1.Haixing wetland becomes composite coastal wetland with special propagation interborough, biological community structure, ecological environment and natural landscape, and rich biodiversity resources.海兴湿地以其独具特色的动植物区系、生物群落结构、生态环境和自然景观,丰富的生物多样性资源,成为典型的滨海复合型湿地生态系统。
1.There occurred an earthquake with M s6 6 in Xinghai county in Qinghai province on Sept.2 0 0 0年 9月 1 2日青海省海南州兴海县发生 6 6级地震 ,宏观震中位于温泉乡的博荷沁沟及扎麻隆沟分水岭地带 ( 3 5°2 4′N ,99°3 2′E)。
2.0 earthquake in Qinghai in 1990 is renamed as the Xinghai M S 7.0级地震应更名为兴海地震的缘由。

1.Revitalizing Marine Science and Technology to Build Coastal Steel Industrial Base;振兴海洋科技事业 打造沿海钢铁基地
2.Analysis on the state of Kaschin-Beck disease from 1989 to 2000 in Xinhai county Qinhai province1989-2000年青海省兴海县大骨节病病情分析
3.Good to see Hayes put in some quality minutes.非常高兴海耶斯打得比赛质量很高。
4.Nice to meet you, Grandpa Turtle.很高兴见到你,海龟爷爷。
5.Nice to meet you, Turtle!很高兴见到你,海龟!
6.Do you have any interest in shipping?您对海运不兴趣吗?
7.Shanghai Zhenxing Aluminium Industry Co., Ltd.上海振兴铝业有限公司
8.The construction of the port to the deepwater ocean is of major interest.在深海海域修建港口已引起人们的兴趣。
9.The Establishment of Maritime Customs and the Prosperity of Coastal Cities in Fujian in Early Qing Dynasty清代前期闽海关的设置与福建沿海城市的兴盛
10.Growing up of Tianjin Binhai New Area and Rebounding of Loop-bohai Region;天津滨海新区的崛起与环渤海地区的振兴
11.Ups and Downs of Contemporary Commerce in Shanghai and Formation and Development of Shanghai Culture;近代上海商业的兴盛与海派文化的形成及发展
12.The children were all agog with excitement at going to the seaside for suumer holidays.孩子们都兴奋地渴望看去海滨过暑假。
13.Guangzhou Shinyee Ocean Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd.广州兴亿海洋生物工程有限公司
14.The mother regaled the Boys with sea stories.妈妈讲的航海故事使孩子们很高兴。
15.Hainan will build a western expressway海南将兴建西线高速公路
16.Nanhai Changxing Industry Co.广东省南海市长兴实业有限公司
17.Tourism in the coastal area is very prosper.沿海地区的旅游也非常兴
18.Weifang Zhenxing Coking Co., Ltd. in Shandong Haihua Jiaohua Co., Ltd.山东海化集团潍坊振兴焦化有限公司

1.There occurred an earthquake with M s6 6 in Xinghai county in Qinghai province on Sept.2 0 0 0年 9月 1 2日青海省海南州兴海县发生 6 6级地震 ,宏观震中位于温泉乡的博荷沁沟及扎麻隆沟分水岭地带 ( 3 5°2 4′N ,99°3 2′E)。
2.0 earthquake in Qinghai in 1990 is renamed as the Xinghai M S 7.0级地震应更名为兴海地震的缘由。
3)Xinghai earthquake兴海地震
1.The authors have sumarized the eletromagnetic anomaly characteristics in eastern Qinghai before Xinghai earthquake with M s6 6,and analysed the seismogenic process of this mainshock.6级地震前青海东部电磁学科所反映的异常特征 ,并对兴海地震的孕震过程予以初步的分
4)Xinhai county兴海县
1.This article based on analysis of observed data of ambient temperature and rainfall in Xinhai county,concluded the effluence on climatic change on animal busbandry.本文通过对兴海县气温、降水等气象观测资料的分析,得出气候变化对畜牧业生产造成的影响,认为当前制约兴海县畜牧业可持续发展的主要因素是气候变化,并针对气候变化的制约条件提出了草地可持续发展对策。
5)Haixing Wetland海兴湿地
1.The Features of and Development Countermeasures for the Ecological Resources in Haixing Wetland;海兴湿地生态资源特征及发展对策
6)Haixing county海兴县
