国内外,at home and abroad
1)at home and abroad国内外
1.The existing state about the mining methods and using of the oil shale at home and abroad;国内外油页岩开采方法和利用现状
2.State of the art of diesel and electric locomotives at home and abroad and the gap between(Part 2);国内外内燃机车、电力机车技术水平现状与差距(二)
3.State of the art of diesel and electric locomotives at home and abroad and the gap between(Part 1);国内外内燃机车、电力机车技术水平现状与差距(一)

1.Both domestic and overseas customers; customers both at home and abroad.国内外客商(英美国家很少强调"国内外")
2.Outlook of Domestic and Foreign Petroleum Economic Situation in 2002 (Domestic Part);2002年国内外石油经济形势展望——国内篇
3.PTA Production Status in the World and its Development Prospect at Home;国内外PTA生产现状及国内发展前景
4.deal in famous-Brand Chinese and foreign products经营国内外名牌产品
5.The demand is rather high both at home and abroad.国内外的需求量都很高。
6.It enjoys a high reputation in China and abroad.它在国内外享有盛名。
7.The worldwide trends and ideas in translation国内外译界思潮和动态
8.The meeting concerns both foreign and domestic policies.会议关系到国内外政策。
9.NTT DoCoMo s Strategy at Home and Abroad;NTT DoCoMo的国内外战略
10.CMC and Foreign Language Learning Research Home and Abroad: a Retrospection;国内外关于CMC与外语学习研究回顾
11.Analysis of building infrared inspection research situation at home and abroad国内外建筑物红外检测研究状况分析
12.Disclosure of Internal Control Information:The Literature Review at Home and Abroad;内部控制信息披露:国内外文献综述
13.Progress in Production Technology and Market Prospect of Caprolactam at Home and Abroad;己内酰胺生产技术及国内外市场前景
14.Studies on Production and Consumption Market of Caprolactam;国内外己内酰胺生产与消费市场研究
15.The Acquirement of Endocrinology Information at Home and Abroad on Internet互联网上国内外内分泌学资源的获取
16.Handing CAAC exhibitions in China and abroad and CAAC advertisements.承办国内外的中国民航展览、对外宣传广告。
17.Development and Analysids of Recycling Economy in China and Abroad;国内外循环经济的进展及其对国内现状的思考
18.British and Foreign Maritime Agencies英国国内外海运代理商协会

home and abroad国内外
1.A home and abroad investigative-tendency of landslide forecast;滑坡预报国内外研究动态及发展趋势
2.Comparison and analysis of nutrition declaration on nutrition labeling at home and abroad;国内外营养标签中营养成分标示的比较与分析
3.Review on risk assessment methods for soil heavy metal contamination in mines at home and abroad国内外矿山土壤重金属污染风险评价方法综述
3)domestic and foreign国内外
1.The article introduces supply & demand status of domestic and foreign styrene, forecasts market development situation of domestic and foreign styrene and analyzes future price changes of domestic and foreign styrene.分析了国内外苯乙烯市场供需现状,预测了国内外苯乙烯的市场发展趋势及未来价格走势。
2.This text has given a brief outline and induction about the current situation of the domestic and foreign literature reference work,and has put forward some views about literature reference work of our country in the aspect of development,completion,promotion and etc.本文对国内外的文献参考咨询工作现状作了简要概述及归纳,并就我国文献参考咨询工作的开展和完善、提高等方面提出了一些看法。
4)domestic and abroad国内外
1.In this paper, domestic and abroad history of environmental geology development in urban area is briefly introduced, contents of urban environmental geology are detailedly expounded.论文简述了国内外城市环境地质工作的历史发展,着重论述了城市地质工作的内容,指出我国城市环境地质中存在的问题。
2.Urbanization appears a common trend for every country to meet in development,which is the mark of humanbeings civilization and progress,ln this paper,domestic and abroad history of environmental geology development in urban area is briefly introduced,contents of urban environmental geology are detailedly expounded.该文简述了国内外城市环境地质工作的历史发展,着重论述了城市地质工作的现状及发展方向,指出我国城市环境地质中存在的问题。
5)domestic and overseas国内外
1.The domestic and overseas research on the cross-age children s interaction has mainly been made in the two aspects——theoretical exploration and the practical research.国内外关于幼儿异龄交往的研究主要从幼儿异龄交往的理论探讨和实践研究两个角度进行。
2.Objective This review introduced the latest domestic and overseas progress of cataplasm.目的综述了近几年来国内外巴布剂的研究情况。
3.In this paper,constructional details on ductility seismic design of bridge in domestic and overseas criteria and studies of researchers are compared,mainly including:shear requirements and calculation rules of piers、constructional details of longitudinal reinforcement、configuration、space and amount of lateral reinforcement、length of plastic hinge region、anchor and overlap of steel,etc.本文比较了国内外桥梁抗震设计规范和学者提出的桥梁延性抗震构造设计的有关内容,主要包括:桥墩抗剪构造措施的要求及计算规定、延性桥墩中纵向钢筋的构造措施、约束核芯混凝土箍筋的布置形式、箍筋间距、箍筋用量、塑性铰区长度的规定以及钢筋的锚固与搭接规定,旨在对我国桥梁抗震设计提供一定的参考。
6)both at home and abroad国内国外

国内外凹印机的选购及使用指南凹印机的质量 选择高质量的机器,对购置设备后顺利进行生产,实现预期目的有重要意义。为了保证选购到高质量的凹印机,要综合考察凹印机生产厂家的综合实力,包括关键零部件加工实力、员工整体素质(尤其是装配水平)和出厂检验水平。考察凹印设备制造商是否有相当的加工实力,因为印刷机是非标设备,只有控制关键零部件的生产质量才能保证整机质量。包装印刷厂家应和凹印机制造厂商充分沟通,倾听制造商的设计理念,弄清印机的结构特点,通过和制造商互动,对制造商实力全面认识。 凹印机的质量可以从一些重要参数来参考,如适印材料、印刷材料宽度、机械测试速度、印刷速度、印版直径、料卷直径和纵横向自动套印精度。选购凹印机稳定性应该是首先考虑的,其次再考虑速度。一台中速机能稳定生产,比一台高速但总是走走停停的机器产能效率要高很多。考虑机器和零部件升级的可能性,对分阶段购机很重要。如果资金情况允许,还是一次到位为好,以免日后升级耗费更大的人力物力。 凹印机的价格 每个企业都希望花最少钱买最好的机器,但每个档次的机器配置不一样,价格也就不一样。要根据自身需要来决定购买什么档次的机器。国产凹印机中,低档设备比较多,速度在30—50米之间,中档设备印速在80—120米左右,200米以上的高档机则少一些。国外凹印机档次则以中高档为主。凹印机价格也从几十万到数千万不等,印机档次越高自动化程度越高。