土法炼锌,local smelting
1)local smelting土法炼锌
1.Soil heavy metal accumulation induced by local smelting and its microbial environmental effects in Hezhang County, Guizhou Province;贵州赫章土法炼锌导致的土壤重金属污染特征及微生物生态效应

1.An Pots Experimental Study on Historical Pb-Zn Smelting Slag Land Reclamation in Northwestern Guizhou Province;黔西北土法炼锌废渣场复垦试验研究
2.Transference Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Land Reclamation of Indigenous Zinc Smelting Areas土法炼锌区土地复垦的重金属迁移特征
3.The Environmental Hazards of Indigenous Zinc Smelting and Environmental Assessment in Abandoned Mine Areas土法炼锌的环境危害及废弃矿区环境评价
4.Environmental Concerns on Geochemical Mobility of Lead,Zinc and Cadmium from Zinc Smelting Areas:Western Guizhou,China黔西土法炼锌区Pb、Zn、Cd地球化学迁移特征
5.Study on Remediation for the Polluted Area by Historical Zinc Smelting with Sewage Sludge;城市污泥用于土法炼锌矿区污染修复的试验研究
6.The Study of Plant in Local Smelting Heavy Metal Pollution Area, Guizhou Province;贵州赫章土法炼锌地区重金属对植物污染的初步研究
7.Reclamation technology on preventing heavy metal pollution from landfill of indigenous zinc smelting areas防止土法炼锌废渣充填场地重金属污染复垦技术
8.The Polluted Situation of Heavy Metals in Pb-Zn Mining Area of Northwest of Guizhou Province and the Evaluation of Environmental Impaction黔西北土法炼锌矿区重金属污染现状及其环境影响评价
9.Continuous determination of zinc,lead and aluminum in alkaline zinc solution碱法炼锌浸出液中锌、铅、铝的连续测定
11.Impact of technologic condition selected for roasting zinc concentrate on recovered ratio of total sulfur and zinc in hydro-metallurgical extracting zinc锌精矿焙烧工艺条件对湿法炼锌总硫利用率及锌浸出率的影响
12.Treatment of Comprehensive Waste Water from Lead and Zinc Smelting with High Density Sludge高密度泥浆法处理铅锌冶炼综合废水
13.Characteristics and Assessment of Soil Contamination by Heavy Metals Around Zinc Smelting Plant of Huixian徽县铅锌冶炼厂周边土壤中重金属污染评价
14.Determination of trace amounts of indium in the smelting charge of lead and zinc by flame AAS火焰原子吸收法测定铅锌冶炼物料中低含量铟
15.Research and Application on Removing of Magnesium in Hydrometallurgical Process;湿法炼锌过程中镁的脱除的研究及应用
16.Some General Solutions to the Thermoelastic Problem of a Circular Inclusion with Interfacial Defects;清洁生产管理理论在锌湿法冶炼过程中的应用
17.The Influence Factors of the Neutral-Soaked Pulp Precipitate in Zinc Smeltmg with Wet Method;湿法炼锌中影响中性浸出矿浆沉淀的因素
18.Cobalt Oxide Production of Feasibility Study Used Zinc Cobalt in Addition to Slag用湿法炼锌除钴渣生产氧化钴的可行性研究

Zinc smelting with indigenous method土法炼锌
1.Local zinc smelting with indigenous method in Hezhang County, Guizhou Province, not only caused infertile vegetation, but also induced varying-degree accumulation of heavy metals in adjacent soils and stream sediments.贵州省赫章县的土法炼锌不仅导致植被的破坏,而且使附近土壤和溪流沉积物中重金属有不同程度的积累,土壤中w(Pb)达到37。
3)zinc smelting with indigenous methods土法炼锌
1.Recently, local zinc smelting with indigenous methods in Guizhou province become more and more serious because of higher Zn prices.随着锌价的不断上涨,土法炼锌活动在贵州越演越烈。
4)indigenous zinc smelting土法炼锌
1.Indigenous zinc smelting activity, widely spread in western Guizhou, China, had caused serious pollution of heavy metals and ecological destruction in the indigenous zinc smelting areas.土法炼锌致使冶炼区大量重金属的累积以及生态环境的严重破坏。
5)indigenous zinc smelting area土法炼锌区
1.Pot-experiments were carried out to study heavy metal accumulation in Chinese cabbage planted in the polluted soil from the indigenous zinc smelting area of Hezhang County.采用苗圃盆栽试验,用腐殖质、EDTA、不同量的石灰等对赫章土法炼锌区的污染土壤进行处理。
2.The reclamation of the abandoned land is one of important ways to reduce the erosion of soil and control heavy metal pollution in the indigenous zinc smelting area.废弃地复垦成为土法炼锌区面临的主要问题,而重金属(Pb、Zn、Cd)的调控又是复垦中的首要问题。
3.We studied on the heavy metal of the soil in the indigenous zinc smelting area of Hezhang County in Guizhou province with experiment in the field, the nursery and the laboratory.论文以贵州赫章土法炼锌区污染土壤为研究对象,通过野外实验、苗圃实验和室内实验对其重金属的固定、迁移调控进行相关研究,为土法炼锌区的土地复垦提供科学依据和技术方法。
6)Historical Pb-Zn Smelting Slag Land土法炼锌废渣
1.An Pots Experimental Study on Historical Pb-Zn Smelting Slag Land Reclamation in Northwestern Guizhou Province;黔西北土法炼锌废渣场复垦试验研究

换土法  挖出地基中一定范围内的土后,换以砂、石等材料、并分层夯实(或压实、振实),以作为基础的持力层的地基处理方法,是传统的浅层处理地基的方法。置换后的土层称垫层。    垫层设计主要是选定垫层材料、确定垫层的宽度与厚度。垫层厚度应大于1/4基底宽度。 垫层宽度应能防止垫层材料侧向挤出,通常按应力扩散角设计,并超出基础底面边缘一定距离。同时应验算下卧层的容许承载力。    垫层按不同作用可采用砂、碎石、砾石、石屑、炉渣、素土或灰土。    砂石类垫层  用于处理厚度较薄的软土、冻土、杂填土或软硬不均的地基。这种垫层可减小地基的变形和提高承载力,并具有排水固结,加速建筑物的沉降和防止地基土冻胀等作用。    通常采用中砂、粗砂或砾石作为垫层材料。其含泥量不超过3%。施工时,可采用振动、水撼或碾压等方法使之密实。垫层的工程质量一般采用干容重测定或贯入法进行检验。    土(或灰土)垫层  在中国的西北和华北及湿陷?曰仆恋厍褂媒掀毡椋靡圆糠只蛉肯仆恋鼗氖荼湫危蛴靡蕴岣咴犹钔恋鼗某性亓Γ辉诮ㄖ锓段谏柚谜粒ɑ蚧彝粒┑娌闶被辜嬗辛己玫母羲饔谩?    施工时,土料要在最佳含水量下压实或夯实,并以干容重和压实系数控制质量。