was foxes, we must play the fox.博士说:在福克斯湾,一定要玩狡猾。
13.Tourism Resources Evaluation and SWOT Analyze in Shenhuwan Gulf,Fujian;福建深沪湾旅游资源评价及SWOT分析
14.Primary Investigation on the Coastal Molluscous from Quanzhou Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve,Fujian;福建泉州湾河口湿地潮间带贝类调查
15.Dynamical Monitoring of Spartina Alterniflora Invasion by Using Remote Sensing Data in Luoyuan Bay,Fujian福建罗源湾互花米草的遥感动态监测
16.Wintering and Migration of Black-faced Spoonbill in Xinghua Bay,Fujian Province福建省兴化湾黑脸琵鹭的越冬及迁徙
17.Blessed are the pure in heart.清心的人有福了〔《圣经》马太福音中语〕。
18.North of Nansheng Village, Donghan Town, Fuqing, Fujian中国福建省福清市东汗镇南盛村北

Funing bay福宁湾
1.Characteristics of inorganic nitrogen variation and their influence on phytoplankton in Funing Bay,Fujian;福建福宁湾无机氮含量的变化特征及其对浮游植物的影响
2.Phytoplankton ecology in Funing Bay,Sandu Bay red tide monitoring area,Fujian Province;福建省三都湾赤潮监控区福宁湾浮游植物的生态
3)Fujian bay福建海湾
4)Fuik Bay福克湾
5)Fubao Bay福保湾
1.Fubao Bay is located in the north of Lake Dianchi, which is one of the most seriously polluted bays in the lake.滇池北部福保湾主要承接上游昆明市的生活污水及周边工业污水,其污染程度极为严重。
1.Remote Sensing Monitor and Driving Forces Analyses of Urban Expansion for Fuqing City, SE China;福清市城市时空扩展的遥感监测及其动力机制
2.The Calculation of Crosswise Loading Distribution of Fuqing Yulong Bridge;福清玉融大桥荷载横向分布计算
3.Design of the Interchange of the Qingrong Street in Fuqing City;福清清荣大道立交工程设计
