大气污染控制工程,air pollution control engineering
1)air pollution control engineering大气污染控制工程
1.Air pollution control engineering is a core course for environmental engineering.大气污染控制工程课程是环境工程学科的主干学位课,本课程的实践环节包括课程实验、课程设计和教学实践三个部分的内容。

1.Teaching Reform for Air pollution Control Engineering Course;大气污染控制工程课程教学改革探索
2.Construction and Practice on the Fine Course of Engineering in Air Pollution Control;大气污染控制工程课程教学改革的探索与思考
3.Teaching.Reform of Air Pollution Control Engineering Practice;大气污染控制工程实践环节教学改革探讨
4.Exploration and Practice on Teaching Reform in Air Pollution Control Engineering大气污染控制工程课堂教学改革探索与实践
5.engineering control of air pollution空气污染的工程控制
6.Air Pollution Control Administration (APCA)大气污染控制管理局
7.National Center of Air Pollution Control国家大气污染控制中心
8.Air and Noise Pollution Control Division大气与噪声污染控制处
9.Analysis of Whole Process Control of Industrial Alr Pollutant Emission in Middle or Small City in North China我国北方中小城市工业大气污染物排放全过程控制的分析研究
10.Study on Cleaning Cokemaking Technology for Air Pollution Control in Shanxi Province;山西焦化业大气污染物控制清洁工艺研究
11.Total air pollutant emission control planning is a major urban environmental management approach.大气污染物总量控制是控制城市大气环境污染主要管理手段。
12.Research of Pollution Load Allocation in Atmospheric Total Control;大气污染物总量控制污染负荷分配研究
13.Construction of "Noise Control Engineering" Course System;“噪声污染控制工程”课程体系建设初探
14.We must do a good job in controlling the air pollution.我们必须搞好控制空气污染的工作。
15.Los Angeles Air Pollution Control District洛杉矶大气污染控制区(美国)
16.Controlling atmosphere pollution by NOx control technique利用氮氧化物控制技术治理大气污染
17.Study on the Character and Controlling Measure of Air Pollution in Qingdao;青岛市大气污染特征与控制对策研究
18.Analysis of Air Pollution Status in Urban Area of Qinzhou City and Countermeasures against Air Pollution;钦州市区大气污染状况及其控制对策

air pollution control process大气污染控制过程
3)air pollution control大气污染控制
1.Evaluation model for the effectiveness of air pollution control and its application大气污染控制有效性的评估模型及应用
2.Valuable integrated system of GIS and optimization control model was developed by secondary development of GIS as well as integrated study on the optimization model of energy structure and air pollution control model.该系统具有数据采集系统、分析系统和决策系统,可用于城市能源结构优化研究,大气污染控制研究,并可促进城市的可持续性发展。
4)Air Pollution & Its Control大气污染与控制
5)water pollution control engineering水污染控制工程
1.Enhancement of the Teaching Approach in Water Pollution Control Engineering via Application of Multimedia Courseware以形象、逻辑的多媒体课件强化水污染控制工程教学
2.On reform of curriculum system of water pollution control engineering水污染控制工程课程体系改革探讨
3.A computer Software concerning application of Flash technology to simulate experiments of water pollution control engineering is developed.使用F lash技术进行计算机模拟水污染控制工程实验,既能补充在实际操作中难以完成的实验教学内容,又能降低水污染控制工程实验的运行、维护成本,同时也能让环境工程专业的学生更好地了解水污染控制工程实验内部反应机理和工艺过程。
6)project of pollution controlling污染控制工程
