1.Data sets containing nondetects that are below detection limits,are inevitable in analytical results for environmental samples,especially for trace elements and trace organic pollutants.目前处理未检出数据的方法通常是忽略或者用0、检出下限的1/2或1/3进行简单替代。
2)none visible未检出

1.Of 542 cases of the children born after filariasis was eliminated in the area,no positive case was found.检测基本消除丝虫病后出生的儿童542人,未检出抗体阳性者;
2.The Shaoxing yellow wine organic phosphorus remains, the pyrethrum remains had not picked out.绍兴黄酒有机磷残留,菊酯类残留均未检出
3.Introduction to the methods of parameter estimation for environmental monitoring data set with truncated data below a detection limit含未检出值的环境监测数据集的处理方法
4.Regression on order statistics and its application in estimating nondetects for food exposure assessment次序统计量回归及其在食品暴露评估未检出值估计中的应用
5.probability of undetected error未检测出差错的概率
6.QUARANTINE CRTFCTE UNRCVD WHN U SNT REP-quarantine certificate not yet received, when did you send, reply( immediately)检疫证书还未收到,你何时寄出的,请复
7.Shapiro, Jeffrey H. "Optical Propagation, Detection, and Communication." (unpublished book, n.d.), Chapter 4.光传播、检测和通信〉,(未出版文献,未注明出版日期),第4章。
8.and no permission shall be granted for the export of export commodities specified in the preceding paragraph until they have been found to be up to standard through inspection.前款规定的出口商品未经检验合格的,不准出口。
9.Received uncensored correspondence from a theater of military operations; sells uncensored movies and novels.收到来自战区的未经检查的信件;出售未经审查的电影和小说
10.Note: The results of antibody in control group were all negative and unlistocl in the tabel.注:对照组抗体检测均为阴性,因此在表中未列出。
11.The medic asked those who had not had their physical examination to stand out.军医请那些未受过体格检查的人站出来。
12.No such cargo may be released from its storage place, unless it has passed the inspection.未符合检验规定前,不得运出货物储存地点。
13.Maradona was kicked out of the World Cup after failing a drugs test.马拉多纳在未通过药检后被逐出世界杯。
14.Her stuttering persisted for 1 week and subsided spontaneously.电脑断层、脑波及电学检查并未测出局部性病灶。
15.or exporting exported goods without having them gone through inspection by commodity inspection authorities as required,或者将必须经商检机构检验的出口商品未报经检验合格而擅自出口
16.They are picking over the cinders in the rubbish heap for unburned pieces of coal.他们正在检查垃圾堆中的煤渣,拣出未烧掉的煤块。
17.The Kleppe test surfaced again in an unexpected context.克莱珀一案的检验方法在一种未曾预料的情形中又一次出现。
18.Never tested cancer dyestuff from what we used dyestuff.各种不同性质的染料中也未检测出含有致癌染料。

none visible未检出
1.Dealing with non-detects for dietary exposure assessment using Kaplan-Meier methods and Bootstrap结合Kaplan-Meier法与Bootstrap法处理膳食暴露评估中的未检出值
4)no observed effect concentration未检出浓度
5)Unlabeled data未标记数据
6)unacknowledged data未确认数据
