农业立体污染,agricultural tri-dimension pollution
1)agricultural tri-dimension pollution农业立体污染
1.Ecological thought of prevention and cure of agricultural tri-dimension pollution;农业立体污染防治的生态学思考
2.This paper analyzes the problems existing in the agricultural tri-dimension pollution in Shanxi Province, and advances some tactics and countermeasures for preventing the agricultural tri-dimension pollution of Shanxi Provinc分析了山西省农业立体污染存在的问题,提出了山西省农业立体污染防治的策略和对策。
3.Based on theory of agricultural tri-dimension pollution,the reasons and countermeasures of water eutrophication was studied and analyzed in this paper.在对我国富营养化水体的现状、危害的全面分析基础上,从农业立体污染的角度解析水体富营养化的发生原因、污染方式和治理对策,阐释了农业立体污染对水体富营养化的影响及采取综合防治措施的必要性,提出从农业立体污染防治的思路和措施入手控制水体富营养化是解决我国水环境问题的有效途径。

1.Policies and Measures to Prevent and Control "Three - dimensional Pollution" in Chinese Agriculture;我国“农业立体污染”防治对策研究
2.The Possibility Discussion of"Homeopathy" Technology Application in Agricultural Tri-dimension Pollution Control“顺势疗法”技术在农业立体污染防治中的应用可能性探讨
3.A Study on Legislation of Preventing the Pollution of Solid Wastes in Rural Areas;农村固体废物污染环境防治立法研究
4.or contamination with industrial or farm waste.或工农业污水造成污染。
5.Study on Control System of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Jilin Province;吉林省农业非点源污染调控体系研究
6.The Building and Application of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Database Based on Geodatabase;基于Geodatabase农业面源污染数据库的建立与应用
7.Discussion on the System Establish of Land Pollution Dispute Resolution by Administrative Means论我国农业土地污染纠纷行政解纷制度的建立
8.weather concerning environmental pollution气象与农业环境污染
9.The System of Economic Policies for Control and Management of Agricultural Non-point Sources Pollution;农业非点源污染控制管理的经济政策体系研究
10.Effects of Agricultural Production on Water Bodies Pollution and Its Measures of Pollution Control农业生产对水体环境污染的影响及防治措施
11.The Effect of Non-point Source Agricultural Pollution on Water Body and its Control我国农业面源污染对水体的影响及防治措施
12.On the Practical Method of the Integrated Policy to Prevent Agricultural Chemical Pollution;通过农业与环境政策一体化的途径防治农业化学品污染问题探讨
13.Study on System Simulation of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution and Management Strategy in Xinlicheng Reservoir of Jilin Province吉林省新立城水库农业非点源污染系统模拟与管理策略研究
14.Developing Organic Agriculture, Reducing Various Pollution Resources in Agriculture;发展有机农业 遏制农业面源污染
15.The contaminant analysis of the surface water of the pollution of the agricultural surface source in the Zhu Xi River region;苎溪河农业面源污染地表水中污染物分析
16.The major sources of water pollution are industrial, municipal and agricultural.水污染的主要来源是工业、都市和农业。
17.Primary Study on Pollution Control of Agricultural Non-point Source by Means of Riparian Buffer in Shanghai;上海市农业面源污染控制的滨岸缓冲带体系初步研究
18.An Analysis of Legislation on Controlling the Pollution of Oil Smoke Exhausted by Catering Industry城市饮食业油烟污染防治的立法研究

agricultural tridimension pollution农业立体污染
1.Based on rapidly issuing and sharing data of agricultural tridimension pollution, a spatial information web of agricultural tridimension pollution based on ArcIMS was developed to control agricultural tridimension pollution which to be modernization, information, standardization and efficient.针对农业立体污染及时发布和数据共享的需求,运用ArcIMS建立了农业立体污染空间信息网,以达到农业立体污染防治的现代化、信息化、规范化和高效化。
2.Current status of agricultural tridimension pollution in the province is discussed in terms of industrial wastes, rubbish from daily life, fertilizer, insecticides, mulching film and ani.“农业立体污染”是一个全新的理念,也是山西省面临的一个重要的环境问题。
3)agricultural tri-dimensional pollution农业立体污染
1.Integrated control of agricultural tri-dimensional pollution is an emerging cross-discipline and a huge project involved in wide crossover fields.农业立体污染综合防治研究是一个新兴的学科交叉领域,涉及范围较广,其研究工作是一项庞大的系统工程,要实现该学科研究的重大突破,需要整合相关学科的人才资源、科技资源和平台条件,形成跨学科、跨部门、跨单位、跨行业的人才协作团队。
4)agricultural tri-dimension pollution control农业立体污染防治
5)agricultural pollution of water body水体农业污染
6)agricultural pollution农业污染
1.Agricultural pollution four source of the prevention;农业污染的来源及防治对策
2.Estimating Research on Agricultural Pollution's Health Loss Based on CVM;基于CVM的农业污染健康损失估算研究
3.On the base of discussion on meaning for agricultural clean production,the article inquires into prevention and cure of agricultural pollution of agricultural clean production problem.农业发展面临的农业污染问题,已成为制约农业可持续发展的“瓶颈”。

中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所 中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所见中国农业经济科学研究机构。