成因及危害,Causes and Endangerments
1)Causes and Endangerments成因及危害

1.Causes and Harms of Impractically High Land Price in Cities of China;中国城市土地价格虚高的成因及危害
2.Study on the Causes and Harm of Land Sandification at Southern Margin of Junggar Basin准噶尔盆地南缘沙化土地成因及危害探析
3.Causes for Unit-owned Exchequer and Countermeasures to Bring under Control形成“小金库”的原因、危害及治理对策
4.The Danger, Origin Cause of Formation and Countermeasure on the Crime of Extorting Confessions by Torture;刑讯逼供犯罪的危害、成因及防治对策
5.On the Cause, Harm and Procedure Control to Extort a Confession by Torture;论刑讯逼供成因、危害及其程序遏制
6.The causes hazards and intervention strategies of undergraduates addiction to Internet;大学生网络成瘾的原因 危害及对策
7.The Cause of False Accounts and its Harmfulness and Countermeasures;论会计信息失真的成因、危害及对策
8.The Reasons,Damages and Strategies of "Small Coffer" in the Subordinate Colleges of the Higher Education Institute;高校二级学院“小金库”成因、危害及对策
9.On the Causes,Phenomena,Endangerment and Countermeasures of Repetitive Complaint Letter and Visit;略论重访的成因、现象、危害及对策
10.On the hazard 、causes and interventions of college students’ Internet Addiction论大学生网络成瘾的危害、原因及干预
11.An Analysis of the Harmness and Cause of Middle School Students Addiction to Internet and Its Corresponding Measures;浅析中学生网络成瘾的危害、成因及对策
12.Research on the Harm, Causes and Solutions of Violent Law Enforcement in Our Governments City Management;我国城管暴力执法的危害、成因及对策研究
13.Briefly on Harms,Causes of False News and Legal Liabilities;浅议媒体虚假新闻的危害、成因及法律责任
14.Perspectives of the cheating in examinations;成因、危害及对策:对不良考试风气的几点思考
15.The structural analysis Of the monopoly market of Chinese telecommunication s industry--Moreover reconsiders discusses of China Mobile communication Group Company s only strongest status;中国移动“一家独大”的成因、危害及其对策
16.Discussion on the Dangers,Causes and Administration of the Judicial Corruptive Phenomenon;浅议司法腐败现象的危害、成因及其治理
17.The causes,distribution and hazards of the land slides of the Taihang mountain ranges in Hebei;河北省太行山泥石流成因、分布特征及危害
18.Cause, Harm and Countermeasures of the Behavior of Encroachment in Supply Chain;供应链成员侵占行为的动因、危害及对策

damage and reasons危害及成因
3)environment damage and cause污染危害及成因
4)Origin harm成因危害
5)contributing factors of harm危害成因
6)cause and damage成因与危害
