营养盐分布,Nutrient distribution
1)Nutrient distribution营养盐分布
1.Nutrient distribution and its controlling mechanism in the adjacent area of Changjiang River estuary;长江口邻近海域营养盐分布特征及其控制过程的初步研究
2.Nutrient distribution and its relationship with occurrence of red tide in coastal area of East China Sea;东海近海海域营养盐分布特征及其与赤潮发生关系的初步研究

1.Vegetation Influence on Nutrients Distribution in Pore Water of Salt Marsh Sediment盐沼植物对沉积物间隙水营养盐分布的影响
2.Distributions of COD and nutrients in South Channel of Changjiang Estuary under saltwater intrusion盐水入侵下长江口南港水域COD和营养盐分布
3.Nutrient Distributions and Retention of the Three Gorges Reservior三峡水库营养盐分布特征与滞留效应研究
4.Study on Distribution and Denthic Fluxes of Nutrients in Sediments of Yellow Sea and East China Sea黄东海沉积物中营养盐分布及交换通量研究
5.The Distribution and Species of Nutrient in the Yangtze River Estuary长江口海域营养盐的形态和分布特征
6.The gradient distributions of the nutrient concentrations at the estuary and the adjacent sea are consistent with,that of salinity.在河口及其邻近海域营养盐的分布梯度与盐度的分布一致。
7.Features in Distributions of Nutrients and Chlorophyll and Eutrophication Assessment in the Bohai Sea in Summer;渤海夏季营养盐和叶绿素分布特征及富营养化状况分析
8.Distribution of Nutrient and Plankton Mass in Three Gorges Reservoir Water Body;三峡库区水体中营养盐与浮游生物量分布特征
9.Distribution Features of Nutrient and Flux between the Sediment and Water Interface of East China Sea and Yellow Sea;东、黄海营养盐的分布和沉积物—水界面交换通量
10.The distribution characteristics of nutrients and phytoplankton during the icebound season in Changchun湖水冰封期营养盐及浮游植物的分布特征
11.Dissolved Inorganic Nutrient Distribution of Shandong Coast山东近海溶解态无机营养盐的分布特征研究
12.The distribution of nutrients,phytoplankton and zooplankton in spring of the Oujiang River estuary瓯江口春季营养盐、浮游植物和浮游动物的分布
13.Spatial-temporal Distribution of Nutrients and Its Causation in Tianmu Lake,China天目湖水体与沉积物中营养盐时空分布及成因
15.The Micro-Distribution of Elements in Distichlis spicata and Festuca arundinacea Under Salt Stress盐胁迫下盐草和高羊茅营养器官的离子微区分布
16.Distribution Features of Nutrients Structure and Nutrient Limitation in the North of Yellow Sea北黄海营养盐结构及限制作用时空分布特征分析
17.The nutrient concentration has opposite distribution trend, due to the consumption of phytoplankton.营养盐浓度由于浮游植物的消耗则有相反的分布趋势.
18.Investigation of Distribution and Influx Calculation of Nutrients in the Eight Pearl River Openings;珠江口八大口门营养盐的分布及入海通量的研究

nutrients distribution营养盐分布特征
3)nutrition distribution pattern营养成分分布
4)distribution of nutrient element营养元素分布
1.Distributions and the factors influenced of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the Daliaohe Estuary;大辽河口N、P营养盐的分布特征及其影响因素
2.The influence of organic modified clay on nutrients and main water quality index in sea water;有机改性黏土对海水中营养盐及主要水质因子的影响
3.The Concentrarions and Distributions of Nutrients in Pore Water of the Aoshan Bay;鳌山湾沉积物间隙水营养盐的含量及其分布
1.Influence of HgCl_2 on nutrient exchange rates in sediment——water interface in fish cage area of Dapengao;HgCl_2对网箱养殖海域营养盐在沉积物——水界面上交换速率的影响
2.Effect of atmospheric wet deposition on nutrients into Changjiang Estuary and eutrophication;大气湿沉降对营养盐向长江口输入及水域富营养化的影响
3.Sediment-water fluxes of nutrients in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea;东、黄海沉积物-水界面营养盐交换速率的研究

营养病分布  营养病分布范围甚广。某种营养病的发生,常与该地区食物中营养素的构成有关。如恶性营养不良(或称蛋白质-热量营养缺乏)主要发生于热带及亚热带饮食中富含淀粉而缺乏蛋白质的地区,患者主要是断奶后以谷物、木薯、大蕉、番薯或类似淀粉性食物为食的儿童。癞皮病是由于烟酸(维生素B3)缺乏所致,多见于乌干达、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚与南非贫穷地区内以玉米为主食的人群。因矿物质缺乏引起的疾病如甲状腺肿,除冰岛外,在世界各国碘缺乏的地区(主要是山区)均有流行。锌缺乏所引起的侏儒综合症,最早发现于伊朗和埃及营养较差的乡村地区,后来发现于土耳其、突尼斯、摩洛哥、葡萄牙、巴拿马等国的乡村青少年中也有。    一些营养病的分布尚有明显的时间性和人群选择性(包括年龄、性别、职业)。如维生素 C(抗坏血酸)缺乏引起的坏血病,过去在英国以冬季发病率最高,夏季很低,与富含维生素 C的蔬菜、水果等冬季供应量减少有关;佝偻病(维生素 D缺乏症)在日照较弱的冬季为高发季节,并在婴儿、孕妇中多见;维生素B1缺乏症(脚气病)曾广泛流行于日本、印度南部、菲律宾及南洋群岛诸国,在历史上同坏血病一样以军队(尤在海军)发病率最高,它与这些人群吃精白米为主和蔬菜少有关。    人文因素与营养病分布密切相关。如大规模蛋白质缺乏病屡见于战争和饥馑时期,至今仍见于一些不发达国家或地区。在一些发达国家,由于各种食品丰富,有高热量的饮料,加之活动方式趋于案牍化,致使在20世纪后半叶,因体内脂肪积累而引起肥胖症者增多。