室内氡,indoor radon
1)indoor radon室内氡
1.The transferring law of indoor radon and its radiation protective measures;室内氡迁移转化规律及其防护措施
2.The construction materials used in highrise building of urban modernization and central heating,cool-making and close rooms cause indoor radon pollution as one kind of noticeable harm.城市现代化建设中高层建筑使用的建筑材料及其采用的集中供暖、制冷,以至房间常常处于封闭状态,使得室内氡污染成为一种不容忽视的环境危害。
3.In this paper, radon concentration level of domestic water in some main northwestern cities was reported, and indoor radon from domestic water supplies, radon concentration limit of domestic water, radiation harm of domestic water and controlled methods were analyzed.报道了西北主要城市生活用水中氡的浓度水平、分析了生活用水对室内氡的贡献、水氡浓度限值、水氡的辐射危害及危害防护措施等问题。

1.The Investigation of Indoor Radon Levels and Evaluation of the Environmental Radon Quality in Foshan City;佛山楼房室内氡水平调查及氡环境质量评价
2.Indoor Radon Concentrations and Radon Exhalation Rates of Building Materials in Shanghai上海市室内氡浓度水平与建材氡析出率的研究
3.Initiation of a Countrywide Project on Relationship between Indoor Radon and Soil Radon全国室内氡-土壤氡关联性研究课题启动
4.Indoor Air Quality of Hotspring Hotels in Guangdong--Study of Indoor Radon;广东省温泉宾馆室内空气质量研究——室内氡水平研究
5.EOR estimates were similar to those in the extrapolations from miner data and consistent with residential radon studies in North American and Europe.此估算值与矿工数据外推值及北美和欧洲室内氡研究结果类似。
6.Survey on Radon Level, Environment and Workers Health in Greenhouse in Lanzhou;温室内氡浓度及作业环境、作业人员健康状况调查
7.Investigation on the Relation between Radon Exposure Inside an Emporium and Genetic Damage of Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte;商场室内氡暴露与外周血淋巴细胞遗传损伤的相关性研究
8.A new method of measuring indoor radioactivity of radon is presented by using the indoor fast-moving ball as the sample of a radioactive substance.给出了一种用室内快速运动的球体作为放射性样品测量室内氡射气辐射活度的新方法。
9.Analysis and modeling of statistical distributions of indoor radon concentration from data valorization to mapping and simulations are critical issues for real decision-making processes.本研究经由统计分析及模式化室内氡气浓度,使资料绘图及模拟作为真正决策时之依据。
10.Study of Active Carbon Measuring Method for Indoor Radon and Radon Daughters活性炭盒法测量室内空气中氡及其氡子体的研究
11.Study and Hygienic Evaluation on Indoor and Outdoor Radon Concentration in Part Area of Xinjiang Department of Labor Hygiene and Environmental Health in Public Health College, Xinjiang Medical University新疆部分地区室内外氡水平及卫生学评价
12.Indoor Environmental Pollutants Radon、Formaldehyde、Ammonia、Benzene、 TVOC Detection in the Process of Quality Control浅谈室内环境污染物氡、甲醛、氨、苯、TVOC检测过程中的质量控制
13.the radon level in the basement was impermissibly high.地下室的氡含量超标。
14.Uncertainties of radon concentration in a standard radon chamber标准氡室氡浓度不确定度评定方法探讨
15.Design of Hygrothermal Control System in Medium-sized Multifunctional Radon Chamber中型多功能氡室温湿度控制系统设计
16.Indoor Radon Concentration and Estimation of Exposure Dosage of a University in Nanjing;南京市某高校居室氡浓度与照射剂量估算
17.Study of the Pollution of indoor radon and Its Protective Methods;居室氡污染的环境因素及防治方法研究
18.Design of automatic control system of temperature in radon chamber controlled by air-condition based on 485 BUS基于485总线的氡室温度自动调控系统设计

indoor niton pollution室内氡污染
1.Some researches have proved that indoor niton pollution is the second main cause of lung cancer next to smoking.研究证明,室内氡污染在肺癌诱因中仅次于吸烟排在第二位,如果生活在室内氡浓度200Bq/m3的环境中,相当于抽烟15根/人。
3)indoor radon concentration室内氡浓度
1.According to the literature concerned in China,the indoor radon concentration has been increasing significantly during the past two decades and it seems to be increasing in tendency.通过对我国室内氡研究的相关文献资料进行的汇总和分析,表明近20年来我国室内氡浓度明显增高,并有继续增高的趋势,讨论了我国室内氡浓度控制标准及相关研究进展,并在此基础上提出了我国室内氡在环境毒理学、污染控制、标准体系方面研究的建议。
2.This article Select 33 indoor air sampling points, 46 soil sampling points for observation indoor radon migration mechanism, influencing factors, prediction and control measure of indoor radon hazards, drawing the following conclusions:(1) Jiaozuo city annual average indoor radon concentration is 62.(2)地质断层对室内氡浓度有一定影响,地质断层区域带室内平均氡浓度113。
3.Recent studies reveal that indoor radon concentrations have increased in some large and medium-sized cities in China, particularly in Shanghai.近些年的研究表明国内一些大中城市居室内氡浓度呈上升趋势,上海尤为明显。
4)radon chamber氡室
1.Design of measurement & control system based on Labwindows/CVI in radon chamber;基于Labwindows/CVI的氡室测控系统设计
2.The design of data acquisition system for radon chamber;氡室数据采集系统的设计
3.The design of data acquisition system for radon chamber and its USB communication interface;氡室数据采集系统及其USB通信接口设计
6)indoor radon居室氡
1.Study of the Pollution of indoor radon and Its Protective Methods;居室氡污染的环境因素及防治方法研究
