处理设施,treatment facilities
1)treatment facilities处理设施
1.For dealing with the problems of domestic sewage of treatment facilities in service areas of freeway,this paper recommends three different techniques,explains the principle of choosing the techniques and analyses the construction process of the facilities.针对高速公路服务区生活污水处理设施存在的一些问题,推荐了3种污水处理工艺,阐明了选择处理工艺的原则,并对污水处理设施施工过程中存在的问题进行了分析,重点论述了对污水处理设施施工进行的全过程环境监理,并对设备的维护、保养和管理人员的管理进行了简单介绍。
2.As a result of our investigation, it is found that treatment facilities are various in their characteristics.通过对广州市城市生活垃圾处理设施的调查及其排放污染物的监测和分析 ,阐述了广州市城市生活垃圾处理设施的特点 ,并提出了规范城市生活垃圾填埋场建设、加强垃圾填埋场管理、减少其对周围环境的影响和发展生活垃圾焚烧发电技术等建议。
3.In order to guarantee the safe and effective operation of the treatment facilities for sludge containing cyanogens, this paper makes the comment on the treatment facilities for the process of gold-extracting with all-sliming cyanided carbon slurry in a Taining-based ore wash plant, and puts forward some requirements for the design and operation.为确保尾矿处理设施安全、有效运行,对泰宁某选矿厂全泥氰化炭浆提金工艺含氰尾矿浆(浸渣)的处理设施进行了评述,提出了设计及操作要求。

1.private communal sewage treatment plant私人共用污水处理设施
2.multi purpose fuel reprocessing facility多用途燃料后处理设施
3.EDP facilities audit电子数据处理设施审计
4."fill in forms to report truthfully on the pollutant discharging and treating facilities that they possess and the kind(s) of pollutants to be discharged, the mode(s) of discharging, "如实填报拥有的污染物排放设施、处理设施
5.Gallery Sauce Wastewater-treatment Facilities Experimental Study;廊道式污水处理设施处理酱油废水的实验研究
6.registration of wastewater treatment facilities operators污水处理设施操作者登记
7.planning and developing facilities for liquid and solid waste disposal;筹划和发展污水和废物处理设施
8.Discussion on Wastewater Treatment Facility Operation Marketization in Jiangsu Province;江苏省污水处理设施运营市场化探讨
9.Research on the Marketing Financing about Small Town Sewage Treatment Facilities小城镇污水处理设施市场化融资研究
10.Analysis of the urban stormwater treatment facilities sizing城市雨水处理设施规模确定方法分析
11.The Study of Market-oriented Approach for Construction and Operation of Urban Wastewater Treatment Infrastructures in China;中国城市污水处理设施建设与运营市场化研究
12.Study on Construction Planning for the Town-level Sewage Treatment Projects in Shanxi Province;山西省城镇污水处理设施建设规划研究
13.Studies on the Application of Domestic-investment BOT Mode in Sewage-disposal Establishment in China;内资BOT在我国污水处理设施建设上的应用研究
14.Analyses on Financing Gaps of the Construction and Operation of Urban Wastewater Treatment Infrastructures;城市污水处理设施建设和运营资金缺口分析
15.The Study of Operation, Commissioning and Design of Minitype Wastewater Treatment Establishment小型废水处理设施运行、调试与设计研究
16.Consideration of Construction and Operation of Domestic Waste Treatment Facilities in Jiangsu江苏省生活垃圾处理设施建设与运行的思考
17.The effect on salinity of facilities soil by different manure treatment不同施肥处理对设施土壤盐分的影响
18.Effect on Nutrient Uptake of Different Fertilizer Treatments in Protected Cultivation Cucumber不同施肥处理对设施黄瓜养分吸收影响的研究

treatment facility处理设施
3)post-processing facility后处理设施
4)oil treatment facility油处理设施
5)facilities of demostic sewage disposal水处理设施
6)construction management technology工程处理设施
