淋溶试验,leaching test
1)leaching test淋溶试验
1.The leaching test have shown that the adsorption of the soil to F -,As is very powerful.以太原二电厂粉煤灰场为例,通过淋溶试验来模拟大气降水对粉煤灰的淋溶过程以及淋溶液对土壤和浅层地下水水质的影响,说明其影响因素主要取决于排灰场土壤类型及灰水污染物的种类和浓度。
2.The leaching tests simulating the natural raining were used to analyze the pollution made by coal gangue to the ground water along the coal gangue embankment of highway under construcyion.利用淋溶试验,模拟天然降雨,分析煤矸石路堤填筑过程中给高速公路沿线地下水造成的污染,获得了大量真实可靠的数据,得出了煤矸石淋溶液中无机盐是是造成高速公路沿线地下水污染的主要原因。

1.Leaching of TIN on Vegetable Open Field in Pudong New District;浦东新区大田蔬菜地无机氮淋溶试验研究
2.The Experimental Research on Leaching Properties of Fly Ash in Dry Disposal Site of Power Plant;火电厂干贮灰场灰水淋溶特性的试验研究
3.Simulation experiment of dynamic leaching on landfill leachate in heterogeneous sand chamber垃圾渗滤液非均质砂箱动态淋溶模拟试验
4.Experimental Study on the Law of Nutrient Leaching and Accumulation in Soils under Supplying Groundwater Resources Through Floodwater Irrigation;引洪补源条件下土壤中养分淋溶积累规律的试验研究
5.The atomization characteristics of wet flue gas desulfurization spray tower under single layer spraying湿法脱硫喷淋塔单层喷淋雾化性能试验
6.Methods of test for enamelled wires--Solvent testGB/T4074.16-1983漆包线试验方法耐溶剂试验
7.Heavy Metal Leaching Experiments with Mining Rocks in Xinqiao Pyrite Mine;铜陵新桥硫铁矿采矿废石重金属淋溶实验研究
8." Packaging-Complete, filled transport packages-Water spray test"GB/T4857.9-1992包装运输包装件喷淋试验方法
9.Experimental Study on Desulfurization and Nitrification in Spray Scrubber;筛板式喷淋塔脱硫脱硝性能试验研究
10.Research on Water Pouring Test Applied in Checking Exterior Window/Wall Leakage淋水试验在检验建筑外窗(墙)渗漏中的应用研究
11.testing method for 1% NaOH solution solubility of raw materials of pulp纸浆原料的1%氢氧化钠溶液溶解度试验方法
12.Experiment of Marinating and Leaching the Witherite Tailing and the Study of It's Disposal and Comprehensive Utilization;毒重石尾矿渣的淋溶浸泡实验及其处理和综合利用途径研究
13.Test methods of wooden activated carbon-Determination of Acid-soluble substance木质活性炭试验方法 酸溶物的测定
14.Organic chemical products for industrial use--Standard test method for water miscibilityGB/T6324.1-1986有机化工产品水溶性试验方法
15.testing methods for high boiling point solvents高沸点溶剂试验方法(工业用)
16.testing methods for colour fastness to organic solvents纺织品耐有机溶剂色牢度试验法
17.testing methods for sliding frictional melting of woven and knitted fabrics纺织品滑动摩擦溶解试验法
18.testing method for color fastness to rubbing with organic solvents纺织品耐有机溶剂摩擦色牢度试验法

leaching experiment淋溶试验
1.The formation of leaching solution of soda-making waste is studied by static soaking and leaching experiments and the relationship between soda-making waste and chloride increasing in karst water is also studied.本文简要介绍了豫北某地较为丰富的岩溶水资源及其氯化物升高的趋势,通过对制碱废渣的静溶和淋溶试验,分析了碱渣淋滤液的产生过程,同时分析了碱渣堆放场与该市岩溶水中氯离子浓度升高的关系,这将对渣场以后的废渣处理及周围的环境质量评价有极其重要的意义。
2.Changes of humic substances and their complexed copper during composting of chicken manure with different extractants of H2O,NaOH and NaOH-Na4P2O7 was studied,and leaching experiment was conducted to investigate the dynamics of copper leaching and its relationship to humic substances complexed copper(HS-Cu).采用H2O、NaOH以及NaOH-Na4P2O7混合液3种浸提剂对不同腐解期鸡粪中的腐殖质结合态铜(HS-Cu)进行提取,在研究腐殖质碳和铜变化的基础上,通过粪肥淋溶试验,研究了铜淋失量变化以及与腐殖质结合态铜的关系。
3)leaching released test淋溶释放试验
4)leaching test淋溶实验
1.Laboratory column leaching tests were conducted with simulated acid rain with pH values of 2.60的模拟酸雨对三峡库区黄壤进行了室内土柱淋溶实验,研究表明:长时间受酸雨淋洗,黄壤对酸雨的缓冲性能降低,且酸雨pH值越低,对土壤酸化影响越大;不同酸雨淋溶不同层次土体的收集淋出液的电导都呈现先升后降的趋势,而且都有一个峰值,但峰形有明显差异;铝的淋失量随酸雨pH值下降而上升。
5)leaching experiment淋溶实验
1.The environmental effect of surface mining on the groundwater was studied by leaching experiment and model forecast.通过淋溶实验和模型预测对露天开采对地下水的影响进行了研究。
6)leaching test淋浸试验
1.Discuss the result of coal refuse leaching test in Shanxi;山西煤矸石淋浸试验结果分析讨论

膏淋膏淋 膏淋   病名。五淋之一。一名肉淋。此病以小便混浊,或如米泔,或如膏脂为主症。《素问·六元正纪大论》:“不远热则热至,热至则淋閟之病生焉。”后世认为膏淋以肾虚或湿热蕴蒸为主要病理。《诸病源候论·淋病诸候》:“膏淋者,淋而有肥状似膏,故谓之膏淋,亦曰肉淋。此肾虚不能制于肥液,故与小便俱出也。”《证治要诀·淋闭》:“有似淋非淋,小便色如米泔,或便中有如鼻涕之状,此乃精液俱出,精塞窍道,故便欲出不能而痛,……此即膏淋。”因于湿热蕴蒸者,排尿时尿道有灼热感,涩痛较明显。宜清利湿热、通淋止痛法,主用萆薢散,或八正散加川萆薢、石莲子。因于脾肾虚者,宜补脾益肾、固涩消脂,用鹿角霜丸、菟丝子丸、六味地黄丸、补中益气汤加减。膏淋多见于乳糜尿、泌尿系统感染及前列腺炎等病。参见五淋、淋等条。