一点积分,one point quadrature
1)one point quadrature一点积分
1.The mixed element is formulated with stabilized one point quadrature scheme and par- ticularly implicit characteristic-based algorithm for eliminating spurious numerical osc.混合元方法采用基于一点积分方案并结合可以滤掉虚假的数值震荡的隐式特征线法。
2)point-by-point integration逐点积分
1.The calculation of spot welding current is determined by the way of point-by-point integration,the software and hardware system is constituted based on 80C196KC single chip computer.确定了以逐点积分法作为电流有效值的计算方法,建立了以80C196KC单片机为中心控制器件的软件、硬件系统。
3)the points of Gaussian integrationGauss积分点
1.By using this model method in which the vertical spring elements were located at the points of Gaussian integration, hysteretic course, skeleton curve, and ductility characteristic of the shear walls were analyzed.通过对某大型火电厂主厂房纵向框架-剪力墙模型结构进行的伪静力试验,研究了此类工业厂房中纵向带边框柱剪力墙结构的抗震性能问题,并采用宏观有限元方法将这种剪力墙模型结构简化为一个多垂直杆模型,通过将竖向弹簧杆元放置在Gauss积分点处,不仅可以模拟出剪力墙结构的滞回曲线、骨架曲线以及延性等性能,还明显提高了计算效率。
4)nodal integration节点积分
1.Dynamic analysis of the stabilized smoothing nodal integration meshfree method;稳定相容节点积分无网格法动力学分析
2.A meshless method using stabilized conforming nodal integration;稳定相容节点积分的无网格算法

1.Study of the Meshfree Method Based on Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration and RPIM Shape Function;基于稳定相容节点积分和RPIM形函数的无网格法研究
3.electric PID governing电动比例积分微分调节
4.UGPA (undergraduate grade-point average)本科大学生平均积分点
5.It is good to remember that the explicit use of energy conservation can often save mathematical labor by eliminating one integration.直接应用能量守恒可以减少一次积分,这就常常能节省数学运算,记住这一点是有用的。
6.P-I-D regulator比例积分微分调节器P-N boundaryPN间界
7.The Research for Integral Separation Regulator DC Speed Regulating System积分分离法调节器直流调速系统研究
8.Correction of Partial Volume Effect of Positive Nodules on PETPET阳性结节灶的部分容积效应校正
9.Multi-power level mobile beacon assisted distributed node localization algorithm多功率移动锚节点辅助的分布式节点定位方法
10.Failure Analysis of Grid Structure Bolt Ball Joint of Power Station Coal Shed发电厂干煤棚螺栓球节点网架节点破坏分析
11.The Parameter Optimisation of the construction of fourpoint-Quadrature Rule of Cauchy Principal Value of an integral柯西主值积分四点求积公式的参数优化
12.The Construction of four Point-Quadrature Rule of Cauchy Principal Value of an Integral by Narameter Ogtimisation柯西主值积分的参数优化四点求积公式
13.All members can accumulate only ONE Ad Point per minute.所有的会员在一分钟内最多只能累积1个积点。
14.Estimation of the Number of Zeros of Abelian Integral of a Class of Quadratic Integrable Systems一类二次可积系统的Abel积分的零点个数估计
15.Why don’t you retrench then-scrape up, hoard, economise?那么你为什么不节约一下——积累一点,储蓄一点,省吃俭用一些呢
16.Why don't you retrench then-scrape up, hoard, economise?那么你为什么不节约一下——积累一点,储蓄一点,省吃俭用一些呢?
17.Corrections to standard grade points in the instructional management of the credit system;学分制教学管理中标准积点分的修正
18.Chapter 4, omitting the section on the existence of the integral but includng improper integrals.第四章略去了关于积分存在性那一节,且包括广义积分。

point-by-point integration逐点积分
1.The calculation of spot welding current is determined by the way of point-by-point integration,the software and hardware system is constituted based on 80C196KC single chip computer.确定了以逐点积分法作为电流有效值的计算方法,建立了以80C196KC单片机为中心控制器件的软件、硬件系统。
3)the points of Gaussian integrationGauss积分点
1.By using this model method in which the vertical spring elements were located at the points of Gaussian integration, hysteretic course, skeleton curve, and ductility characteristic of the shear walls were analyzed.通过对某大型火电厂主厂房纵向框架-剪力墙模型结构进行的伪静力试验,研究了此类工业厂房中纵向带边框柱剪力墙结构的抗震性能问题,并采用宏观有限元方法将这种剪力墙模型结构简化为一个多垂直杆模型,通过将竖向弹簧杆元放置在Gauss积分点处,不仅可以模拟出剪力墙结构的滞回曲线、骨架曲线以及延性等性能,还明显提高了计算效率。
4)nodal integration节点积分
1.Dynamic analysis of the stabilized smoothing nodal integration meshfree method;稳定相容节点积分无网格法动力学分析
2.A meshless method using stabilized conforming nodal integration;稳定相容节点积分的无网格算法
5)particle integral质点积分
6)point integration点积分
1.Natural element method based on the mean value theorem and point integration and its procedures基于平均值定理和点积分方案的自然单元法及其程序实现
2.It is discussed how to solve problems involving point loads with EFGM, and a kind of point integration mode of EFGM is suggested,followed by related examples.讨论如何用该法求解集中力问题, 以及该法的点积分实现过程, 并给出相关算例。

《把眼光放远一点》  中国独幕话剧。作者胡丹沸。冀中军区火线剧社1942年首演。剧本在1944年6月20日至23日的延安 《解放日报》上发表,后中国戏剧出版社出版单行本,收入中国社会科学院文学研究室编辑的《中国现代独幕话剧选(1919~1949)》等选集中。    剧本描写在抗日战争期间一家村民参军抗战的故事。日本侵略者对冀中抗日根据地发动大扫荡,某村被敌人占领。村内两兄弟夫妇的儿子都参加了八路军。老大支持儿子抗日,老二唆使儿子开小差回家,并想让他到岗楼自首,领取"居住证"。最终在老大的劝说与事实的教育下,老二夫妇觉悟了,其子二傻子又归队参加抗日斗争。    剧本真实地反映了抗日战争时期人民的生活与思想,比较成功地刻画了老大的坚定忠实、勇敢机智、不怕牺牲的品质。对于老二的自私、动摇、目光短浅,作者则给予善意的讽刺。剧本情节紧凑、生动,语言精练,全剧富有喜剧色彩和生活气息。    此剧曾获晋察冀边区鲁迅艺术奖金委员会季奖。