机会利益,opportunity benefit
1)opportunity benefit机会利益
1.In this paper, we primary study two contents: 1) The effect of the changes of both the loan interest rate and the defaulting probability of the entrepreneur on the expected profits of the banks when the entrepreneur pursues opportunity benefit under asymmetric information.主要研究两个方面的内容 :1 )不对称信息条件下 ,当企业追求机会利益时 ,贷款利率和企业拖欠还款概率的变化对银行期望利润的影响 ;2 )当企业具有多个连续投资项目时 ,在不对称信息条件下 ,贷款利率的变化对企业项目平均成功概率的影响 。
2.From the perspective of opportunity benefits of the subject and object of water pollution control supervision,an optimization model for the two sides in the game is established.从水污染治理监管主体和客体之间的机会利益角度出发,建立博弈双方的优化模型,以松花江流域水污染治理实践验证该模型,验证结果表明可以通过加大对排污企业的收费,加大查处概率和惩罚强度等手段来实现博弈均衡下的帕累托改进。
2)social interests社会利益
1.An Analysis on the Societal Cost at the Situation of Imbalanced Social Interests;探析社会利益失衡的社会成本
2.The current law and the environment institutions could not control the torts, and not compensate the social interests.现有侵权法律制度和环境保护制度不能很好地实现对受损社会利益的救济和补偿,也不能很好地控制侵权行为的发生。
3.The investigation of the present study begins with interests,the objective of regulations,and analyzes different coercive regulations by distinguishing national interests,social interests and public interests.管制性强制规范所蕴含的国家利益、社会利益及公共利益有着不同的品性,强制性规范产生的缘由无非是为衡量与解决这些利益与个人利益的冲突,由此决定了以不同利益为目的的管制性强制规范在与意思自治发生冲突时可能产生不同的法律后果。

1.self-interest and social good as a whole.以及个人利益与社会利益
2.Study on the Coordination of Interests of Building a Harmonious Socialist Society构建社会主义和谐社会利益协调研究
3.A harmonious society is a society in which there is a sound and concordant relation of social benefit.和谐社会是一个社会利益关系协调的社会。
4.We should ground the good of individuals on the social good我们应该把个人利益建立在社会利益的基础上。
5.There remains the question of the coincidence of social and economic interests.社会利益与经济利益是否一致的问题仍存在。
6.On the Game Between Social Benefits and Economic Benefits in City Demolition;论城市拆迁中社会利益和经济利益的博弈
7.The CPC as the benefit representative and adjusting the relations to all kinds of social benefits;中国共产党的利益代表性和社会利益关系调节
8.On the Development of the Social Interest Group and the Containment of the Inner-Party Interest Group论社会利益集团的发展和党内利益集团的遏制
9.Study on Constructing Coordination Mechanism of Jiangxi Social Benefit in Harmonious Society;和谐社会下江西社会利益协调机制构建研究
10.Harmonies Society and Expression of Interests、Regulating of Interests and Realization of Interests;和谐社会与利益表达 利益协调及利益实现
11.(iv) The contract harms public interests;(四)损害社会公共利益;
12.Coordinate the Social Classes Interests and Build Contemporary Harmonious Society;协调社会阶层利益 构建当代和谐社会
13.lacking the rights and advantages of other members of society.没有其他社会成员享有的权利和利益。
14.Utilize Social Resources Comprehensively to Build Interest-oriented Mechanism;综合利用社会资源 建立利益导向机制
15.On the High Level Equilibrium of the Civil Servant Individual Interest and the Social Public Interest;论公务员个人利益与社会公共利益高水平均衡
16.People s Interests:the Motive Force of Interests for the Development of the Socialist Economy;人民利益:社会主义经济发展的利益驱动力
17.Benefits Diversity and Benefits Coordination;和谐社会构建中的利益表达与利益协调
18.Alasdair MacIntyre On Social Relation, Common Goods and Individual Goods;麦金太尔论社会关系、共同利益与个人利益

