补充机制,complementary mechanism
1)complementary mechanism补充机制
1.A complementary mechanism of nutrient silicon in earth ecosystem is proposed,that is,a massive silicon is transported into the seawater deficient in silicon by the nearshore flood,atmospheric dust storm and submarine sediment so as to meet the demand for phytoplankton to grow,maintain the dynamic balance of.提出了地球生态系统的营养盐硅的补充机制:近岸的洪水、大气的沙尘暴和海底的沉积物向缺硅的水体输入大量的硅,即由陆地、大气、海底3种途径将硅输入海水水体中,满足浮游植物的生长的需要,保持海洋中浮游植物生长的动态平衡,促进海洋生态系统的可持续发展。
2.The complementary mechanism of carbon in the earth ecosystem was put forward firstly,and each procedure in the complementary mechanism running process is illustrated by the block diagram,which showed that no matter what silicon was enough or lack,and the earth ecosystem would make the carbon in atmosphere into the sea bottom and stored so as to complete the process of carbon transference.首次提出地球生态系统的C补充机制,并且用框图模型说明了补充机制在运行过程中的每个流程,阐明了无论Si的充足与缺乏,地球生态系统都要将C从大气中移动的海底,储藏起来,完成C的迁移过程。

1.Recapitalization of Regional Financial Institutions in China;我国地方性金融机构资本缺陷及补充机制
2.Construction of the Supplementation Mechanism of the Capital for Chinese Commercial Banks;中国商业银行资本金补充机制构建研究
3.Working Group on Complementarity and Trigger Mechanism补充作用和触发机制问题工作组
4.milking booster补充充电的升压电机
6.Exploration of additional quota making of lightning protection for station signal equipment room building;车站信号机房建筑物防雷定额补充编制的探讨
7.The Possibility Mechanism of the Effects of Tyrosine Supplement on Sports Ability;补充酪氨酸对运动能力影响的可能机制
8.machine hour plus supplementary rate method机器小时加补充率法
9.The body also has a mechanism for replenishing calcium from outside sources, namely the diet.而机体也有一种机制能从外来资源即饮食中吸收补充钙。
10.The Supplement and Consummation of Civil Servants Appointment Mechanism in Government with the "Double Track" Personnel System;人事“双轨制”下政府公务员聘任机制的补充与完善
11.The systematism of science and technology absorbs the mechanism of talented person of folk creativity as a type of complement.科学技术体系化则以吸纳民间创新人才的机制作为补充。
12.54. The representative of China added that the government guidance price mechanism was a more flexible form of pricing.54.中国代表补充指出,政府指导价机制是一更灵活的定价形式。
13.The Mechanism of Basketball Player Exercise Fatigue Producing and Nutrition Supplement;篮球运动员运动性疲劳产生的机制及其营养补充
14.The Study on the Effect and Mechanisms of the Intervention in Skeletal Muscle Aging by Weight Training and Soy Polypeptide Supplement负重训练和补充大豆多肽干预大鼠骨骼肌衰老效果及机制研究
15.Molecular mechanisms of leucine and its metabolite in improving protein synthesis and the effects of supplementation亮氨酸及其代谢产物促进蛋白质合成的分子机制及其补充效果
16.Discretionary Principle of Prosecution --And Some Views About the Complement and Perfection of the Restrictive Mechanism of Non-prosecution System;起诉法定原则与起诉裁量原则——兼论对我国不起诉制度制约机制的补充与完善
17.However, in the middle of a crisis my obligation was to try to hold things together.然而,处在危机中间,我有责任竭力补充。
18.Research on Model and Algorithm of Stochastic Joint Replenishment Problem随机型联合补充问题模型与算法研究

Supplementary Compensation Mechanism补充赔偿机制
1.Six conferences were thus held,and Supplementary Compensation Mechanism was formally proposed.国际民航组织积极推动1952年《罗马公约》现代化的工作,先后召开了《罗马公约》现代化六次小组会议,并正式提出了补充赔偿机制。
3)Supplementation Mechanism of the Capital for Commercial Banks资本金补充机制
4)supplementary of market mechanism市场机制补充
5)brake makeup oil制动器补充机油
1.The results showed that lube base oil fulfilled USA APIⅡand Ⅲ specifications could be prepared by isodewaxing along with hydrofinishing or clay finishing.试验结果表明 :采用异构脱蜡技术 ,结合加氢补充精制或白土精制工艺 ,可以制备符合APIⅡ、Ⅲ规格的基础油 ;与催化脱蜡工艺相比具有液体产品、基础油收率和产品档次较高等特点。
2.Deep denitrification on the high viscosity and special base oil from Daqing still lacks effetive finishing in meeting new standard of oxidation stability.大庆高粘度和专用基础油通过深度脱氮以满足新氧化安定性标准,但该过程仍缺乏有效的补充精制工艺。

磁耦合机制和沙兹曼机制  解释太阳系角动量特殊分布的两种理论。太阳质量占太阳系总质量的99.8%以上,但其角动量(动量矩)却只占太阳系总角动量的1%左右,而质量仅占0.2%的行星和卫星等天体,它们的角动量却占99%左右。太阳系角动量的这种特殊分布,是太阳系起源研究中的一个重要问题。1942年,阿尔文提出一种"磁耦合机制"。他认为,太阳通过它的磁场的作用,把角动量转移给周围的电离云,从而使由后者凝聚成的行星具有很大的角动量。他假定原始太阳有很强的偶极磁场,其磁力线延伸到电离云并随太阳转动。电离质点只能绕磁力线作螺旋运动,并且被磁力线带动着随太阳转动,因而从太阳获得角动量。太阳因把角动量转移给电离云,自转遂变慢了。    1962年,沙兹曼提出另一种通过磁场作用转移角动量的机制,称为沙兹曼机制。他认为,太阳(恒星)演化早期经历一个金牛座T型变星的时期,由于内部对流很强和自转较快,出现局部强磁场和比现今太阳耀斑强得多的磁活动,大规模地抛出带电粒子。这些粒子也随太阳磁场一起转动,直到抵达科里奥利力开始超过磁张力的临界距离处,它们一直从太阳获得角动量。由于临界距离达到恒星距离的量级,虽然抛出的物质只占太阳质量的很小一部分,但足以有效地把太阳的角动量转移走。沙兹曼也用此机制解释晚于F5型的恒星比早型星自转慢的观测事实。晚于F5型的恒星,都有很厚的对流区和很强的磁活动,通过抛出带电粒子转移掉角动量,自转因而变慢。然而早于F5型的恒星,没有很厚的对流区,没有损失角动量,因而自转较快。