蓝绿藻,blue-green algae
1)blue-green algae蓝绿藻
1.Inhibitory effects of different types aquatic macrophyte communities on blue-green algae不同类型水生植物群落对蓝绿藻类的抑制作用
2.In order to inspect and forecast rich nourishment and growth of blue-green algae,an improved genetic neural network(QGANN) was proposed,in which a quantum balance crossover operator for genetic algorithm(QGA) is developed and a hybrid optimization method based on neural network(NN) is introduced.水库和湖泊蓝绿藻爆发预测实验表明:该改进遗传算法(QGA)性能优良;QGANN的泛化能力明显提高,比未经改进的方法(GAsNN)及简单改进的方法(DCGANN)取得了更加满意的效果。

1.Cyanobacteria A phylum of Eubacteria containing the blue-green bacteria (formerly called blue-green algae) and the green bacteria (chloroxybacteria).蓝细菌:真细菌中的一门,包括蓝绿细菌(以前被称为蓝绿藻)和绿细菌。
2.photosynthetic bacteria found in fresh and salt water, having chlorophyll a and phycobilins; once thought to be algae: blue-green algae.淡水和海水中的光合细菌;有叶绿素和藻胆素;曾被视为藻类:蓝绿藻
3.Inhibitory effects of different types aquatic macrophyte communities on blue-green algae不同类型水生植物群落对蓝绿藻类的抑制作用
5."Like most other cyanobacteria, nostocs contain two pigments and are capable of nitrogen fixation. "与大多数蓝绿藻一样,念珠藻属含有两种色素,并有固定氮的能力。
6.A freshwater blue-green alga of the genus Nostoc, forming spherical colonies of filaments embedded in a gelatinous substance.念珠藻属念珠藻属的淡水蓝绿藻,在凝液物质中形成有细丝围绕的一种柱状
7.In this category, Australia's timeless landscape holds most of the records.例如会产生氧气的蓝绿藻,已有毫无争议的微体化石存在于20亿年前的岩石中。
8.Lichen is a form in which green or bluegreen algae and a fungus live together symbiotically.地衣是一种绿藻或蓝藻与一种真菌共生的形式。
9.Comparative Analysis and Evolution Significance of Metabolic Networks between Chloroplast and Cyanobacteria;叶绿体与蓝藻代谢网络的比较分析及进化研究
10.Studies on the Growth and Photosynthetic Responses of the Bloom-forming Cyanobacterium Microcystis Aeruginosa (Cyanophyceae) to Elevated Levels of Cadmium;水华蓝藻铜绿微囊藻生长和光合作用对镉浓度增加的响应
11.The changes and mechanisms in dominant algae of Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta during the eutrophication vulnerable period in the outlet area of Jialing River in China嘉陵江出口段三类水体蓝绿硅藻优势种变化机理
12.cyanophycin granule藻青素颗粒,蓝藻素颗粒
13.Studies on the Prolonged and Short-term Effects of Enhanced UV-B Exposure on the Blooming-forming Cyanobacterium Microcystis Aeruginosa (Cyanophyceae) and Its Photosynthetic Adaptation;UV-B增强对水华蓝藻铜绿微囊藻的长期和短期效应及其光合作用适应
14.Genus of yellow-green algae.黄绿藻(黄藻门)的一属。
15.Enrichment and Isolation of Phycocyanin in Cyanobacteria from Tai Lake太湖水华蓝藻中藻蓝蛋白的富集分离
16.A light bluish green to light greenish blue.水绿色,浅绿色浅蓝绿色至淡绿蓝色
17.Interspecific competition among Nannochloropsis sp.,Cryptomonas erosa and Oscillatoria sp.微绿球藻、隐藻、颤藻的种间竞争关系
18.The capital of northeastern China's Jilin province is taking emergency measures to counter a blue-green algae outbreak in a reservoir that provides the city with water.中国东北吉林省首府正在采取紧急措施,抗击一座为该城市供水的水库中的蓝绿色藻类爆发。

1.Allelopathic effects of three ornamental submerged macrophytes on five eutrophic algae;几种观赏型沉水植物对富营养化蓝绿藻类的抑制作用
3)blue,green algae蓝、绿藻
4)lue-green algae蓝(绿)藻

蓝绿藻分子式:CAS号:性质: 藻类的一种简单形态。在夏天的水面上可形成庞大而浓密的藻垫,破坏水面的外观。该藻类为单细胞,在一些方面类似于细菌。循环冷却水水池及冷却塔受光照部位常见它们的繁殖生长,给冷却水系统造成危害。它们利用大气中的氮作为构成自身细胞的营养物质。污水中移走氮不会影响它们生存。造成废水稳定池中的水具有令人恶心的气味。