social interests社会利益
1.An Analysis on the Societal Cost at the Situation of Imbalanced Social Interests;探析社会利益失衡的社会成本
2.The current law and the environment institutions could not control the torts, and not compensate the social interests.现有侵权法律制度和环境保护制度不能很好地实现对受损社会利益的救济和补偿,也不能很好地控制侵权行为的发生。
3.The investigation of the present study begins with interests,the objective of regulations,and analyzes different coercive regulations by distinguishing national interests,social interests and public interests.管制性强制规范所蕴含的国家利益、社会利益及公共利益有着不同的品性,强制性规范产生的缘由无非是为衡量与解决这些利益与个人利益的冲突,由此决定了以不同利益为目的的管制性强制规范在与意思自治发生冲突时可能产生不同的法律后果。
3)social interest社会利益
1.Through the analysis of differentiation of social interest in contemporary China, the paper discusses one urban planning philosophy based on the public interest.论文通过对目前社会利益分化的分析,探讨一种基于公共利益的城市规划策略。
2.The system of integration of social interest is faced with new challenges.社会主义市场经济体制的建立必然带来社会资源配置方式的变化,导致利益主体的多元化,使社会利益整合机制面临新的挑战。
4)Social Benefit社会利益
1.Then it differentiates the "social benefit" in general and two law systems as the basement to discuss the difference to crystallize their missions.传统学说中经济法与社会法均以“社会本位”为基础,但未对其各自视野中的“社会利益”加以区分。
2.At present,a new pattern of social benefit has emerged,which has a great impact upon Party s ideology and thoughts and theories,the basis of classes of Party and that of the masses,the functioning of exemplary roles by Party s members,especially leaders,as well as influence over the administrative power of Party and the functions of Party s grass-roots organizations.当前社会利益呈现新的格局,对党的思想理论和意识形态,对党的阶级基础和群众基础,对党员干部尤其是领导干部先锋模范作用的发挥,对提高党的执政能力,对党的基层组织战斗堡垒作用的发挥都产生重大的影响。
3.Marriage condition,one of the important composing parts in marriage system,stresses more on the realization of social benefit rather than sufficient protection of personal right in the marriage law of our country.在我国婚姻法中结婚条件更多地强调了社会利益的实现,个人权利保护不够充分。
5)interests of trade union members会员利益
6)accounting benefits会计利益

十种利益──慈忍十种利益【十种利益──慈忍十种利益】  ﹝出月灯三昧经﹞  慈即爱念,忍即安忍。谓修菩萨行者,于一切违顺等境,皆能慈忍,故获此十种利益也。  [一、火不能烧],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切违逆之境,了知身心自性本空,悉无所恼,是以嗔恚之火,所不能烧也。  [二、刀不能割],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切横逆之境,了知自身体性空寂,悉无所畏,是以嗔恚利刀,所不能割也。  [三、毒不能中],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,人或有所加害,了知身心本空,不以为意,是以贪嗔毒药,所不能中也。  [四、水不能漂],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切顺情之境,了知诸法本空,悉无所染,是以贪爱之水,所不能漂也。  [五、为非人护],非人,即鬼神之类。谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,于一切时处,鬼神之类,悉皆护卫也。  [六、身相庄严],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,爱念于人,是以能感色身相好庄严之报也。  [七、闭诸恶道],谓修菩萨行者,但为利益众生,常怀慈忍之心,成就善法,是以恶道之门,自然闭而不开也。  [八、随乐梵天],梵天,即色界初禅天也。谓修菩萨行者,慈忍具足,梵行无亏,故报尽命终,随其意乐,而得生于梵天也。  [九、昼夜常安],谓修菩萨行者,常行慈忍之心,利益有情,而不恼害,故得身心寂静,昼夜常安也。  [十、不离喜乐],谓修菩萨行者,常怀慈忍之心,利益众生,令其各获安隐,是以自之身心,亦不离于喜乐也。