柘林湾,Zhelin Bay
1)Zhelin Bay柘林湾
1.Distribution of bacteria and environmental factors in the large-scale mariculture area of Zhelin Bay in East Guangdong,China;粤东大规模养殖区柘林湾细菌的分布与环境因素关系
2.A primary study on the distribution and pollution of heavy metals in the surficial sediments of Zhelin Bay;柘林湾表层沉积物重金属分布及污染初步评价
3.Annual Variation of Biotoxicity Inspected by Microtox Method in the Zhelin Bay,China;粤东柘林湾发光细菌法监测生物毒性的周年变化

1.Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Sediments of Zhelin Bay, Eastern Coast of Guangdong;粤东柘林湾沉积物中氮和磷的时空分布
2.Ecological Studies on Zooplankton in Zhelin Bay of Eastern Guangdong: 2001~2002;2001~2002年粤东柘林湾浮游动物的生态学研究
3.The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Bacteria in the Large-scale Mariculture of Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guangdong;粤东大规模养殖区柘林湾细菌的时空分布
4.A priliminary study of heavy metal background values in Zhelin Bay of eastern Guangdong Province粤东柘林湾沉积物重金属背景值初步研究
5.Ecological Studies on the Large-Scale Mariculture in Zhelin Bay and Shen'ao Bay in the East of Guangdong: 2000~2001;2000~2001年粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾和深澳湾的生态学研究
6.Ecological Studies on Extracellular Enzymes Activities in the Shantou Bay and Large-scale Mareculture of Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guangdong;粤东汕头湾和大规模养殖区柘林湾胞外酶活性的生态学研究
7.Ecological Studies on Zooplankton in the Large-scale Mariculture of Zhelin Bay and Shen ao Bay, Eastern Guangdong: 2000~2001;粤东大规模养殖区柘林湾和深澳湾浮游动物的生态学研究——2000~2001年
8.Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Chemical Factors in Zhelin Bay, the Eastern Guangdong;粤东柘林湾水化学指标的时空分布及其相互关系
9.A Long-term Ecological Study on Phytoplankton in a Large-scale Mariculture-Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guangdong;粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾浮游植物生态学的长期研究
10.An Ecological Study on Zooplankton in a Large-scale Mariculture Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guangdong;粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾浮游动物生态学的研究
11.An Ecological Study on Marine Microorganisms in a Large-scale Mariculture-Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guangdong;粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾海洋微生物的生态学研究
12.Study of Bacterial Productivity and the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Bacteria、Vibrio and Heterotrophic Bacteria in Zhelin Bay;柘林湾细菌、弧菌和异养菌数量的时空分布和细菌生产力研究
13.Ecological Studies on Phytoplankton in the Large-scale Mariculture of Zhelin Bay, Eastern Guandong: 2001~2002;2001~2002年粤东大规模增养殖区柘林湾浮游植物的生态学研究
14.Quality Control of Cable Anchorage in High Side-slope of Extension Works of Zhelin Hydropower Station柘林水电站扩建工程高边坡锚索施工质量监控
15.The Technology of Pollution-free Cage Aquaculture and Application of HACCP of Siniperca Scherzei in the Zhelin Lake;柘林湖无公害斑鳜网箱养殖技术及HACCP的应用
16.Research on Water Quality Appraisal and Water Environmental Capacity of Zhelin Reservoir柘林水库水质现状评价和水环境容量研究
17.This charm has provided vigorous ground of civilization for the skyrocketing economy of Zhe Lin in new century.这底蕴,更为柘林新世纪的经济腾飞,提供了强劲的人文底气。
18.Thanks to scientific layout, Zhe Lin is creating wonders on this land.凭借科学的规划,柘林,这方热土珔在诞生一个奇迹。

Zhelin reservoir柘林水库
1.Evaluation on ecological service function and value of Zhelin reservoir;柘林水库的生态服务功能与价值评估
2.Influence of hydrologic factor on flood control risk rate in Zhelin Reservoir;水文因子对柘林水库防洪风险率影响分析
3)Zhelin dam柘林大坝
4)Zheilin irrigation柘林灌区
5)Zhelin Lake柘林湖
1.Studies on Plankton and Water Environment in Caged Culturing Area of Zhelin Lake;柘林湖网箱养殖水域中浮游生物和水环境的研究
2.The Technology of Pollution-free Cage Aquaculture and Application of HACCP of Siniperca Scherzei in the Zhelin Lake;柘林湖无公害斑鳜网箱养殖技术及HACCP的应用
6)Zhelin Hydropower Station柘林水电站
1.Reasonability and characteristics of safety monitoring system for Zhelin Hydropower Station were discussed.讨论了柘林水电站安全监测网布置的合理性和特点;分析了安全监测成果;并采用能反映边坡变形行为特点的模型,对重要监测点的监测数据进行了变形预测。

奴柘刺【通用名称】奴柘刺【其他名称】奴柘刺 (《本草拾遗》) 【来源】为桑种植物小柘树的棘刺。植物形态详"穿破石"条。 【性味】《本草拾遗》:"味苦,小温,无毒。" 【功用主治】《本草拾遗》:"主老血瘕。男子痃癖、闪痞,取刺和山棱草、马鞭草作煎如稠糖,病在心,食后;在脐,空心服。当下恶物。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,2~4钱。